
Parents are kind to teachers, is to be kind to their children's future! (A good article that makes people suddenly cheerful)


Parents and teachers are never a pair of irreconcilable contradictions, but should be an ally on the front line of educating children, and they can work hard to promote the healthy growth of children.

Don't say bad things about your teacher in front of your child

I saw a question on Zhihu: "Will the teacher affect the attitude toward the student because of the way the parents behave?" ”

Flipping through the answers, in addition to "will", it is "definitely" and "very much".

Many times, teachers feel aggrieved and cold, which in turn affects their enthusiasm for work, not because the child has shortcomings, but precisely because of the inappropriate attitude and behavior of parents. When teachers' enthusiasm for work is hit, the quality of teaching will be affected, and the biggest victims are children.

Parents and teachers are not consistent with the educational concept, have opinions about the teacher, it is best not to complain in front of the child, otherwise it will spread this negative emotion to the child.

We all know that many times a student who likes the teacher of this course will like this course; respect the teacher, he will listen carefully to the lecture in the classroom, the class efficiency will be high, and the knowledge will be firmly mastered.

If the child does not like the teacher, usually with the dislike of that subject, will not participate well in the class taught by the teacher, the learning efficiency of this course will be relatively low, and the child will suffer losses.

There's a story. In a junior high school biology class, a student brought a plant that he did not know the name of, and the teacher did not know, so he asked a classmate in the class to take it home and ask his father, a doctor of botany, to help identify it. After the father knew what had happened, he told the child: "Where is the teacher who does not know, it is clear that the teacher is testing the father, tomorrow when you arrive at the school, the teacher will definitely tell you what the name of this plant is." ”

The next day, the teacher told the child what the plant was called. In fact, last night, the child's father had already communicated with the teacher on the phone, told the teacher the name of the plant, and asked the teacher to tell the child personally.

This father is very smart, he not only protects the dignity of the teacher in the eyes of the child, but more importantly, it is more conducive to the child's future learning. Imagine if the father saw the plant and directly told the child what the name of the plant was, or even degraded the teacher, what would be the effect? Of course, the child thinks that being a doctor's father is great, the teacher is too stupid, he does not even know the grass, he will naturally look down on the teacher, and the teacher's educational effect will be greatly reduced.

Do not say bad things about the teacher in front of the child, it is best to add points to the teacher's impression in the child's mind, even if you have any dissatisfaction with the teacher, do not reveal it in front of the child, you can communicate with the teacher privately. Because your complaints don't do any good other than having a negative impact on the child.

If you have an opinion with the teacher, you should communicate it appropriately

Of course, although the vast majority of teachers love children and think about their children, it is not excluded that individual teachers sometimes have excessive behavior or inappropriate practices.

Children, especially those under the third grade of primary school, often do not have the ability to express their thoughts and behavioral logic well, and are unable to fully defend themselves, in other words, they do not have enough strength to protect themselves.

The family is the harbor, and if the child is wronged or unfairly treated in school, the parents should give tolerance and support. After understanding the incident, if you feel that the teacher's approach is particularly unreasonable, you should strengthen communication with the teacher in time and properly express your dissatisfaction to the teacher.

One day, my daughter came back from art class, and her mood was particularly low. I asked her what was wrong. She said that she had just been promoted to the improvement class, and it was a little difficult to draw, so she drew very slowly today. As a result, the teacher argued with her, "I paint so slowly, I don't know how to get to the improvement class, if you still can't draw well, I will return you to the basic class!" As he spoke, the child cried and said, "I'm not serious, but it's really a little difficult."

I felt that the teacher's words were a bit excessive, so I contacted the teacher and asked: "The child's mood is not high after drawing today, is she not doing well enough in school, and what are the places where she needs to continue to work hard?" ”

As soon as the teacher listened, he immediately said: "Sorry, the discipline in the class today is a little bad, I didn't hold back and argued with a few children who drew slowly, next time I will pay attention and will do a good job of guidance." ”

The best way to communicate is to have a kind tone and a firm attitude. However, many of us communicate with the teacher is just the opposite, found that the child encountered a little problem, the emotions came up, no matter how green or red, first argue with the teacher and then say. Emotions are vented, is the problem solved?

Communicate with the teacher in a timely manner

There are also some parents who are reluctant to communicate with the teacher, and may not be able to say a few words to the teacher for a year, and they cannot make a phone call.

In fact, many teachers hope to receive feedback from parents and see their attitudes towards their children's education. Now it is basically a large class, a class of forty or fifty children, and even some classes of fifty or sixty children, the teacher sometimes has more than enough and insufficient strength, even if they see some of the children's problems, they cannot correct them one by one and give the children more attention.

Communicate with the teacher in time, understand the child's situation, solve the problems in the child's learning, especially when the child's learning emotions are problematic, or when you think that the teacher's approach is inappropriate, timely communication and solution is a responsible parent's approach.

The teacher is the only "outsider" in the world who is not related to your child by blood, but is willing to be happy because of your child's progress, regresses and is anxious, full of expectations, helping him to become a talent, giving up his small family to take care of everyone, and having no complaints or regrets.

Parents and friends, to be kind to your child's teacher is to be kind to your child's growth. Respecting your child's teacher is respecting your child's future!

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