
Solstice Habits: 5 Similar Good Habits for Happy Families

Solstice Habits: 5 Similar Good Habits for Happy Families

Tolstoy said that happy families are generally similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes.

He said that the happy family is generally similar, and the essence is to say that the happy family style is generally similar.

The happy family style is generally similar, and the essence is to say that the core habits of key members of the family (parents/couples) are roughly similar.

So, what are the similar core habits of the key family members of a happy family?

After years of observation, summary and self-validation, there are roughly 5 habit groups:

1. Be diligent and optimistic

Husbands and wives are relatively honest, generous, diligent, optimistic, couples communicate well, and have a unique gray and harmonious communication password and channel (others can't understand, feel that they are playing dumb riddles, or guessing word puzzles), there is no shortage of laughter at home.

Note: Good quality is good habit, all cultivated.

Solstice Habits: 5 Similar Good Habits for Happy Families

2. Neat and serene

The family is always clean and tidy, refreshing and bright, warm and pleasant, there are books and paintings and green plants, the home is overflowing with transparent rationality, and kind tolerance, there is no lack of encouragement and guidance among the family, and there is little criticism and accusation.

3. Conjugal love

The husband loves his wife very much, respects, appreciates, trusts his wife, cares, understands, and sympathizes with his wife, often kisses, hugs, and touches his wife, and almost never speaks ill of his wife.

The husband often cooks, and most of them have practiced a good cooking skill.

4. Grow together

Both husband and wife attach importance to personal growth and use personal growth to drive the growth of the whole family.

Husband basically has no bad habits, eager to learn, learning more seriously than children, the amount of exercise, reading, writing more than children every year, often learning with children, taking children to exercise, traveling, participating in social practice, leading by example to raise children, teaching by example is more important than words.

Children basically have no resentment and misunderstanding about their parents and are willing to communicate with their parents.

Solstice Habits: 5 Similar Good Habits for Happy Families

5. Economic health

The family economy is healthy, the income and expenditure are balanced, there is savings, there is investment, the advocate of frugality, the advocating of simple life, the spending of money is very restrained, and the dependence on money is low.

The wife is in charge of the family finances, and the husband is generally in control, basically asking for the details of income and expenditure.

Speaking of a thousand ways and ten thousand, they are all qualities, skills and kung fu that have been practiced, and the core is: continue to do the right things in the right way, and naturally become a habit over time.

Solstice Habits: 5 Similar Good Habits for Happy Families

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