
These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

But after the child comes into this world, he becomes our treasure. We always take care of the children in the best way, but when we take the children to meet other relatives, these relatives always like to tease the children in various ways. Some parents can't help but want to turn their faces every time they see this, because they think these relatives are just representatives of boredom.

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

Xiao Liu's child is now 4 years old, because the child's physique was not so good when he was a child, so Xiao Liu basically did not take the child out to play. Recently, Xiao Liu's children's physical fitness is still relatively good, so Xiao Liu takes the child to visit relatives' homes. This in itself is a very normal thing, but Xiao Liu encountered an unprecedented embarrassment in the next step. Because Xiao Liu was busy after arriving at a relative's house, he helped to cook dishes.

At this time, the child is facing some relatives, and the child's aunt said such a sentence. The child's aunt said, "Baby, do you know why you are so weak?" It is because you have done a lot of bad things in your previous life, be careful that your mother does not want you in the future. "When the child listened to this, he cried in an instant, and how to coax it was not good. When Xiao Liu finished all the work, he saw the child crying so sadly, and he felt very sad for a while.

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

After understanding this matter, Xiao Liu understood that the reason why the child would cry like this was because the child's aunt said something unpleasant. But at this time, the child's aunt actually said: "I just teased him, as for?" After Xiao Liu listened, she was instantly unhappy, and since then she has never taken the child to see the child's aunt.

In fact, this is a very typical bad taste, this kind of problem is often present in real life. Although it may seem as if the adult is interacting with the child, the impact on the child is very large. Because children have no way to distinguish between the true and false words of this sentence, it is easy for them to be hurt by negative remarks.

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

So what should parents do when children are teased by adults?

In fact, what we should pay most attention to at this time is the child's intuitive feelings, for example, we can let the child express their own ideas. Some parents feel embarrassed when they see their children being teased by other relatives. In fact, there is no need for us to look at this matter from this perspective, at this time, we can completely let the child experience this matter alone, and perhaps there will be a different harvest.

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

Although children are more vulnerable than we think, we also need to let children deal directly with every problem. Let them think carefully, why do these adults say such things? Why tease yourself in this way? And at this time, we can also give the child a corresponding explanation, the biggest advantage of this practice is to reduce the child's psychological burden. If you always let your child live with a burden, it will definitely not help their future.

Of course, when the child is teased by adults, we can also cultivate the child's emotional intelligence, and it is very necessary to cultivate the child's emotional intelligence at this time. For example, some adults will say to their children, "You are actually picked up by your mother from the trash, and your mother will definitely not want you." ”

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

And when the child hears this sentence, we can say to the child in a smooth way: "Baby, you are always the best in my eyes, and other people's ideas cannot replace my ideas." And as long as you keep trying to keep cheering, I will love you more. ”

At this time, it can play a calming role for the child, then the child will never continue to think wildly, and even when the child faces problems such as this in the future, he can also skillfully cope with it, so that their emotional intelligence will become very high.

These "bad taste" ways of teasing children have a more serious impact on children than imagined

In fact, every parent knows that when a child is young, their mind is not fully developed, so their comprehension ability is very poor. When they are teased by adults, they may lose control of their emotions or cry. So at this time, let's not make it worse, and don't think that this is a relatively small thing.

We can reassure the child to a certain extent, and the child has a perceptual sense of the adult's words. If we don't say anything in the face of this matter, it will make the child feel insecure.

So when our children are teased by adults, we must solve this problem in a better way. And in life, we must not use bad taste to tease children, we should give them a more adequate sense of security in life, and know how to soothe their hearts, so as to ensure that they are better and will not do extreme things.

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