
What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Before the opening, dare to ask: Friend, have you ever held back urine?

In order to sleep for 10 minutes more in the morning, as long as you don't wet the bed, hold back!

Before watching the movie, I poured a few bottles of fat house happy water, and I didn't want to miss the plot when I pee, and I held back!

The boss will open for 30 minutes for 3 hours, what can I do, hold on!

A normal adult produces an average of 1500ml of urine per day, and there is always a time when they cannot be discharged in time for various reasons, and they must rely on "holding urine" to continue, and some people even practice a skill: urine, holding it is gone!

Holding back urine, will it hurt you badly? Or is it good for recycling, a deal that only makes money and does not lose money?

The most powerful thing to say is the big brother of the "bladder"...

What is your bladder doing while holding back urine?

Our kidneys produce urine all the time. When blood flows through the kidneys, it encounters glomeruli like a filter, and the waste products and excess water screened out are urine, which are collected through the renal tubules, collection tubes and other channels to the renal pelvis, and then through the ureters to the bladder.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Source: Tencent Medical Dictionary Medical Illustration

Because the human body can not wait by the toilet all the time to discharge the newly produced urine, the function of the big brother of the bladder is incomparably excellent: hoarding urine professional households! There was a lot of "fresh" urine.

In general, the bladder can silently hoard 200 to 300 mL of urine. In other words, before accumulating 200 to 300 mL of urine, humans have no intention of urinating.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

来源:HebaShaheed. Is it bad to hold your pee? TED-ed, 2017.1[1]

When urine is close to 300 to 500 ml, the right-hand man of big brother bladder, the inner urethral sphincter, begins to work. The sphincter is equivalent to the tap of the reservoir, which plays the role of opening the floodgates, when it senses the amount of urine, it will start to work under the instinctive reflex, and then the brain will receive the information, you know that the "urine intention" is coming, and you begin to have the urge to go to the toilet.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Of course, the impulse is just the impulse, your body may feel that it can hold on any longer, at this time, usually what we call "holding urine" also begins...

500, 600, 700ml, the external urethral sphincter has been holding up, and your brain has been transmitting a signal: please stay contracted.

In short, while you continue to hold back, fresh urine continues to be produced, until the urine in the bladder reaches the "alert value" - 800ml, it will "pour out"! The "detrusor muscles" of the inner wall of the bladder will also be disobedient, making you feel pain, pain and pain...

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Source: Stand Cool Helo

So, the question is: what kind of impact will it have on the human body after the hoarding of urine professional households is hoarded to the extreme?

Where did the suffocating urine end up?

One is to "flood out"! That is, urinary incontinence, holding urine to the limit, urine will leak out little by little, generally known as "overflow urinary incontinence".

This is not bad, after all, it is more moderate, the dangerous situation will be directly urinated - "urinary syncope": the bladder from expansion to sudden contraction, abdominal pressure drop, will indirectly cause a drop in blood pressure, the brain temporary blood supply is insufficient, making the eyes black, dizzy, most patients without any warning and suddenly faint, its incidence accounts for 15% of syncope patients. [2]

Therefore, after holding a large "urine", pay attention to controlling the drainage rate, it is best to take a sitting posture or a supporting wall. Especially for the elderly with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, holding urine will stimulate the rise in blood pressure, which can easily cause cerebral vascular rupture and bleeding, and urinary injuries "brain", which is not alarmist.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

One is reflux, holding out internal injuries!

Normally, urine does not return to the bladder. Because the bladder will fully compress the ureter that is shifted in the bladder segment through the surrounding muscles and close it, preventing urine from flowing back.

But if you always hold back urine, and each time you hold it for a few hours, in the long run, the pressure is too great, and the urine may flow back into the kidneys and hold out the "internal injury":

Causes urinary tract infections

The blood vessels in the bladder wall are compressed, the mucosal layer is thin, and it is easy to be damaged, so when the urine is full of bacteria, it will flow up the urethra, and the urinary system is susceptible to infection. Women are more likely to cause urinary tract infections due to the particularity of the urethra.

