
Elementary school grades 1-6 idiom encyclopedia, hurry up to collect for children! Explanations apply

Whispers say:

Idioms are a very important part of language learning, children can not only use idioms to polish their own language and composition, add points, but also learn the wisdom of many ancients from idioms and allusions. Today's whisper summarizes the idioms of primary school grades 1-6, with an explanation. Mom and Dad, hurry up and collect it for your children!

First grade

1. Thunder and thunder: The sound of laughter rings like thunder. Describe the moving scene of warm cheering.

2. Ecstasy: Ecstasy: Joy; If: As if; Madness: Loss of Control. Described as extremely happy. Example: The whole class celebrates the first place.

3. Singing and dancing: Singing and dancing at the same time. Describe it as having fun. Example: At the Spring Festival Gala, representatives of all ethnic groups dressed in festive costumes sing and dance on the stage to celebrate the festival.

4. Brilliant lights: Describe the bustling scene of bright lights at night.

5. Spring warm blossoms: Spring climate is warm, hundreds of flowers bloom, beautiful scenery. It's a great time to visit and watch. Example: ~, I take my children to work in the countryside.

6. Spring is full of garden: the garden is full of beautiful scenery of spring. A metaphor for a thriving scene. Source: Song Ye Shaoweng 'Visiting the Garden Is Not Worth It's Worth it's": "You should pity the teeth and print the moss, and the small buckle of firewood will not be opened for a long time." The spring color of the garden could not be closed, and a red apricot branch came out of the wall. ”

7. Spring is bright: bright: beautiful, lovely. Describe the scenery of spring as vivid and cute.

8. Spring: meaning: meaning; Spring is a strong one. Example: The northern country is still cold in spring, but the southern country has been ~ .

9. Jingwei Reclamation: Bird names in ancient mythology. Jingwei came to the wood and stone, determined to fill the sea. The old metaphor was a deep hatred and a desire for revenge. The latter parable is determined and not afraid of hardship.

10. Foolishness Moves Mountains: The metaphor of relentlessly transforming nature and unswervingly waging a struggle. Example: In the modernization drive, we must carry forward the spirit of ~ .

11. No return: Fold: Frustration. The metaphor is strong-willed, no matter how many setbacks it suffers, it does not waver in retreat.

12. Courage to move forward: Bravely keep moving forward.

13. Pain and itch correlation: Describe a close relationship with each other.

14. Love as deep as the sea: Describe love as deep, as immeasurable as the sea.

15. Grace is as heavy as a mountain: Grace is deep, as deep as a mountain. Example: Divine monk ~, widow reward is not exhausted.

16. Step-by-step: refers to the gradual deepening or improvement of study and work according to certain steps. Example: She usually writes from one angle, not from several angles; or just writes in a ~ way, rather than writing in an intricate way.

17. From shallow to deep: from shallow to deep.

18. Accumulation day by day, month by month. Refers to the continuous accumulation of time.

19. Wen old knows new: Wen: review; therefore: old. Review old knowledge and gain new understandings and experiences. It also refers to recalling the past and being able to better understand the present. Example: ~ is an important method of learning.

20. Mountains everywhere: man: full; all over: everywhere. It's everywhere in the mountains and fields. Describe a lot. Example: Spring is coming, and they are all dressed in green.

21. Green leaves into yin: refers to a woman who marries and has children. It is also a metaphor for the lush green leaves covering the shade.

22. Heaven and Earth: As long as Heaven and Earth have existed. Describe time is long. It is also described as eternal (mostly referring to love). Example: Let's make our friendship last forever.

23. The tree has deep roots: The metaphor is powerful and the foundation is solid.

24. Man has no far-sighted worries, but will have near-term worries: worries: considerations; worries: sorrows. If people do not have long-term considerations, there will certainly be immediate troubles. It means that looking at things and doing things should have a broad vision and careful consideration.

25. Be prepared: Affliction: Affliction, Calamity. By preparing in advance, you can avoid evil. Example: Only by carefully reviewing can you be prepared and confident when you take the exam, and get good results.

26. Prevention before it happens: affliction: disaster; undeserved: without this, means that it has not yet been formed. Prevent accidents or disasters before they occur.

