
Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?


Today is March 8, International Women's Day. For a long time, I have been somewhat resistant to this festival. After all, I have a job and don't have to take a vacation. Dear little sisters, I have already happily called on friends and friends. Eat and shop and sing k, one-stop consumption happy.

365 days (except leap years), which is almost the only happy day. Unmarried, idle and there is no need to deliberately entertain themselves. Those who are married are usually in the chai rice oil and salt, in the pots and pans. Although it will also be lamented: one person has the happiness of one person, and two people also have the happiness of two people. Qing Huan was like a dream, asking for not so much.


Today, I see that the editors in the group are material in collecting this aspect. And, throw out the topic of "what is the true freedom in the hearts of women". Freedom, the word really weighs a thousand pounds. If it is for the sake of freedom, even love, life, or anything can be abandoned.

In fact, whether you choose to be a full-time mother or a working mother, there is no right or wrong, and there is no better than the other, which deserves enough respect, understanding and recognition from society and family.

Therefore, the true freedom in women's hearts is: respect, understanding and recognition.

Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?

First: respect.

Respect means respect, attention, the old saying refers to the other party as a higher status than their own and must pay attention to the mentality and its words and deeds, which have now been gradually extended to the mentality of treating each other as equals and their words and deeds.

Even if everyone says "equality between men and women", this has always been unequal. Society is like this, only start from yourself, start from the side. In everything, try not to use "gender" as a shield. The traditional gender concept of "male outside and female inside" is still far-reaching, and the unequal division of household chores makes women bear more unpaid labor. Have you ever asked for warmth? Do you have any intention of accomplishing it together?

Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?

Second: understanding

Full-time wives, they work almost twenty-four hours a day. Their source of "income" is their husbands, do you understand that your wife is not much easier than yourself? Do you understand that the family you give may not even be as good as the remuneration she deserves?

Married career women, do you think they can really devote themselves to their careers? Women's time is occupied by family affairs, and they have little energy left in their own work. However, the work will not be easier than men, and the salary will not be more than that of men.

Even single women, they are struggling with self-sufficiency. You have to understand that they are creating their own future through their own efforts. It is better to be respected than to wait for her husband to raise such an independent spirit.

Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?

Finally: recognition

This recognition is really unattainable.

The editor gives an example: society's demands and prejudices against women are, of course, not just "shape". It also requires women to "cultivate both inside and outside, and have both form and spirit." "Up to the hall, down to the kitchen." A woman, to be beautiful and thin, knowledgeable, virtuous wife and mother, baby cooking, poetry and far away, earning money to support the family, none of them can be delayed.

Recognizing that others are better than yourself is hard. Recognizing that others are more meritorious than yourself is difficult. In addition, it is also necessary to attack the age and gender all the time.

To borrow a line from a stand-up comedian: Why do you look so ordinary, but you can be so confident. Why? Just because you're a man? (Text/Drifting Yu tong)

Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?


The true freedom in the hearts of women is to receive the minimum respect, understanding and recognition. The road is long and the road is long, and I will seek up and down. Do you expect men to wake up and change their ways? Forget it. It is better to be self-reliant and seek self-blessings.

To borrow the blessings of my favorite male god cv sky, bless the little sisters:

Big flowers, medium flowers, small flowers, flower bones ~ Happy Holidays!

Gossip Goddess Day: Men must know, what is the true freedom in the hearts of women?

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