
Unsupported Win11 PC with desktop watermark? Teach you to remove quickly, without fear of Microsoft warnings

IT House news on February 23, after Windows Latest reported that Microsoft will display a watermark "System requirements not met" to PC desktops that do not support Win11 (not meeting system requirements).

Unsupported Win11 PC with desktop watermark? Teach you to remove quickly, without fear of Microsoft warnings

At present, the Win11 Dev preview build 22557 has appeared this watermark, in the lower right corner of the desktop, above the taskbar, similar to the Windows inactive watermark, it looks very unsightly.

The good news is that the workaround is already there. Deskmodder has found a cracking method that can easily remove the watermark by modifying the registry.

Methods to remove watermarks:

Win+R runs "Regedit" and opens Registry Editor

Navigate to the following items:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache

Modify the SV2 DWORD value from 1 to 0

Restart your computer after saving

Unsupported Win11 PC with desktop watermark? Teach you to remove quickly, without fear of Microsoft warnings

If you do not have the Unsupported HardwareNotificationCache entry in registry editor:

Create a new Unsupported HardwareNotificationCache entry in the following directory:


Create a new SV2 DWORD value under the Unsupported HardwareNotificationCache key and modify it to 0

IT Home learned that the watermark is limited to the desktop or settings page, and after modifying the registry, the watermark and the settings page watermark in the lower right corner should disappear.

Unsupported Win11 PC with desktop watermark? Teach you to remove quickly, without fear of Microsoft warnings

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