27. Not afraid in the face of danger: pro: encountered; dangerous: dangerous; afraid: afraid. When encountering danger, I am not afraid at all. Example: A comrade of the police, in a car to fight against bad people, is not afraid of danger.

28. Resourceful and judgmental: very resourceful and good at judgment. Example: Although Zhu Yuanzhang is resourceful and judgmental, he is not afraid to be fierce, and killing his own heroes is more powerful than killing the enemy.

29. Calm: Calm: not hurried, very calm; not urgent: not in a hurry. Not in a hurry, calm and composed. Example: In the face of a fierce enemy, he still calmly and calmly faces it.

30. Square inches are not chaotic: square inches: refers to the heart. The mood is not disturbed. Describe people who can calm down when they encounter special emergencies.

Second grade

1. Lantern color: Hang a lantern and tie a colorful silk. Describe a festival or a scene of festive events.

2. Get Together: Gather together joyfully. Example: People ~, celebrating the Spring Festival.

3. Celebrating together: People under the world or people all over the country celebrate together.

4. Joyful: Yangyang: Proud look. Filled with a joyful look or atmosphere.

5. Fight for the odd: strange: strange; colorful: colorful. Describe a hundred flowers in bloom, very gorgeous.

6. Colorful: colorful: various colors; colorful: a variety of staggered looks. There are many colors and it is very beautiful.

7. All colors: all kinds of things are complete.

8. Wading through the mountains: Trekking over the mountains; Wading: wading through the water with your feet across the river. Cross mountains and rivers. Describe the hardships of walking a long way.

9. Meal wind and drink dew: Describe the hardships of travel or wild life.

10. Pleasing to the Eye: Pleasing to the Eye: Comfortable to watch. It means that you are in a good mood when you see a beautiful view.

11. Licking The Love of the Calf: Licking: Licking. Calf: Calf. The cow licks the calf to show love for it. A metaphor for the love of children.

12. Black bird private love: black bird: ancient legend, the little black can feed the old black. Parable of filial piety to honor one's relatives. Example: The subject has been away from home for a long time, and the old mother is now sick and dying, hoping that His Majesty will give the subject to return to his hometown.

13. Heavenly Happiness: Tianlun: Old refers to the relationship between father and son, brother and so on. Generally refers to the fun of the family. Example: At this time, if the father can maintain a fairly rich income, the family is of course full of ~.

14. Endless fun: there is no end to the fun. Refers to a certain job in the imperial court, and feels happy in it.

15. Rubbing your fists: Describe the way people are uplifted and eager to try before fighting or laboring. Example: This is the first time to go out on a horse, people are all ~, and their hearts are suddenly jumping ready for battle.

16. Lively tiger: Describe lively and healthy, full of vitality.

17. Strong body: Describe the body as strong and powerful. Example: At that time, Uncle Zhong was still tall, with a red face and a short beard with black and yellow.

18. Copper and iron bones: tendons like copper, bones like iron. The metaphor is a very strong body. It also refers to people who can take on heavy responsibilities.

19. Xinxin students: Xinxin, many looks. Refers to good students who study better, have higher degrees, study hard, and are more serious.

20. Li Xue Asks: The old meaning is that students are respectfully taught. Parable to the Venerable Master.

21. Spring wind and rain: transformation: metaplasia and nurturing. Refers to the wind and rain suitable for the growth of grass and trees. A metaphor for good lavender and education.

22. Children can be taught: it means that young people can be cultivated.

23. Touching the heart: Make people deeply moved inside.

24. Sing and cry: Cry, cry silently. It is worth singing, praising, and moving people to tears. Describe the heroic and tragic touching deeds

25. Arduous: Extraordinary: Extraordinary. The spirit of perseverance and hard work is beyond the ordinary.

26. Earth-shattering: shock, alarm; movement: shock. Stir up heaven and earth. Describe the momentum or meaning of an event.

27. Wear the stars and wear the moon: wear the stars and wear the moon on your head. It is very hard to describe running all night or going out early and returning late.

