
sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Hello brothers, I'm Grey Brother. Once upon a time, the Infinity Blade was still the core equipment of most ADCs, and even many players liked to go naked, but after the mythical version was launched, everything changed, the new version of the Infinity Blade required 60% critical strike chance to trigger the effect, which means that the fastest can only be the third piece out, and the critical hit damage caused is also reduced to 210%, the cost performance is not as good as before, with the rise of other critical hit equipment and the transformation of some ADCs, the priority of the Infinity Blade has become lower and lower.

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

How low is the priority of infinity blades?

According to the current version of the Passers-by Bureau data, the top 15 ADCs in terms of down-road intensity are (With Yasso, Bomberman, and Zera removed in the middle): Lucian, Samira, Xia, EZ, Gun, Vien, Kinks, Kasha, Embers, Mouse, Delevingne, Ash, Wheel Mom, Policewoman, and Skate shoes. Among them, only three ADC's preferred recommended outfits are still insisting on the Infinity Blade, namely Samira, Jinx and the policewoman, it is worth mentioning that Jinx also has a tendency to turn armor, and recently Hanbok has a set of star eclipse gameplay is quite popular.

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Special effects family

Wayne, Ash, EZ, skateboard shoes these four ADCs are the earliest to take the special effects flow is not much to repeat, the mouse is a typical case of the transformation of special effects from the critical hit, the current mouse priority of a piece of equipment is not a kraken, but a broken, three-piece set after the giant nine, wisdom of the last blade, this set of pre-mid-term combat effectiveness is stronger, and after the molding is still very meaty, more stable than the critical strike gameplay, in addition to some players will choose Nash's teeth, canyon maker, hat AP genre.

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Armor-piercing family

There are more examples of critical hit turning armor piercing, pure armor piercing has female guns, Kasumi, wheel mother, these three ADC flat A distance is relatively short, the early stage of the critical hit flow is too weak, on the contrary, their skill range is very long, after the armor-piercing suit, the line is stronger, the regimental battle tolerance rate is also higher; semi-armored have LuZian and De Levine, they belong to the early strength, and the mid-term play front row ability is relatively general, and the force curve of the armor-piercing suit is in line with the first three pieces, so the first three pieces do not have the position of the Endless Blade.

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Finally, there are two more special, namely Kasha and Ember, before Kasha's genre is more, both can take critical hits, can also take special effects, and even can play double repair, but no matter what kind of stream party Endless Blade demand is not high, now the most popular is AP gameplay, and Infinity Blade is more than eight rods can not hit; ember's mainstream gameplay is still critical hit, but the third highest priority is not the Infinity Blade but the cannon, compared to damage, most players think that the speed and range are more important to it.

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Designers hate unconventional gameplay

In the recently released 12.8 version of the test suit update content, the current hottest armor-piercing Xia and AP Kasha have been weakened, the basic damage of Xiaman's Q skill has been reduced by 20, the CD has been increased by 2 seconds, the previous enhancements have all been returned, and the armor-piercing gameplay has been directly cut to the "main artery"; AP Kasha is more miserable than the armor-piercing Xia. W skill AP bonus was directly cut by 0.25, the late 500AP a W to reduce 125 damage, the big brawl epic weakening, the most real is that the designer also improved the passive and big move shield AP bonus, obviously telling the player: you want to play AP can play, but don't just lose W, enter the output!

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Unconventional gameplay can not survive, the critical hit stream of the wind, shield and bow has been cut out, players for the current version of the ADC situation is also very helpless, have said: "Passers-by bureau ADC has been difficult to play, the designer wants everyone to play the critical hit flow, good to strengthen the critical hit equipment Ah, now is really a dilemma, why can't you make a separate server for the game?" Some players sighed: "After the mythical version was launched, the critical hit flow ADC has not risen, and the current positioning of the Infinity Blade is too embarrassing." ”

sorrowful! Of the top 15 ADCs in lol, only 3 are still sticking out of the loop

Considering that the duration of a game is generally below 30 minutes, ADC can basically only go out to three-piece sets, if the Infinity Blade does not cancel the 60% critical strike rate limit or strengthen the attributes, it is difficult to compete with other output devices, so I am afraid that it will only become more and more unpopular, and the former AD artifact has now fallen into such a field, which is really a bit sad.

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