
During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

In the problem of children's eating, parents do a good job in these three aspects, which can effectively avoid and prevent children from having double rows of teeth and crooked teeth. Parents and friends should pay attention.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Bao Ma Xiaoyu's husband teeth have the problem of "earth wrapping the sky", but the husband's parents and elders do not have such a problem, as to why the husband's teeth have the problem of "earth wrapping the sky", is because the feeding posture is incorrect, or because of other problems, this is impossible to know.

Since she became pregnant, Baoyu, baoma Xiaoyu, has attached great importance to this problem, fearing that her son's teeth will also have the problem of "wrapping the sky", which will affect his appearance. Before the son has begun to grow teeth, he often runs to the hospital, takes the child to see the dentistry, and asks the doctor to check whether the child's teeth will have the problem of "covering the sky".

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Due to the number of times to go to the dentistry, the doctors are very helpless, just tell the mother Xiaoyu child's teeth, whether there is a problem of "earth wrapping the sky", now can not see it, until the child's teeth all grow out, can be seen. How the child's teeth really have the problem of "earth wrapping the sky", then it is also possible to correct it when the time comes, so that Bao Ma Xiaoyu does not have to worry and worry too much.

Although Bao Ma Xiaoyu listened to the doctor's explanation, she still took her child to the doctor from time to time. Until the child's deciduous teeth are fully erupted, after the doctor confirms that the child's teeth do not have the problem of "covering the sky", Bao Ma Xiao Aunt is relieved. Therefore, for the child's dental problems, he relaxed his vigilance.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Subsequently, the child's dental problems once again triggered the anxiety of Bao Ma Xiaoyu. Because Bao Ma Xiaoyu found that her son not only had some teeth that looked a little crooked, but also had a double row of teeth problem.

After some conversation with the doctor, I learned that the child had double rows of teeth and crooked teeth, which turned out to be a problem in the child's diet.

The doctor told Bao Ma Xiaoyu that most children have double-row tooth problems caused by dietary problems, and the daily diet is too fine and eats too well. The child's deciduous teeth are like the flowers in the greenhouse, which are well cared for, which leads the child to the tooth replacement period, the child's deciduous teeth are still not falling out normally, which leads to the eruption of the permanent teeth, there is no position, and then it shifts and appears in other positions, which eventually leads to the problem of double row teeth positions of the child.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

After some examination, it was found that the child's double-row teeth problem was not serious, so the doctor suggested that Baoyu, the mother, let the child nibble on apples, corn, often eat nuts and other hard foods. This helps your baby's baby teeth to fall out normally, thus avoiding and preventing double pressure problems.

Bao Ma Xiaoyu knows from the doctor that if you want to better prevent and avoid the problem of double teeth in your child, then you need to do the following three things in the child's diet.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Avoid making your child eat too fine

Nowadays, living conditions have improved, and people's eating conditions have also greatly improved, but the problems have also come with them. In order for our children to develop better, we often attach great importance to our children's diet. Thus, the complementary food made for children, in addition to ensuring rich nutrition, often focuses on refinement.

For example, when children eat corn, they make one grain after another; when they eat apples, they are also cut into small cubes; in order to facilitate children to swallow food, they often make food soft and sticky. These will cause the child's teeth to not be exercised, there is no pressure, so that the normal time to fall out is reached, and the deciduous teeth do not fall out.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

The child's diet is too fine, not tight can easily lead to the child's deciduous teeth can not fall out normally, resulting in the child's double-row teeth problem, but also will lead to the child's chewing ability to become poor.

Generally speaking, the child's tooth change is from the age of 5 to 6 years old, if you want to avoid better avoid the problem of the child's double teeth, then it is best to start from the age of 2 or 3, you need to give the child's diet, add some more chewy and harder food.

For example, let the child nibble corn, nibble apples, nibble sugar cane, eat beef jerky, dried tofu and other hard foods, so as to exercise the child's chewing ability, stimulate the child's baby teeth normally fall out, so as to help the child avoid crooked teeth, or double teeth and other problems.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Avoid having a child's diet too rich, which can lead to overnutrition

Today's children are often not malnourished. On the contrary, more and more children will have the problem of overnutrition, which will induce the problem of obesity in children.

It is precisely because the child's daily diet is too nutritious, which also leads to some problems with the child's teeth. Because the child's nutrition is too rich, resulting in the child's permanent teeth growing too fast, in the period when the deciduous teeth have not fallen, the permanent teeth begin to grow and develop, thus gradually erupting, which also increases the probability of the child's double teeth.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Failure to detect dental problems in time delays the best time for treatment

Dental problems are easy for many children, and many times they are due to the parents' lack of attention, or negligence that causes the problem to be further serious.

For example, before the child has not changed his teeth, some parents may think that the child's deciduous teeth will be changed sooner or later, and that it has nothing to do with whether they are bad or not. Even if the deciduous teeth have worm teeth, it is no problem to take good care of them after the teeth are replaced.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

It is precisely because of such a wrong concept of parents that some children frequently have dental problems. It should be known that the child's deciduous teeth fall out prematurely, or caries appears, which will affect the normal eruption of permanent teeth, and eventually may also lead to the permanent teeth erupting, the position is long, or there is a double row of teeth.

For the sake of children's dental health, parents must pay attention to their children's dental care, not only need to let children develop the habit of brushing their teeth on time and morning every day, but also need to often check the child's dental health, so that when there is a problem, take the child to the hospital in time to solve and deal with it, so as to minimize the impact of dental problems.

During the baby's tooth change, how to avoid the child's double rows of teeth and crooked teeth?

Children have worm teeth, crooked teeth, twin teeth and other problems, parents should pay attention to, if these problems occur, you should take the child to the hospital for hospital examination as soon as possible, follow the doctor's guidance and advice, in order to help the child solve the dental problem, so that the child's teeth have a healthy and neat teeth.

To know that if the child wants to develop well, it is necessary for the child to eat well and sleep well, and the body will be healthier, which will promote the healthy development of the child, which is also inseparable from a good tooth. Therefore, the child's dental health is very important, parents are best to take their children to the hospital regularly to check the dental health, have you done it?

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