28. Meteor Catching the Moon: Like a meteor chasing the moon. Describe acting quickly.

29. Stars holding the moon: Many stars set off the moon. The parable holds the crowd of a man they respect and love.

30. Cloud support moon: baking, rendering; supporting, setting. Originally, it refers to a traditional technique of painting the moon. The post-parable is rendered from the side to show or highlight the subject.

Third grade

1. Meteorology: Meteorology: Scenarios. Describe a sight or thing as magnificent and varied. Example: This majestic and beautiful Yangtze River is really beautiful.

2. Changeable: Changeable like the wind and clouds. The metaphor is that the situation changes rapidly and the movement is unpredictable.

3. Looming: Vague, not clear.

4. Ride the clouds and drive the fog: Ride the clouds and drive the fog. Originally, it was said that people who could do magic flew in clouds, and later described galloping as fast or dizzy. Example: This is not a horse at all, it is a white dragon! A white dragon.

5. Fluttering Desire: Desire: Will. Flying up, as if to transcend the earthly world and become immortals. The feeling of many fingers is relaxed and refreshing. It also describes the sentiments of poetry, calligraphy, etc. as brisk and ethereal.

6. White Cloud Dog: Cang: Gray-white. The floating clouds were like white clothes, and in an instant they became like dogs. Figurative things change.

7. Instantaneous: instantaneous: a blink of an eye; breath: breathing. There are many changes in a very short period of time. Descriptions change a lot quickly.

8. Profitable: Figure: Seeking. There are interests to be sought.

9. Organic: Opportunity: Opportunity. Multiply: Take advantage of. There is an opportunity to take advantage of that there is a hole that can be drilled.

10. There is a root and a bottom: there is a beginning and an end. Refers to being able to do things to the end.

11. There is a beginning and an end: there is a beginning and an end. It means that you can do things to the end.

12. Difficult to say: There are words that are inconvenient to say or dare not say.

13. Have no fear: Because there is dependence and no fear, no scruples. More pejorative.

14. Responsive: As long as someone asks for help, they will definitely agree.

15. Aspiring to succeed: it means that as long as the will is firm, things will be able to be done.

16. Fenghua Zhengmao: Fenghua: Style and talent. Mao: Exuberant. Style and talent are flourishing. Describe the youthful spirit of being vigorous and energetic.

17. Outstanding: Out: Out: Beyond. Class: Homogeneous. PULL: High. Aggregate: Refers to people or things that come together. The character of man is outstanding, higher than that of his peers.

18. Quick thinking: Describe people with quick thinking and outstanding talent.

19. The afterlife is fearsome: Young people are the new force, likely to surpass their predecessors, and are therefore worthy of awe.

20. Literary thinking is like a spring: The writing ideas are as fast, rich and fluent as the rushing of spring water.

21. Keep waving your hand: Keep waving your hand. Describe the writing as quick and fast writing.

22. Raw flowers in the pen: Describe the article as well written.

23. Force through the back of the paper: Describe the calligraphy painting pen as powerful and powerful. It is also described as profound and powerful in poetry.

24. Exquisite: Exquisite: exquisite. Absolutely: Unbeatable. Exquisite and wonderful to the extreme.

25. Pure fire: Pure: Pure. The Taoist priest refined Dan, believing that refining into the furnace and emitting a pure blue flame would be considered a success. Later, it was used as a metaphor for kung fu to achieve the state of perfection.

26. Vivid appearance: Describe the expression realistically, making people feel as if they have seen it with their own eyes.

27. Lifelike: Vivid: Lively and vivid look. It means that the artistic image is very realistic, as if it were alive.

28. Dream Pen Flowers: Figurative writing skills have improved a lot. Also described as well written.

29. Natural: Describe the structure of the poem as strict and natural, and there is no trace of axe chiseling in the word movement. It also describes the perfection of human nature.

30. 100 Pieces of Fighting Wine: Drink a bucket of wine and compose a hundred poems. Describe a quick mind.

31. Ghostly Craftsmanship: The elephant is made by the ghost god. Describe artistic skill as superb and not human.1

33. Self-improvement: Self-improvement: self-improvement: self-effort upwards; interest: stop. Consciously strive upwards and never slacken off. Example: If a country wants to be strong, it must have the spirit of ~.

