
Don't be greedy for eggs, the number of eggs does not determine the success rate of the test tube!

IVF egg retrieval

In IVF fertility treatment, when the egg retrieval operation is over, when the number of eggs is learned, female friends are "careful", and people who get more eggs secretly rejoice, thinking that the success rate of more eggs retrieved will be very high, while people who have fewer eggs are worried and afraid that the success rate will be reduced. So what about the "truth"?

Don't be greedy for eggs, the number of eggs does not determine the success rate of the test tube!


Who decides how much eggs to retrieve?

The number of eggs acquired is affected by many factors such as the patient's own age, ovarian reserve, ovulation induction regimen and ovarian reactivity.


How many eggs are available?

It is believed that the ideal range of eggs obtained is 8 to 15, which has a high pregnancy rate and a live birth rate, and does not increase the risk of ovarian overstimulation.

Don't be greedy for eggs, the number of eggs does not determine the success rate of the test tube!


What is the problem with the low number of eggs obtained?

1. Aging factors:

Ovarian reserve function in women declines from the age of 35, and the number of eggs also decreases. That is to say, the older the woman, the less eggs in the ovaries, and the fewer eggs obtained than women of childbearing age, so we have always emphasized that IVF must be done early and try to choose the "golden reproductive age"!

2. Decreased ovarian function:

In addition to age factors, ovarian surgery can also affect ovarian function, resulting in fewer follicles and consequently fewer eggs.

3. Low ovarian response:

During IVF fertilization, if the small follicles in the patient's ovaries do not respond well to exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone, it is difficult for the follicles to grow and mature, which will also lead to a decrease in the number of eggs obtained.

4. Empty follicle syndrome:

After controlled hyper-ovulation, eggs cannot be retrieved from the follicles, although the probability of this occurring is low.

Don't be greedy for eggs, the number of eggs does not determine the success rate of the test tube!


The number of eggs retrieved does not determine the success rate of the test tube?

1. Excessive number of eggs can easily lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;

Second, the success of IVF fertility depends on multiple factors such as embryo quality, intrauterine environment, endocrine situation, and the patient's mentality, rather than the number of eggs. For example, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, their ovaries have multiple small follicles to develop, but there is no dominant follicle formation, and although the number of follicles released through induction is large, the egg quality may not be good. If the egg quality is poor and cannot be properly inseminated, it will also affect the acquisition of a valid embryo.

It can be seen that the number of eggs obtained is not as good as possible. Therefore, patients undergoing IVF fertility treatment do not need to blindly compare after learning the number of eggs obtained, which only increases unnecessary troubles.

Don't be greedy for eggs, the number of eggs does not determine the success rate of the test tube!


During ivory infant fertility, doctors will "tailor" the appropriate ovulation promotion program for patients and friends according to the patient's age, ovarian reserve, past medical history, etc. Sometimes an egg can also harvest a good pregnancy!

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