
LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages


If you want to say what position in the Summoner Canyon is the most difficult to score, then in the current environment is naturally the first to promote the ADC, the reason is also very simple, Uehino is a one-line battle, relying on their own can directly play the advantage and affect the game situation. However, ADC in the next 2V2, it is very important to look at the play of the auxiliary, and in the current environment, there are very few professional auxiliary players, most of them are unwilling players who are supplemented by the system to assist. These players often come up with some mage assistance to make AD players miserable, and in this environment, the best option in ADC may be Samira. Today I will bring you samira's analysis of the current version of the game.

LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

Rune selection

Although Samira is a ranged hero, her unique rating mechanism causes her to rely heavily on skills when exporting, and the Q skill late CD is extremely short, so although she is a ranged hero, she is extremely compatible with the conqueror. When the cornerstone rune chooses the conqueror, the main line of small runes recommends the triumph, legendary bloodline and fatal blow or slash, and the secondary line is the taste of blood and greed hunters who choose the dominant system.

LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

The rest of the runes believe that there is no need to say more, here is mainly about the choice of fatal blows and slashes, and why the triumph was pointed out. In most cases, Samira is a hero with strong snowball ability, it is easy to play an advantage and can easily trigger a fatal blow, but at the same time, Samira is also a hero with extremely poor Chetan ability, and when the opposite lineup is partial, it is more necessary to cut down to improve output.

LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

Previously, Samira's little rune would choose to calm down to increase the blue range. This is because Samira's previous big moves need to consume blue, coupled with the Q skill of short CDs and the E skill that participates in kill refresh, it is very easy to fall into the situation of lack of blue in actual combat. However, in version 11.24, Samira canceled the blue amount consumption of the big move casting. So in fact, in the current version, Samira does not need to be so calm to provide blue endurance, on the contrary, for Samira, who needs to often enter the market to open a big, triumphal gains are higher.

Equipment selection

The choice of out-of-the-box outfit on Samira usually chooses the Dolan sword to go out, and the 80 health and 8 attack power that comes with the Dolan sword can maximize Samilla's early fighting ability, making it easier for Samira to play line kills, and the fault tolerance rate is also good. And if the rune points out the slash, then you can also choose the sword and the multiplex type potion to go out. In this way, when facing opponents who go out with the Dolan Sword, you can enjoy the damage bonus of slashing throughout the whole process.

LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

In the choice of large equipment, although the equipment of the Immortal Shield Bow is constantly weakened, for Samira, who can critically strike with Q and R skills, the Immortal Shield Bow is still the only mythical equipment choice. In the choice of three-piece set, if the wind is downwind, it is recommended to make up the greeting of the collector and the Lord of Infinity or Dominica, and the opponent chooses the greeting of the Lord of Dominica if he has armor, and vice versa. If it is more headwindly, it is recommended to choose the greeting and infinity of the Dominica lords to form a three-piece set. Because at this time, the opponent will be more or less replenished with armor equipment when the economy is good.

LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

In the final choice of god suit, it is recommended to choose between drinking blood, mortal reminders, mercury cutlasses and resurrection armor. Priority is given to the blood drinking sword, for Samira, the endurance brought by the blood drinking sword's 20% blood sucking ability is extremely high in actual combat. Unless there is an assassin on the opposite side, such as Akali and a male knife, who is unreasonable and has stealth so that Samira cannot fight back, he chooses to resurrect the armor.


LOL: Samira, a warrior in the ADC, is strengthened and has a stronger team combat ability in the later stages

Although Samira is not the best choice when it comes to working with Fafu, heroes with long hands such as EZ and policewoman may be better able to cooperate with Fafu. But Samira with the hard auxiliary, in the next road can often be randomly killed, it is easy to play the line excellent. As long as it is a teammate who wants to win, when we take out Samira to indicate that we want a hard assist, the teammates will choose the hard assist. And if the teammate insists on playing the uncontrolled Fasuke in the case of us choosing Samira, it means that he is not here to win the game, but for his own cool, then even if he uses other ADC heroes at this time, this down-road line will collapse.

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