34. Bear the burden of humiliation: endure grievances and bear heavy responsibilities.

35. Be consistent: the same from start to finish.

36. Flying sand and stones: The sand is flying and the stones are rolling. Describe the wind as violent.

37. Aiming for a Thousand Miles: Have great ambitions and ideals.

38. Righteousness: Righteousness: Morality. REGURK: Look back. It refers to moving forward courageously for the sake of a just cause without hesitation.

39. Unswerving: Describe people's positions, opinions, opinions, etc. as fixed and single-minded, and do not waver.

40. Sit back and watch success or failure: Refers to coldly watching the successes and failures of others without helping.

41. Hold still: Control the army and make it temporarily inactive in order to wait for the right moment.

42. Too hasty: Exercise: handle, engage. Urgent: Rapid noise. Things are too rushed.

43. Rash moves: Light: rash, imprudent. Delusion: Casual, random. Refers to acting rashly and blindly without careful consideration.

44. Stir up the wind: Do: Rise. The metaphor incites provocation and creates trouble.

45. Stupid: Stupid: The way bugs crawl. Describe moving slowly like a bug.

46. Thunder and lightning: as fierce as thunder, as fast as the wind. Describe doing things violently and acting quickly.

47. Move in the wind: Act immediately when you hear the wind or news.

48. Smoke waves: Smoke waves: misty water surface; vast: vast water surface. Describe the smoke-shrouded rivers and lakes as vast and boundless.

49. Talk and laugh: there is talk and laughter, and the interest is high. Describe the conversation as pleasant and funny.

50. Smooth sailing: The boat is full of sails and sails downwind. The metaphor goes very smoothly without any hindrance.

51. Calm wind and waves: refers to no wind and waves. The metaphor is calm and uneventful.

52. Gulls and waters are interdependent: The metaphor is inseparable from the environment on which they live.

53. Pleasant heart: comfortable mood, happy spirit. Example: Standing on the top of the Purple Gold Mountain, everything is under the eyes, which is pleasant.

54. Seedling growth: Pull up the seedlings to help the seedlings grow quickly. The metaphor violates the law of development of things, and the rush to achieve results can only backfire.

55. Cup bow snake shadow: the metaphor of doubting the gods and ghosts, disturbing each other.

56. Praying mantis catching cicadas, yellow finches behind: The mantis is about to catch cicadas, but the yellow finches are about to eat it behind it. The metaphor is short-sighted, only thinking of counting others, not thinking that others are calculating him.

57. Sandpiper-mussel competition: "Sandpiper-mussels compete, fishermen gain profit" provincial language. The parable is that the two sides cannot stand each other, and the third party benefits from it.

58. Zheng Ren Buys Shoes: Used to satirize people who only believe in dogma and do not care about reality.

59. Ye Gong Hao Long: Ye Gong: Noble of the Chu State during the Spring and Autumn Period, named Zi Gao, was enfeoffed in Ye (古邑名, in present-day Ye County, Henan). The parable pays lip service to loving something, but in fact it is not really a hobby.

60. Fox Fake Tiger Wei: False: By virtue. The parable relies on the power of others to frighten and oppress people.

61. Qian Donkey Skill Poor: Qian: In the area of present-day Guizhou Province; Skill: Skill; Poor: Exhausted. The limited skill of metaphor has also been exhausted.

Fourth grade

1. Spring is as deep as the sea: The beautiful scenery of spring is as deep and wide as the sea. Describe the earth full of bright spring light.

2. Wind and moon boundless: describe the beautiful scenery.

3. Xanadu: refers to a place or a place or situation that is detached from reality in the fantasy of a happy life that is not affected by the outside world.

4. There are mountains outside the mountains: Describe the scene surrounded by mountains.

5. Waterfall Flowing Spring: The waterfall is rushing and the spring water is flowing.

6. Ancient trees towering in the sky: ancient trees towering in the sky.

7. Poetic feelings: the beautiful mood of poetry and painting.

8. Spectacular: Colorful and become a grand sight.

9. Shallow taste: Describe not delving deeply into things and not seeking to understand.

10. Swallow dates: swallow the dates without chewing, without tasting, and swallow the dates whole. Parables are not analyzed, do not seek understanding, and are stripped alive.

