
Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

Spring means the season when everything grows, not only the animals and plants of nature, but also us humans. Spring is also the season for children to develop and grow their bodies, so as parents, you should give your children more nutritious food. In the process of child growth, the demand for calcium is large, but at the same time other nutrients do not forget, like protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., these are also very important for the development of children, nutritional balance, children can grow healthily. Let's share 8 dishes with you, in the spring may wish to give children more to eat, nutrition is comprehensive, add motivation to children's growth, and seize the golden development period.

1. Shrimp and tofu

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 15 shrimp, 1 piece of tofu, 1 tomato, corn kernels, a little soy sauce, a little oil and salt, a little black pepper, a little sugar, a little flower carving wine

1. Select fresh prawns, wash them, peel off the shrimp, and remove the shrimp line. Place in a bowl, add shredded ginger, carved wine and marinate for 10 minutes.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2, prepare a piece of tofu, north tofu or tender tofu can be, directly cut into about 2 cm square pieces. Put in boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes, so that the taste is good and there is no odor.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3: Prepare a tomato and wash and cut into small pieces. I also prepared a handful of corn kernels, which the children love to eat.

4, from the pot to burn the oil, after the oil is hot, first put the marinated shrimp into the pot, fry on medium heat, when the color is rosy, cook, put on the plate for later.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5: In the bottom oil of the pot, continue to add ginger shredded stew, pour in the tomatoes and stir-fry the soup, cook some soy sauce to taste. Add 1 small bowl of boiling water and bring to a boil.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Then remove the tofu and corn kernels from the pot at the same time, stir well and simmer for 2 minutes. Finally, remove the shrimp from the pan again, stir-fry the tofu and corn kernels, add a little salt, add some black pepper, and turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2. Potato beef

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef brain, 1 large potato, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of ingredients (onion, fragrant leaves, black tea, ginger slices), 3 pieces of rock sugar, 1 spoon of cooking wine, oil and salt to taste

1, first cut the beef into pieces, soak in water for more than 2 hours, pay attention to observation, after the water turns red, change it once until the beef is soaked until it is white.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, at the same time, put the soaked beef into the pot, add 2 slices of ginger, pour in the cooking wine, turn on the heat, and slowly bring the pot to a boil. Cook all the froth all the time, then fish out the beef and rinse it off with warm water.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3. Prepare all kinds of ingredients for beef stew, onion, ginger, fragrant leaves, black tea, rock sugar. It doesn't need to be too complicated.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4: Drizzle a little cooking oil in the pot, after heating, put the beef under the pot, quickly stir-fry, so as to facilitate the water in it, and then add ginger, coriander leaves and onions together to fry, stir-fry the aroma.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5: Put the sautéed beef into a pressure cooker, add the hot water that has not passed the bull's head, then pour in soy sauce, oyster sauce and put in the black tea bag. Select the beef button to stew.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

6: When beef stew, we cut 1 potato, wash it and cut it into pieces. After the beef is stewed, add potatoes, and at the same time put the right amount of salt to taste, and then continue to simmer for about 15 minutes, so that the potatoes are cooked thoroughly and flavorful, and the potato beef under the incense is ready.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Third, the meat foam eggplant roasted rotten bamboo

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 100 g pork, 1 long eggplant, 2 dried bamboo sticks, 1/2 carrot, 1 tomato, minced garlic, 1 tbsp each of soy sauce oyster sauce, a little oil and salt, a little sugar

1, put the bamboo in advance into a large bowl, add more water, the water temperature is best at about 30 degrees, with a heavy object to press, so that the bamboo remains immersed in water, so that it is easier to absorb water and bubble hair. Then wash and cut into small pieces.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2: Prepare some side dishes, wash and cut carrots into slices, and wash and cut tomatoes into hob pieces. Also prepare some pork and cut into small pieces.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3: After washing the long eggplant, wipe the surface moisture, cut into hob pieces, then put it in a large bowl, sprinkle some salt, mix well, and let stand for 10 minutes. The precipitated water is then poured out and a layer of flour is wrapped around the surface of the eggplant. This reduces the oil absorption of eggplant.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4: Heat the oil, add the eggplant, fry over medium heat, and the flour on the surface of the eggplant will turn golden. This is the time to bring out the eggplant.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5, put the meat foam in the bottom oil, fry until it changes color, add the tomatoes to fry together, then add soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste, if the soup is not much, add some hot water into it.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

6, then put the rotten bamboo, carrots under the pot, quickly stir-fry for about 1 minute, again put the eggplant under the pot, adjust the appropriate amount of salt, a little sugar, quickly stir-fry until flavored, and finally the minced garlic under the pot, stir-fry again, you can turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4. Stir-fried chicken with cucumber

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 1 chicken thigh, minced garlic, 1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tsp of light soy sauce, a little pepper, a little salt, a little cooking oil, a suitable amount of water starch, and an appropriate amount of green onion

1, first choose a fresh chicken thigh, after cleaning, cut off the part with more fat, and then remove the bone and cut into small pieces. Place the cut chicken in a large bowl, add soy sauce, pepper, salt, minced garlic, mix well, and finally drizzle with a little corn oil and let stand for 10 minutes.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2: Prepare a fresh cucumber, scrub it clean, remove the head and tail, cut it in half longitudinally from the middle, then divide the two halves into four halves, and then cut into diced cucumbers.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3, pour a little cooking oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, put the marinated chicken into the pot, use a spatula to slip, fry over medium heat, the chicken will soon change color, at this time it is almost cooked. Add the prepared green onion to enhance the fragrance.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4: Then pour the diced cucumber into the pot, stir-fry quickly with the diced chicken, no need to put additional salt, stir-fry well, drizzle with the right amount of water starch to tighten the soup. You can turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5, cucumber is tender, easy to water, so it is not easy to fry for too long, simply stir-fry into the flavor can turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5. Scrambled eggs with garlic fungus and yellow cauliflower

