
Learning to play the piano is a chore

Learning the piano is a chore, children often can not stick to it for a long time, and the role of parents at this time is particularly important. Want to help your child continue to practice for a lifetime? Parents should at least do these 9 points -

Learning to play the piano is a chore

1 Find out the advantages of your own children

Even if only one of the sentences is played well, or the hand shape is well arranged, he praises her loudly, saying, This is really good! This hand is so beautiful! The encouragement from you will give your child plenty of motivation and keep him going on the keys for a long time

2 Give her mental encouragement when she really plays really well

Hug her, or kiss her, and say wow in a very exaggerated tone, you play too well! Using your body language to express your love for him is sometimes better than words, so don't skimp on your praise

3 And the teacher in class sometimes make a phone call and communicate with each other

Inspire and inspire children with the power of the teacher or the power of others! Sometimes what children need is to be recognized, you can ask your child's good friends to cheer him up together, and the praise and encouragement from the teacher will make him "bounce" a big hair~!

Learning to play the piano is a chore

4 Appropriate to give a little material encouragement

Usually, don't buy her what you like to satisfy her, you can promise her, but it depends on how well the piano is practiced this week, and then she does a good job and cashs in. However, it should be noted that parents promised to give, and they must try their best to cash in, otherwise this method may not be useful next time, but it will hurt the child's young mind.

5 Sometimes let her play the role of a little pianist

Parents may wish to co-play with their children, let him be a little player, you as an audience. Wait until the child finishes playing to give some applause and applause! This kind of fun can also bring confidence and satisfaction to the child, and arouse his interest in the piano

6 Don't cling to mistakes, learn to relax yourself and relax your child

Don't spend the night pestering her mistakes endlessly practicing, or even using verbal violence! "How are you so stupid" this kind of words is one of the murderers who stifle the child's interest in learning the piano, the child is wrong Parents can help slowly correct, please give him a little more patience

Learning to play the piano is a chore

7 When it is really not done well, be strict

Children find excuses not to practice the piano, practice does not take seriously, at this time parents will not give in to the strict. To maintain your prestige, do not abandon your principles because your child is spoiled or crying. As the saying goes, if you don't practice once, the teacher knows, if you don't practice for a day, you know it yourself, and if you don't practice for three days, the neighbor knows. Practice or insist on oh ~

If you want her to continue playing after 8 only half an hour, you may wish to encourage her more

Or encourage him, for example, to say to the child: You play really well, I really want to hear something like that. Or pull the other half of the family over for him or her to appreciate. This feeling of being noticed and appreciated, children are very willing to play a little more Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

9 Don't compare her to other children

Every child has its own strengths and weaknesses, do not compare other people's children with their own families. No matter how good other people's children are, it has nothing to do with us, isn't it ~ when you feel that the progress is slow, you can ask the teacher or parents to help the child make a practice plan and help the child correct mistakes, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle.



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