
LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise


Due to the existence of passive double knife and E skill real injury, Sword Saint has always been a tank killer with special effects in everyone's impression. However, since the mythological equipment was redesigned, the sword saint special effects stream gameplay in the mythological version has gradually declined, replaced by the armor-piercing critical hit stream gameplay of the curtain blade collector. This set of outfits of the sword saint is completely different from the traditional special effects stream of gameplay, the curtain blade comes with a good skill speed, with stealth can make it easier for the sword saint to play the next Q skill after killing, so that the sword saint has a bit of the taste of the AP sword saint. Now the designers are very dissatisfied with the gameplay of the Curtain Blade Sword Saint and have made changes to this. This change directly adjusted the damage of the Sword Saint Q skill, making the special effect Stream Sword Saint more popular. Today I will bring you the analysis of the gameplay of the new version of Sword Saint.

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

Rune selection

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

Whether it is the Wild Sword Saint or the Medium Single Sword Saint, compared to the deadly rhythm, it is recommended that everyone still choose the Cong Blade as the cornerstone rune. The Sword Saint is a hero who relies heavily on equipment, and with the equipment, whether it is a bush blade or a deadly rhythm, the Sword Saint can go crazy with the carry. The Sword Saint's combat effectiveness in the early stage was relatively weak, and his body was simply not enough to support the deadly rhythm of stacking. Therefore, choosing the cong blade to enhance the explosion to better hit the kill, so as to get the equipment is the right solution.

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

After the Cornerstone Rune chose the Cong Blade, the main small rune recommended the Sudden Shock, The Eyeball Collector, and the Greed Hunter. The Sword Saint still relies more on the Q skill in battle, and a sudden impact can effectively increase the damage of the Sword Saint. And the eyeball collector which is to increase the sword Saint Snowball gains. The Greed Hunter's all-round blood sucking can be applied to the true damage and magic damage attached to Ping A, which can greatly increase the endurance of the Sword Saint. The sub-department recommends the triumph and joy of the precision department, and the triumph is needless to say, and the runes necessary for harvesting the battlefield are necessary. Rejoicing can effectively enhance the sword saint's flat A feel, enhance the early brushing or repairing the sword ability, and the benefits are still relatively obvious.

Outfit recommendations

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

Because the passive damage that was broken before has been strengthened, with this wave of Q skills can be accompanied by attack effects, so the current version is very recommended for the sword saint naked destruction, as long as a single Q, the sword saint can play multiple breakout effects to slow down the opponent, greatly improving the sword saint's single-headed ability, the benefit is still very good.

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

In the selection of mythological equipment, the Q skill of the Sword Saint can interact with the power of the three phases and the divine separator, a Q directly triggers the flare damage, and the single Q can stack four layers of three-phase force passive. But you can't interact with the Kraken Killer. Therefore, in the new version, it is recommended that the Sword Saint choose the Three Phases or the Divine Separator as mythological equipment. However, when the opponent tank is mostly, he chooses the Divine Separator, and when Tando generally chooses the three-phase force.

LOL: Sword Saint Minor Rework Level Change, Q Skill can trigger attack effects! Special effects stream gameplay is on the rise

In the subsequent equipment selection, thanks to the Q of the Sword Saint, it can also trigger the giant Hydra, the Wisdom End Blade, the Demon Sect and the Black Cut, so it is recommended to consider these pieces of equipment in the subsequent outfit. And if the mythical equipment chooses the three-phase force, it can also consider the blood hand that can be increased by the three phases by linking the one-hand gain to the base attack power.


This change in sword saint is equivalent to a partial AD bonus and critical hit damage bonus for the Q skill, in exchange for triggering the attack effect. This was definitely a serious weakening for the Armor-piercing Critical Strike Stream Sword Saint. But for the special effects stream sword saint, it is a real enhancement. However, after this change, the special effects stream sword saint will still be very uncomfortable in the outfit. After all, there are only a few interactive attack special effects that can be produced, and There are no attack speed bonuses for Black Cut, Demon Sect, and Giant Nine, and these equipment will cause the Sword Saint to have special effects without attack speed. The only thing that really fits is only Broken, but the attack speed provided by the current version of Broken is too small, and the Wisdom End Blade only provides magic resistance in some situations. At this time, if the Divine Separator is selected for the sake of Chetan, then the Sword Saint only has the attack speed shoes and the broken attack speed bonus, the attack speed is very low, it can only be said that although this change allows the special effect flow sword saint to have more room to play, but the attributes of the special effect equipment still limit the sword saint's play space.

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