
Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters

On February 26, more than 30 young elephant reporters walked into the Chinese Character Museum to understand the history of the development of Chinese characters and feel the charm of Ancient Chinese Character Culture.

The Museum of Chinese Characters is the first museum in mainland China to focus on characters, involving oracle bones, gold texts, Jian Mu, And Shu shu.

Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters

A large number of armors with oracle bones written on them, bronzes with inscriptions, etc., are vividly presented in front of the eyes of the young reporter of the elephant, and under the leadership of the explainer, they jointly learn the growth history of Chinese characters and the wisdom and diligence of their ancestors.

Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters

From oracle bones to small seals, from lishu to cursive, xingshu, and calligraphy, the explanation teacher systematically introduced the history of the development of writing. Although the text is ancient, the exhibition method of the text museum makes full use of various high-tech means to show the evolution of the text to the members in the form of animation and video, which caused a surprise to the young reporters. In addition to being impressed by the oracle bones, the large number of bronzes in the museum also opened everyone's eyes. From the manufacturing process of bronzes, from the evolution of the four-pointed square to the triangular round, from the evolution of various coins, the research process is accompanied by questions and interactions, and the young reporters have deeply felt and benefited.

Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters

In this study activity, the young reporters had a deeper understanding of the history of the development of writing and felt the charm of Chinese characters in an immersive way. At the same time, the young reporters were also proud to be in the birthplace of Oracle, and they said that they must study hard in the future, write in a dignified manner, behave in an upright manner, carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, inherit the Chinese character, and show the charm of the Chinese character.

Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters
Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters
Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters
Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters
Elephant News reporter takes you through the history of Chinese characters

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