11. Floating light: The metaphor is not very impressive, like the reflection of the water surface and the shadow that flashes by, and it passes in a flash.

12. Not very much: It ends without being very clear.

13. Heaven rewards diligence: Heaven will reward those who are diligent. Pointing out that hard work is bound to lead to achievement.

14. Practice makes perfect: Skilled skills will produce dexterous methods.

15. Find the root cause: Seek the root cause, investigate the details, and describe everything as a matter of reason.

16. Omniscience: There is nothing not to know. Describe people as knowledgeable.

17. Stand up: Describe not avoiding hardships and bravely standing up. For example, in the face of dangerous situations, PLA fighters stepped forward to protect national property and people's lives.

18. The best of both worlds: Do one thing that takes care of both sides and makes both sides good. Example: Doing housework can not only exercise your ability to live independently, but also reduce the burden on your parents, is this not the best of both worlds?

19. Fledgling: The first time to come out and do things. Or the analogy of a lack of experience and naivety when I first joined the work.

20. Talent: to be fully revealed.

21. Things as Gods: Describing things that anticipate the future is very accurate.

22. Be bold and careful: Do things decisively and cautiously.

23. Bow down and die: Do your best to serve until you die.

25. It is difficult to support alone: The metaphor of a collapsed situation cannot be supported and saved by the strength of one person. It is also a metaphor for difficult things that no one person can do.

26. Weakness: The metaphor cannot recover a serious situation or illness.

27. Angel in White: It is an honorific title for medical workers.

28. Jade clean ice: as clean as jade and ice. The figurative man's conduct is white.

29. Saving lives and helping the injured: Saving people who are about to die and helping the injured. Describe the spirit of medical workers to serve the people wholeheartedly.

30. Do not be alarmed: In the face of chaos, you can calm down and not panic.

31. One heart: One heart for thousands of people.

32. Unity of purpose: Everyone works together as strong as a city wall. The metaphor is that when everyone unites, they can overcome difficulties and succeed.

33. Hardship: Enduring hardships and hardships.

34. Sacrifice life and forget death: Describe disregarding the danger of life.

35. Tired bird knows: The tired bird knows to return to the nest.

36. Hordes: People gather in groups and unite into teams. There are many people to describe.

37. One singing and one harmony: one person sings, one person joins. The two sides of the parable echo each other and cooperate with each other.

38. Calling friends to lead the class: greeting friends and leading the same kind.

39. Cheering: Shouting with joy and jumping like a sparrow. Describe a joyful scene.

40. Intoxicated: Describe what it looks like to be fascinated.

41. Late at night: It's late at night, there is no sound, there is silence.

42. Drowsiness: Groggy want to sleep. Describe extreme fatigue or mental atrophy.

43. Want to talk and stop: I want to talk but I stop talking. Describe the way you spit it out.

44. Swallowing and spitting: Describe having concerns, not daring to speak directly or speaking ambiguously.

45. Flickering words: Describe words that are swallowed and spit, and are unwilling to speak frankly and clearly.

46. Fragmentation: Speak vaguely and dodge.

47. Mouth like a hanging river: Talking is endless, like a river constantly rushing and flowing. Describe eloquently.

48. Witty words: Beautiful language is like a pearl with a crystal circle. The adjective language is wonderful.

49. Talk big: Talk and laugh, talk is very interesting. Describe the conversation as highly motivated, lively, and funny.

50. Eyebrow flying dance: Describe a person's joyful or proud demeanor.

51. Inheriting the past and opening up the future: inheriting the cause of predecessors and opening up the way for the future.

52. Revolutionize the old and the new: get rid of the old and build the new.

53. A garment with water: water as wide as a garment belt. Describe a water separation, extremely close.

54. Neighbor with virtue: Be a neighbor to virtue.

55. Meritocracy: Recommend a talent, based only on his talent.

56. Knowing people and doing good deeds: can recognize people's wisdom and foolishness, good and evil, and can use people well.

