
Nanchang Huaershan Science Popularization: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Pregnancy Preparation Cannot Be Blind, We Must Choose Correctly, Scientific Pregnancy Preparation!

POLYCYS OVIS can have an effect on female fertility. Infertility due to ovulation disorders is one of the common conditions of polycysticism. Pregnancy is a big challenge for female friends with polycystics. In the pregnancy preparation stage, in addition to life conditioning, these things should also be paid attention to. Today, we're going to talk about those methods that are beneficial for polycystic pregnancy preparation.

Factors influencing polycystic pregnancy

1. Ovulation monitoring

Patients with polycystics should be accurately monitored until the ovulation phase. During intercourse during ovulation, the fertility rate is higher than usual.

2. Egg quality Follicle development or over-ripening development will have an impact on conception.

Nanchang Huaershan Science Popularization: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Pregnancy Preparation Cannot Be Blind, We Must Choose Correctly, Scientific Pregnancy Preparation!

3. Frequent intercourse of sperm quality may lead to a decrease in sperm quality. Continuing to have intercourse during ovulation may result in conception failure due to insufficient sperm quality.

How to prepare for pregnancy with polycystic

Mothers with detected POLYCYS should try to conceive early, with the best age being 23-26 years.

2. Adjust your mood and actively cooperate with the treatment.

3. Get your periods back to normal. Irregular menstruation is one of the precursors of PCOS. Diet and living should be properly arranged, pay attention to the regulation of endocrine.

4. Lose weight. A low-fat, low-sugar diet is important and you should keep your mouth shut.

5. Exercise can promote blood circulation in the human body, thereby regulating hormone levels throughout the body.

6. Reduce anger and fear. Extreme emotions can stimulate fragile nerves, disrupt endocrine regulation, and affect women's physical health.

Precautions for polycystic pregnancies

1. Regular obstetric examination If the polycystic pregnancy is successful, then female friends must do a good job of examination. After pregnancy, regular follow-up should also be paid attention to monitoring blood HCG, progesterone and fetal ultrasound. If abnormalities are found, they should be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

2. Supplementary nutrition Pregnant women should pay more attention to nutrition, can not affect the development of the fetus because of malnutrition, nor can it blindly supplement. Maintain nutritional balance and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Nanchang Huaershan Science Popularization: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Pregnancy Preparation Cannot Be Blind, We Must Choose Correctly, Scientific Pregnancy Preparation!

3. While scientifically supplementing nutrition, mothers-to-be should not blindly protect their fetuses, nor blindly abuse drugs, and must obey the doctor's instructions.

4. Conditioning emotions and maintaining good mood is of great help to fetal development. Appropriate outdoor exercise can be carried out to regulate emotions, such as a walk in the park and so on.

The treatment of POLYOS is a long-term process, and the diagnosis and treatment plan given by the doctor is different for different patients. Especially for the overly obese perennial pregnancy preparation is not a child's multi-sac friends, while "controlling the mouth, stepping on the legs", but also under the guidance of the doctor to actively cooperate with the treatment, through scientific diet, appropriate exercise and the correct conditioning program to prepare for pregnancy.

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