
Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

In the Dream New Immortal, the mount has two main purposes, one is to enhance the player's visual experience, and the other is to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Unified Spirit Beast, so what is the correct way to open the mount?

Mount Acquisition:

Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

Mounts can be crafted by mount remnants, 30 remnants can be crafted into the corresponding mounts, in addition, in the Heavenly Xuan Treasure Map gameplay, there is a probability to produce an entire Cold Smoke And Snow Mount, and the entire XuanLei Shadow Mount can be purchased using gold bars in the Yuanbao Shop (if you want to see the acquisition path of each mount, you can send "Mounts" in the background to get).

The same mount or remnant cannot be obtained repeatedly, and excess mounts or remnants can be sold for silver.

Mount Mood:

Each mount has a unique mood skill, which requires the mount's mood to be no less than 1000 to take effect, and the mount-dominated spirit beast consumes 1 mood each time it goes to war, which can be restored by giving gifts (garbage equipment and spirit clothing decomposition products are recommended preferentially).

Mount Dominion:

Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

Each mount can rule over 2 Spirit Beasts, and spirit beasts can enjoy the mount's Rune Skill and Mood Skill bonuses in the Ruling State (the Unmounted Dominion effect can also take effect).

Mount Rune:

Rune quality:

Runes have a total of 8 shapes and 5 qualities, and the qualities can be upgraded by increasing the skill level, but there is no stable way to change the shape (unless it is mutated at the time of crafting).

Rune Skills:

Mount runes are the main way to enhance the strength of the unified spirit beast, there are many types of runes, you need to match to make up the best rune effect, the specific matching ideas can be sent in the background to obtain "runes", here the walker will not repeat one by one.

Rune Resonance:

Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

When there are multiple skills of the same name in the Rune Disk (8 tiles), only the highest-level rune skills take effect, but the skills with the same name can resonate if they are in an adjacent position, and the stack skill level is up to 10.

Rune crafting:

Runes can be crafted to improve quality, crafting is successful, the random skill on the main rune is increased by 1 level, and the main rune that fails to craft is reduced by 5% to the maximum durability. The higher the quality of the sub-runes, the higher the crafting probability (you can send "Probability" or "Rune" in the background to get probability information), and the shape of the main and secondary runes has a small probability variation (changing skills).

Crafting costs silver, and the higher the main rune level, the more silver is required. The higher the secondary rune level, the higher the crafting success rate.

Rune Refining:

Fantasy New Immortal: Detailed interpretation of the mount gameplay, what is the correct way to open the mount?

Runes can be refined into Reiki Runes and Mutant Runes by spending silver, and the Reiki Rune and Mutant Runes have a 100% success rate when combined as secondary runes, the former is necessarily successful (random level increased by 1 level), and the latter is bound to mutate (random replacement of 1 skill).

The higher the quality, the more runes are refined, the more silver is consumed, and it is recommended to use runes of orange and above quality for refining preferentially.

Rune Durability:

The Reigning Spirit Beast consumes 1 durability each time it goes to war, the rune fails when the durability is 0, and the durability cannot be replenished by any means, it is recommended that the rune durability be refined when it is quickly reduced to 0, so that it is the most cost-effective.

Rune scheme:

Each mount unlocks 2 sets of rune schemes by default, which can cost 20,000 silver to open the third set of rune schemes, mounts can only enable one set of rune schemes at the same time, and unenverted scheme rune skills do not take effect or consume durability.

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