Causes nephritis

After holding back for a long time and holding back, urine may regurgitate to the ureter or prostate, which is easy for patients with diseases such as kidney stones to cause hydronephrosis, affect kidney function, and easily bring pelvis infection or produce new kidney stones.

Causes urinary retention and urinary output

The bladder is like an elastic balloon, when holding urine N+1 times, our sphincter bladder is enlarged, the muscle fibers will be pulled apart, the force of contraction will become weaker, and the "balloon" will also lose its original elasticity, resulting in urinary retention and no urination. And because the number of urination is reduced, metabolic waste cannot be excreted in time, which is easy to cause cystitis.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Source: soogif

And holding urine also has an impact on the male and female aspects:

For women, a full bladder may also compress into the "neighbor" organ uterus. Dysmenorrhea due to urination, severe ones can also lead to sexual pain.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

How sad, the consequences of holding back urine are really terrible... What is even more frightening is that many news have reported the explosion of the bladder because of holding urine.

A man in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, had a traffic accident while driving a motorcycle after a dinner with friends. Unfortunately, after a few bottles of beer before riding, he did not go to the toilet, resulting in excessive bladder filling, and after the motorcycle collision, he went to the hospital for a check-up, and the bladder ruptured, causing acute peritonitis.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

Source: Guangdong public DV live column

So, will the bladder really "rupture" due to holding urine?

In fact, the bladder is not so fragile, just because holding urine will not "explode", unless it encounters certain external conditions. The man in the news was obviously under the impact of the external force of the traffic accident, which caused the already full bladder to crack. If he was lying in bed, even if he drank as much beer, as long as he was not affected by external forces, there would be no such "flying disaster".

So, when holding back the urine, you really don't know what accidents you will encounter, ah, this risk can not be casually said to risk .....

How many times a day should I pee?

Generally speaking, a cup of underwater belly, after about 30 to 45 minutes will feel the feeling of urine. (Of course, if you eat something very salty, or sweat a lot after exercise, etc., the urine will come more slowly)

A normal adult, generally a day (24 hours) total urine output is about 1500 ml, and each time urination, generally will excrete 300 ~ 400 ml, according to 350 ml, about 4.3 times a day to urinate ~

Of course, this is only an average, affected by various factors, many people's frequency of urination may not be stable, such as if you suddenly drink more water one day, the row is naturally more.

But overall, healthy adults usually urinate 6-8 times per 24 hours and are considered the healthiest.

The best state is 7 times during the day and 1 time in the evening.

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

If you have urine, you can pull it, if you have money, you can spend it, and life is beautiful but so. However, there are always times when life is not up to me, such as on the highway, on the examination room, in the face of these occasions, how do we minimize the harm of "holding urine"?

You can do this when you have to hold back your urine

Beforehand: knowing that it is possible to go to the toilet for a long time, then drink as little water as possible in advance, and choke it from the source;

In the middle of the matter: after holding back, do not be too indulgent in "release", remember to control the flow rate, and take it slowly;

Afterwards: After urinating, it is still necessary to drink more water and urinate more to prevent lower urinary tract infections that may be caused by holding urine for a long time.

In short, if we can not hold "urine", we will try to hold less. However, some friends may not face the problem of holding urine, such as women will have a "leakage of urine" after giving birth, a little bit of urine can not be held back, but need to learn to hold urine.

Holding back urine can actually be trained

The site of training, the external sphincter of the urethra, is also the only place in the urinary system where we can control it through our will. To that end, someone invented a Kegel method, whether you're sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch, you can try practicing Kegel exercises at any time.

Before training, this exercise should recall the sudden holding of urine when urinating, similar to the feeling of "clipping the urine", and then do the corresponding contraction action, one loose and one tight and repeated continuously, maintaining a tension of 5 to 8 seconds each time. [3]

What is the effect of holding back urine on the body? The "explosion" of the bladder is only one of the consequences

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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