
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society

As is customary, today I want to talk about the power of women.

It's just that some recent events have made me feel a little powerless in assessing the overall situation of women.

Xuzhou Feng County iron chain woman needless to say, this is a crime.

It is from time to time that I see that some proposals to encourage the third child always make me feel that something is not quite right.

To use an analogy, it may not be very appropriate, it looks like:

Only thinking about getting eggs, but not first asking the hen's ideas, nor to improve the situation of the hen, but desperately come up with ideas: how much subsidies can be given to the third egg, how many extra points can be given...

This underlying logic does not dare to think deeply, anyway, gives me a personal feeling is:

Discussion comes and goes, women seem to be just a tool person, dare to worry about us is to let us have more children. How many people really care about the plight women face? How many people are really working to solve women's worries?

Is the reason for the decline in fertility intentions that we lack kindergarten tuition?

Three-child college entrance examination plus 20 points? What did the first and second children do wrong? Is this fair? Someone may have been preparing to have a first or second child, this proposal seems to be dissuading: having a first child and a second child is not beneficial, compared with others, you directly lost 20 points on the starting line.

It can be seen with the naked eye that an unscientific proposal will not only not increase the fertility rate of three children, but may reduce the fertility rate of one child and two children.

I would very much like to make a suggestion: stop urging marriage and childbearing!

All marriage and child-urging that do not care about women's worries are hooligans, not only do not have an egg, but will be counterproductive.

So what are the main worries of our women about having babies?

I'll list 6 today, and if the sisters have any thoughts, please add them.

According to my personality, ask questions and also give solutions.

So after each problem, I will also brainstorm the solution, say whatever I think, and don't like it. We also welcome our contributions and open and friendly discussions.

A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society


When you are young, you have to fight for a career, or you can't find the right person to marry, and when the conditions are ripe, you miss the best childbearing age.

Because of the limitations of childbearing age, young women are always under the pressure of time, like having an alarm clock, ticking in the countdown.

Whether it is love, mate selection, career selection, promotion... They are all disturbed by this "tick-tock", so that they reluctantly compromise and passively give up.

Brain Hole:

1. Allow single women to freeze their eggs.

2. Assisted reproduction into medical insurance (Beijing medical insurance has just covered "IVF").


No one helped us with the kids, so it was better to take the handle.

In fact, many of my friends around me have only one humble wish: teammates do not drag their legs and do not sing the opposite, thank God.

As an education blogger, you can receive a lot of messages every day, and the problem of disappearing after the "double subtraction" after the after-school class is more prominent, probably concentrated in the following items:

Extracurricular classes are gone, especially on weekends and holidays, who wants us to have three babies, big babies and two babies?

After-school service schools are uneven, some are mixed time, do not want to sit in the classroom and forced to sit, can not move the eyes but will be myopic.

I would rather pay for a better after-school class, and I can't stand the low-quality hosting, wasting my child's precious time and growth opportunities!

We also want to reduce the burden on the child, but reducing the burden on the child is not the same as adding a burden to our old mother!

It is not that we must force our children to go to extracurricular classes, but extracurricular classes can also help us manage children for a while to let us breathe, otherwise from morning to night, we are alone in managing our children, and we will go crazy if we are not tired.

In addition, whether or not to have children, can have a few, and whether there are elderly people in the family to help have a lot to do.

One year I went to the physical examination, queued up outside the B ultrasound, and heard a girl next to me chatting with her companions:

-"I'm starting to get pregnant. ”

- "You changed your mind?" ”

-"My mom said she gave birth to her to help me bring it. Otherwise I wouldn't have been born. ”

1. Maternity leave is granted to the woman's spouse.

2. Improve the quality of after-school hosting, increase the hosting of weekends and holidays in time, and choose to increase the paid option in addition to free.

3. In order to take care of the third generation of the elderly who live with their children, solve the medical reimbursement in different places, relax the housing purchase indicators, and give rental subsidies.

4. The state supports some qualified units to open preschool kindergarten institutions in the units.

A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society


When we had children, no one paid us and there was no financial security.

From the time a woman is pregnant and breastfeeding to before the child reaches the age of 3, a certain amount or proportion of the spouse's income is transferred directly from the spouse's unit to the woman's account;


By the time we raise our children and go back to work, we don't have a job or can't find a job.

The requirement to protect female employees should not be directly imposed on enterprises. The purpose of the company itself is to pursue profits, and even if it is superficially equal, it is still more difficult for women to find jobs than men in reality. If companies are left to bear the additional costs of hiring women on their own, the road to women's employment will be even more difficult.

1. Because of childbirth or support, from pregnancy to before the child is 3 years old, women can apply for suspension of pay to stay in work, and the state gives enterprise subsidies according to the number of women who have been suspended from work in the enterprise.

2, the state according to the characteristics of different industries, the development of a certain proportion of male and female recruitment reference ratio, if the number of female employees recruited by an enterprise exceeds the proportion set by the state, the enterprise can obtain certain subsidies or tax reductions and other preferential treatment.


In case we get divorced and we don't get alimony with the baby.

This is no joke, there are already too many cases in society: divorced women have fallen back into poverty because they can't get alimony, and because their babies affect their work, and their living standards have dropped sharply.

In addition to the fact that in the event of divorce, women themselves strive to transfer alimony at one time, and there are the following brain holes, which are actually the practice of some developed countries.

For a divorced party with children, alimony is transferred directly to the spouse's account on a monthly basis by the spouse's employer.


Worry about the personal safety of children, especially girls.

1. Severely punish crimes such as abduction, trafficking, and bribery of women and children, and strengthen judicial and law enforcement safeguards.

2. Severely punish crimes such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and establish a special monitoring and management platform.

3. In order to alleviate the problem of marriage and childbearing for men in some rural areas, in accordance with the principles of voluntariness, equality and orientation, the immigration policy is appropriately opened to women in poor countries.

Finally, I still want to say it fairly: the proposal of the deputies to the two sessions, encouraging the three children accounted for only a small part, and the proposals of more representatives focused on protecting women's rights and interests, but they were not so widely circulated.

Therefore, I have also collected the following proposals in this regard and shared them as follows:

A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society
A fertility-friendly society, first and foremost a female-friendly society

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