57. Rejuvenating the country through science and education: Only by doing a good job in science, technology, and education can we revitalize the country.

58. Keep pace with the times: Move forward with the pace of the times.

Fifth grade

1. Dashing style: dashing, natural and generous behavior. Refers to handsome and talented, generous and natural.

2. Qi Yu Xuan Ang: Xuan Ang, extraordinary temperament. Describe people's spirit is full and extraordinary.

3. Gentle and elegant: gentle attitude, elegant manners.

4. Graceful posture: Describe the posture as beautiful and colorful.

5. Energetic: Energetic, refreshed look.

6. Full of red light: Describe the face of a person as rosy and shiny.

7. Majestic: Rin, serious. Described as imposing and intimidating.

8. Appearance: dignified, dignified, dignified. Describe the appearance of a person as solemn and generous.

9. Personable: The way it flies, briskly. Refers to people's demeanor and graceful posture.

10. Falling generously: Falling: cheerful, frank. Describe a cheerful personality, talk and behave naturally, and be informal.

11. Be calm: Be comfortable with emergencies or difficulties that occur and don't care.

12. Habitual: Often doing something or a common phenomenon has become a habit, and it feels very normal.

13. Command out like a mountain: When a command is given, it is like a mountain.

14. Shake your arm and exhale: Wave your arm, a call.

15. Vast: Describe the vastness of the water, or describe the majesty and scale.

16. Flowing in the way: streaming, coming and going, back and forth. Describe the succession of people, carriages, and boats along the way.

17. Terrifying Waves: Frightening big waves. Parable to a sinister environment encounter or a difficult test.

18. Water and soil are not satisfied: when going out, not adapting to the local climate, diet, habits and producing some diseases.

19. Talking about harmony: refers to mutual reconciliation and the establishment of friendly relations.

20. Observing customs and customs: refers to observing and understanding customs and human feelings.

21. Rare Treasures: Strange Treasures. Describe rare, rare treasures.

22. Mutual exchange of what you have: Exchange what you have for what you don't have. Refers to mutual exchange.

23. All over the world: refers to all parts of the country.

24. Heart delight and sincerity: Joy in the heart and sincere admiration.

25. The head is the Tao: Describe the speech as methodical and reasonable; the way of doing things is orderly and methodical.

26. Talking and Talking: Talking, speaking continuously and tirelessly. Describe the speech tirelessly, tactfully and vividly.

27. Talking nonsense: Talking casually without thinking and irresponsibly.

28. Rhetoric: Exaggeration, rhetoric. Speaking or writing articles is pompous and unrealistic.

29. Be reasonable: the reasons are correct and sufficient, and the speech is vigorous.

30. Talking: Talking calmly and calmly. Talk calmly and with a straight face.

31. Fabrication: Fabrication and nonsense.

32. Nonsense: audit, investigate. There is no basis for it, there is no way to examine it.

33. The sea and the sky: Figurative imagination and talk are unrestrained and boundless.

34. Talk about everything: Say everything.

35. Picking up people's teeth and wisdom: Picking up only a few words of others as their own words.

36. Cliché: Old student, refers to the old student. Originally referred to the ordinary discussion of old scholars, now refers to a very ordinary old saying.

37. Unity begins: The new year begins again.

38. Vientiane Update: Everything in the universe has been replaced with a new look, showing a sense of vitality.

39. Peach red willow green: peach blossoms are red, willow branches are turquoise. It is used to describe the spring scenery with flowers and trees flourishing and bright colors.

40. Herbs like yin: the flowers and grass are dense, such as laying a layer of cushions.

41. Cloudless: The sky is cloudless at all, and it is described as very clear.

42. Wind and snow: Intercourse, two things appear at the same time. Wind and snow strike together, which is used as a metaphor for bad weather.

43. Cold air attacks people: Cold air or air currents rush towards people.

44. Years flow: Refers to the rush of time like flowing water.

45. A moment of gold: A short time is worth a thousand gold, describing time as extremely precious.

Sixth grade

1. Cold Winter Moon: The coldest time of winter.

2. Northern scenery: the beautiful scenery of the north of the motherland.

3. Wind knife frost sword: cold wind like a knife, severe frost like a sword, describing the climate is cold, stabbing people's skin. A metaphor for harsh environments.

