
"Flipping Through Books • World Book Day" Luyuan Executive Vice President and Writer Xu Ke recommended reading: "Su Dongpo New Biography", "Li Bai Biography"

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Zhang Jie Intern Wang Jinya

In the experience of Xu Ke, executive vice president of Lu Xun College of Literature and writer, reading can be seen in the needle, "whether it is a desk or a school bag, I have brought books at any time, including paper books on business trips." But if it is not convenient to read a paper book, I will pick up the phone, or the computer will be turned on, and take time to read. Time can't be that whole, but I'll stitch up the needle. Every night before going to bed, it must be a little bit of a turn. Time does not count the length, sometimes it may be longer, watch for an hour, half an hour, sometimes it may be ten minutes, sleepy and fall asleep. ”

"Flipping Through Books • World Book Day" Luyuan Executive Vice President and Writer Xu Ke recommended reading: "Su Dongpo New Biography", "Li Bai Biography"

Recently, Xu Ke has been more interested in biographical books, "Li Yibing's "New Biography of Su Dongpo" is very well written and solid. I personally think that it is better written than Lin Yutang, and the one of Lin Yutang is too personal. Li Yibing wrote very solidly. Moreover, the Su Dongpo he wrote is a Su Dongpo with human temperament and pyrotechnic gas. Ha Jin's "Biography of Li Bai", I like it very much. His Li Bai is particularly cute, making you feel that Li Bai is like an ordinary person around you. And the text expression is charming. ”

"Flipping Through Books • World Book Day" Luyuan Executive Vice President and Writer Xu Ke recommended reading: "Su Dongpo New Biography", "Li Bai Biography"

Why is there such a reading day? "Perhaps, what is missing should be emphasized. This day also reminds us that we don't read enough on a daily basis. Reading is actually a lifelong habit. I suggest that you read more books, read good books, and read books to life, don't read dead. ”

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