
"Flaming Fangfei": a work "written" with footsteps

(Weihai Municipal Party Committee Party History Research Institute Zhang Shuyun/Text)

Some people say that we are now in an era when it is easiest to forget history and the most need for history, when a person's body walks too fast and the soul cannot keep up. Literature precisely has the function of finding the soul, and the "true and literary" writing characteristics of reportage literature are most suitable for pursuing the "original heart" and recording the "original heart". In July 2020, I participated in and witnessed the birth of such a reportage work, which is "Flaming Fangfei", which takes the Jiaodong revolutionary era as the background and reflects the communists, anti-war soldiers and ordinary people on the road to awakening, resistance and national liberation.

"Flaming Fangfei": a work "written" with footsteps

"Agni Fangfei" is a long-form reportage created by famous writers Tie Liu and Zhao Fangxin, which is based on real historical events and composes a magnificent military and civilian song and a group portrait of the nursing ladies that touched the world.

After receiving the task assigned to me by the city, I was overjoyed to meet two writers I had admired for a long time. As the interview progressed, I also underwent a spiritual baptism. After more than two months of interviews, I deeply felt that good works are "scripts" and measured by the footsteps of writers! Those fine works that have been tempered and become more precious, and the waves of sand and sand are more mellow, are all deeply rooted in the people, and all are not painstakingly explored by writers. Stepping on this red hot land, listening to her pulse and heartbeat, feeling her temperature and passion, listening to the people telling those touching and moving stories, let the two writers touch and cry countless times, and I was also excited.

"Flaming Fangfei": a work "written" with footsteps

During the interview, it was a hot summer day, and there were especially many mosquitoes in the countryside in the mountains, and each of us had a large bag of mosquito bites on our legs and arms. I remember that when I went to the East Phoenix Cliff Village in Rushan City, it was raining heavily, and we braved the wind and rain with the local comrades, and Zhao Fangxin simply took off his shoes and went barefoot, and walked into the home of the interviewee with muddy water. In order to discover the vivid and unique story, Tie Liu and Zhao Fangxin had to stay at least half a day at the homes of the revolutionary descendants, veteran soldiers, nursing mothers and old party members who were interviewed, visiting the stories of that year in great detail, for fear of missing a detail, and making millions of words just the interview notes.

At the home of the nursing lady Wang Kuimin, Tie Liu, who had once been a naval soldier, was very excited, and took out a few hundred yuan and stuffed it into the hands of the old man to express his admiration for this selfless and dedicated nursing mother. The two writers sat with the old man in Kangtou and lovingly pulled the family routine, and their hands naturally held the old man's hand, like relatives who had been reunited for a long time. They were so warm, warm, simple, and sincere that they opened the conversation box for the interviewees who were not talkative. The local dialect was difficult for the two writers to understand, so I was asked to translate sentence by sentence, and they listened attentively, capturing every vivid detail, every throbbing emotion. Some old party members were paralyzed in bed, their memories were blurred, and they could not even speak, so they talked to his descendants and neighbors. After the interview, I also have to go to the front of the house and look around, look at the houses, trees, and nearby ponds and mountains, look for relevant memories, and feel the breath of the glory days.

"Flaming Fangfei": a work "written" with footsteps

It is said that reportage is walking literature, and I have experienced from two writers that this kind of walking is not only a working attitude, but also a value, a belief, a feeling, and a choice of responsibility and responsibility. I am deeply infected by this spirit, and I believe that in my future work, I will use my softer heart to approach the party history figures I have written, listen to their inner voices, and write true, complete, and warm stories. The two-month interview was a spiritual sublimation for me, and it was also an indelible spiritual journey.

Not long ago, I saw the long-awaited "Agni Fangfei", that blood-soaking personality, distinct cover design, suddenly brought me into that period of blood and fire years: a period of jiaodong revolution past, one by one flesh and blood Jiaodong revolutionaries and milkmaids came to me, they carried the breath of land and ocean, they gradually rose into the jiaodong revolutionary belt of the mountain, vast, echoing with the cry of passion and the tender call of motherhood ...

"Flaming Fangfei": a work "written" with footsteps

Walking with two outstanding reportage writers, the enthusiasm for the culture of the Red Revolution, the insight of the times, the passion from the depths of the soul, the meticulous observation and in-depth thinking of reality, the power of emotion and the power of thought that they showed, the soul that danced with literature, will forever be engraved in my memory and become the eternal source of power...

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