
Difficulty preparing for pregnancy! Before doing the test tube, these few questions really need to be thought out!

I believe that there are many sisters who will not choose to embark on the road of IVF until the last step. The pain of infertility is incomprehensible to many people. That mood is like, after you watched the first season of the TV series, but were told that the second season was gone, you couldn't ask for it. If you have experienced going around seeking medical treatment, using all kinds of strange folk remedies, drinking medicines that make your scalp tingle, and finally found that there is no effect at all, then you must be able to understand the mood of these families.

In addition to resisting your own pressure, you also need to bear invisible pressure from your family or outsiders. Therefore, it is really brave and really helpless for such an infertile family to be able to embark on the road of IVF. Although many families want to do IVF, before doing it, it is also necessary to consider the following issues, and after considering it, it is necessary to decide whether to really do IVF.

The first thing must be to consider whether the family economy can afford the costs of doing IVF. Doing IVF is not a simple medical process. Patients who do IVF need to go through the process of examination, conditioning, downcontrol, ovulation promotion, egg retrieval, embryo culture, embryo transfer, blood test pregnancy test and so on. And in this each process requires a certain amount of money.

Scattered and scattered, it takes tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Therefore, before doing IVF, we must consider whether there is a certain economic basis to bear the cost of IVF.

Difficulty preparing for pregnancy! Before doing the test tube, these few questions really need to be thought out!

The success rate of IVF needs to be considered. I believe that many families in addition to considering the cost of IVF, the most important point is to consider how successful the IVF is. Nowadays, IVF institutions are widely distributed, which leads to a situation of uneven quality. Different test tube mechanisms, the success rate of test tubes is not the same.

Although the key point of the success rate of IVF lies in the patient's own situation, the medical team and professionalism of the IVF institution will greatly affect the success rate of IVF. Therefore, when choosing an IVF institution, you can pay more attention to the success rate of the IVF institution in order to select a professional and powerful IVF institution.

Difficulty preparing for pregnancy! Before doing the test tube, these few questions really need to be thought out!

The issue that also needs to be considered is the need to understand how infertile people feel. Can't be born, whose fault, most people will blame the woman. Therefore, the woman is actually under a lot of pressure. Having a child is a matter of two people, and you can't just think about the woman's efforts. Before deciding to do test tubes, the couple must discuss whether they really want to do it. Because in the process of making test tubes, the woman participates in the whole process, just to promote the discharge, you need to put on the 8 to 10 days of induction needles.

Therefore, it is also very hard for the woman to do test tubes, and the man must take more care of the woman's emotions and life affairs. If the woman does not want to do test tubes, she can try to discuss the solution and do not make it unpleasant.

Difficulty preparing for pregnancy! Before doing the test tube, these few questions really need to be thought out!

Raising a child is not easy, and having a child is not a matter of saying yes. The most important thing is to maintain a good attitude and not to be too impatient. I hope to be able to help families who are considering whether to do IVF or not.

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