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 300 grams of garlic, 6 black fungus, 1 handful of yellow cauliflower, 2 eggs, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, salt to taste, a little corn oil, and a suitable amount of green onion

1, fungus and yellow cauliflower although seemingly ordinary, but is a very nutritious ingredients, fungus is rich in trace elements, yellow cauliflower is rich in lecithin, for the child's brain development is very good. Soak the fungus and broccoli in advance, rinse and set aside.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2: Remove the garlic moss, remove the head, then wash it, cut it into small pieces directly on the board, and put it on the plate.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3: Prepare 2 large eggs, beat the eggs into a bowl first, add about 30 grams of pure water at the same time, and then use chopsticks to mix the egg mixture with the water.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4, in the pot poured into the cooking oil, the oil after heating, pour in the egg liquid, medium heat to fry the eggs, like the older can be fried for a while, fried after cooking.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5, prepare some green onions into the pot, use the bottom oil in the pot to fry fragrant, then put in the garlic moss, add a little soy sauce, salt, quickly stir-fry, otherwise the garlic moss is difficult to taste. Sauté for about 2 minutes, the garlic moss is broken, and then stir-fry the fungus and the broccoli together.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

6: Finally, put the previously fried eggs down the pot twice, add the right amount of salt at the same time, stir-fry until the taste is in, you can turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

6. Casserole perch

The spring perch is delicious, mostly garlic cloves, which taste firm and have very few spines in the sea bass, which is very suitable for children. Sea bass is not only rich in protein, but also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, children grow up, may wish to take advantage of the delicious to eat more.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 1 sea bass, green onion, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of cooking wine, 1 head of garlic, 1/2 onion, 1 small piece of ginger, 10 grams of corn starch, a little pepper, 3 grams of sugar

1, the sea bass washed clean, the water inside and outside the fish body are dried, first cut off the fish head, and then cut the fish head in half from the middle. The body of the fish is cut into small pieces.

2, in the cut fish pieces into the soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, ginger shredded, green onion, corn starch, pepper, sugar, and salt, all the seasonings at this time put in, grasp and mix evenly, so that the surface of the fish and the inside of the belly of the fish are wrapped with seasonings, marinate for half an hour.

3: Prepare some ingredients, chives, onion pieces, ginger, garlic, and spread to the bottom of the casserole first.

4: Place the marinated fish cubes in a casserole dish and heat for about 8 minutes. Then cover the lid of the casserole dish and continue simmering for 6 minutes.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5: Then open the lid, pour a little flower carving wine along the edge of the pot, continue to open the lid and heat for 1 minute. Sprinkle with spring onions and enjoy.

7. Broccoli roasted apricot abalone mushrooms

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, 2 medium-sized apricot abalone mushrooms, 1 egg, a little flour, a little oil and salt, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, a little black pepper, and a suitable amount of minced garlic

1: Prepare a fresh broccoli, cut into small flowers with scissors, put them in a large bowl, add some salt, stir by hand until dissolved in water, form brine, soak for 6-8 minutes, and wash 2-3 times with water.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2, clean the apricot abalone mushrooms, cut into hob pieces on the board, pay attention to the size evenly. Then put the apricot abalone mushrooms in a large bowl, beat in 1 egg, add some flour, a little salt, mix well, and wrap a thin layer of egg paste on the surface of the apricot abalone mushrooms.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3, boil water in the pot, blanch the broccoli for 1 minute, which can shorten the cooking time, but also more thoroughly remove the residual bacteria in the broccoli.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4, drizzle cooking oil in the pot, spread well at the bottom of the pot, put in the apricot abalone mushrooms, medium heat and slow frying, so that the egg paste on the surface of the apricot abalone mushrooms solidifies, after the color is yellow, the apricot abalone mushrooms are put out.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5, put the minced garlic in the pot to increase the flavor of the seasoning, then stir-fry the broccoli under the pot, add some soy sauce to season, stir-fry evenly, put the apricot abalone mushrooms under the pot again, stir-fry with broccoli, and finally add a little salt, add some black pepper, you can turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

8. Salt and pepper shrimp

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

Ingredients: 20 prawns, 20 grams of cornmeal, a little white sesame seeds, a small amount of green onion and ginger, a little cooking wine, a suitable amount of cooking oil, and a suitable amount of pepper and salt

1, choose fresh prawns, clean, cut off the shrimp feet, shrimp whiskers, shrimp heads can also be removed, so that it is more convenient to clean, shrimp line do not forget to go. Then add shredded green onion and ginger, cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

2: Prepare some additional ingredients, green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic, cut them separately and set aside.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

3, pickled shrimp, pour out the internal water, and then add some corn flour, mix well with chopsticks, corn flour does not need too much. Cornmeal can add flavor and make a better color.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

4, the pot into the cooking oil, my family generally use corn oil, after heating, put the shrimp into the pot, keep the medium heat to fry. Do not turn the pan after the pan, when the bottom shape becomes red, then turn the noodles and fry the shrimp until the whole body becomes golden. Then serve it out.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition

5, do not pour the bottom oil in the pot, directly put in the minced garlic and ginger, stir-fry, put the shrimp into the pot again, use the way to turn the shrimp, let the aroma wrap to the shrimp. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle some white sesame seeds to add flavor, and then turn off the heat.

Parents: When your child grows up, don't only supplement calcium, eat 8 more dishes, and add impetus to balanced nutrition
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