4. Cyprus Outer Frontier: A dangerous place on the border, described as being remote.

5. Flying in the sky: Flying all over the world. Extremely numerous descriptions.

6. Flying: Describe the way snowflakes fall.

7. Wrapped in silver: Describe a scene after a white snow.

8. Snow shines on clouds: The white light in the sky above the snow is brighter than the ice reflection.

9. Wild storm snow: refers to strong winds and heavy snow. It is also a metaphor for a violent momentum or a dangerous situation.

10. Worse: The parable suffers repeated disasters and the damage becomes worse.

11. The Wind Sweeps the Clouds: The metaphor is wiped out at once.

12. Refreshing: Describe people as refreshed and in a comfortable mood. It is also described as a person who looks sane and has a cheerful temperament.

13. Qi Tian Dasheng: Refers to a person with great supernatural powers.

14. Making a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace: Causing great damage to the environment at that time.

15. Don't avoid hardships: Don't be afraid of hardships and obstacles.

16. Western Heavenly Scriptures: Tang monks went to Western Heaven to obtain scriptures, which is a metaphor for overcoming difficulties to achieve goals.

17. Tengyun driving fog: Originally referred to the legend of the use of spells to fly in the clouds, now described as a galloping fast or confused mind, feel the body light and fluttering.

18. Coming and going without a trace: When you come and go, you can't see a trace. Describe haunting extremely quickly or covertly.

19. Kaleidoscopic: Describe a lot of variation.

20. Great magic: the description fully shows the clever skill.

21. Discernment: The metaphor is very shrewd, and any small problem is clearly seen.

22. Fire-eyed golden eye: Describe people with sharp eyes and the ability to identify authenticity.

23. Eliminate evil: The elimination of bad people and bad things or evil forces must be complete.

24. Peace in the world: there is peace everywhere.

25. Water drops and stones: Although the power of metaphor is small, as long as you persevere, things can succeed.

26. Single-mindedness: Single-mindedness in thought and mind.

27. Gratitude Zero: Tears of gratitude, described as very grateful.

28. Mixed feelings: A variety of feelings are intertwined.

29. Thoughtful: Think deeply and carefully.

30. Strange: Yi, ordinary. It refers to strange things or strange words and deeds of people, which is not what ordinary people can imagine according to common sense.

31. Time flies: Time has gradually passed.

32. White Colt Crossing the Gap: Describe time passing quickly, like a small white horse flashing in front of a small gap.

33. Learning from the past: Examining the past, we can infer the future.

34. There is no consensus: no consistent conclusions can be drawn.

35. Lost to know home: Know to come back after getting lost. Parables make mistakes and can be corrected.

36. Trance is like another world: it seems to be separated by a lifetime, which is mostly used to describe the feeling of the change of time and the great change of things.

37. Learn without getting tired: bored, satisfied. I always feel dissatisfied during the learning process.

38. Painstaking solitude: Refers to painstaking research to the point where others cannot reach it. It also refers to the painstaking search for solutions to problems.

39. Smell is happy: It means that you are happy to hear others point out your mistakes.

40. Seeing the Wise And The Wise: It means looking up to a virtuous person when he sees him.

41. There are no classes: classes, categories. It means that anyone can be educated.

42. Impartiality: Leaning, biased. Refers to not being biased towards either side. Indicates neutrality or impartiality.

43. Tireless Teaching: Teaching, Teaching. Teach people to be especially patient and never tire of it.

44. Enjoy it: Don't get bored because you love to do something. Describe a special love for something and immerse yourself in it.

45. Entrustment of objects and words: refers to the description of objective things, sustenance, conveying the author's certain feelings, ambitions and interests.

46. Metaphorical reasoning: Take the things in nature as the object of depiction, and clarify the objective existence of things in a nuanced description of things.

47. The Dead are like this: Time is like this rushing river, day and night, which continue to pass. It means that time is like flowing water that never returns, and it should be cherished.

48. The river flows endlessly: the river, the river. Describe pedestrians, cars and horses as continuous as water.

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