
Take nude photos "by" sleeping with the coin circle after 95 female CEO Xu Ke who is?


One night in August 2012, on the streets of Nanjing. A 17-year-old girl calmly climbed out of the car after overturning due to speeding. Heavy makeup, hot pants, black bra, revealing clothing, "rollover girl" became an Internet celebrity for a while, attracting a lot of hot discussion.

In the summer of 2018, there was an article circulating in the blockchain circle that rated the beautiful women in the circle. The original "Rollover Woman" ranked among the top ten as "ono founders", and was ranked together with He Yi and others as "one sister of the coin circle".

In 6 years, the girl has changed from an international student to a serial entrepreneur in a popular industry. What hasn't changed is beauty, sexiness, avant-garde, boldness, and revealingness. The controversy, on the other hand, seems to have become a label attached to her, and has been with her ever since.

She is Xu Ke.

The "sleeper" who lies on the gun

People in the currency circle seem to cherish and enjoy the traffic brought by each exposure, even if it is a negative exposure, they rush to rub it, and they are willing to go to muddy waters. Traffic is value, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of many people.

Last week, Li Xiaolai's "recording gate" incident was like a nuclear bomb detonating the coin circle, affecting many bigwigs in the circle. After the recording was leaked, Li Xiaolai and the old cat pointed out that this matter was yi Lihua's doing, and the two sides continued to tear up the war for several days.

After Yi Lihua denied leaking the recording, Li Xiaolai did not appreciate it, and posted an article exposing his use of a rat warehouse, and Yi Lihua immediately responded that Li Xiaolai was defamatory.

The so-called "gods fight, mortals lie guns". In the spit star of Yi Li's comings and goings, Xu can join this big battle in a casual but energetic way, which attracts a lot of attention.

Xu Ke first took the initiative to "translate" Yi Lihua's response to Li Xiaolai in the circle of friends, and incidentally also exposed that the project meta invested by Zhu Pan and Yi Lihua was a scam project.

Subsequently, a comment by Yi Lihua in Xu Ke's circle of friends completely ignited the explosive point.

Yi Lihua said, "I'm sorry, he laughed at you in the company meeting before, in order to get investment, sleep with investors." ”

Take nude photos "by" sleeping with the coin circle after 95 female CEO Xu Ke who is?

Xu Ke was supposed to cheer for Li Xiao, but he did not expect to be opposed to the first army, which can be described as "picking bees to eat stings".

Seeing that the little girl could not eat, the other party Li Xiao came to shoot the horse and arrived, scolded Yi Lihua, and praised Xu Ke as a very effective entrepreneur with a very independent attitude in life.

But just when the melon-eating masses were expecting another tearing war to start, the plot was rapidly reversed.

I don't know whether it was some kind of compromise reached behind it, or whether Yi Lihua threw out the "sleeping saying" without a real hammer to know that he was wrong, he immediately apologized to Xu Ke the next day, and Xu Ke also said that Yi Lihua's platform meta was just a misunderstanding.

After the two sides have earned enough eyeballs, a circle of friends and a microblog will shake hands and make peace, which is really "a small hand shakes, and the traffic arrives.".

In terms of fame alone, compared with Li Xiaolai, Yi Lihua and Chen Weixing in the currency circle, Xu Ke's qualifications are still shallow. So much so that in some groups, some people asked while watching: Who is Xu Ke?

If Xu Ke jumped out and mixed up the scolding war in order to attract traffic, there is no doubt that her purpose was achieved. Several big guys were scared around, and Xu Ke and ono, who were originally unknown in the coin circle, became a major beneficiary of this tearing.

Li Xiaolai supported the post-95 CEO

According to public information, Xu Ke was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 1995, attended the Nanjing Foreign Chinese School in junior high school, and has studied in britain and the United States. In 2014, Xu Ke, who was only 19 years old, returned to China to start a business, first founded Yicheng Biology, focusing on maternal and child health care products, but it didn't take long to stop, more like playing tickets.

A few months later, Xu Ke found a small partner who studied in the UK to develop a social app "era". Tabs such as "Post-95s" and "Beauty CEO" have attracted many media reports.

According to reports at the time, Xu Ke and his friends were eating fast food and instant noodles together in the villa rented in Shanghai.

In ono's white paper, Xu Ke's entrepreneurial experience has been described, "In 2014, he began to get involved in blockchain entrepreneurship, successfully developed and operated a value social app based on cognitive surplus, era", with a monthly transaction flow of more than 8 million, becoming a phenomenon-level product that was popular at that time. ”

At that time, how hot it was, how much the monthly flow was, it is now impossible to verify, but at present, it can not be found on Apple's App Store.

During this period, Xu Ke and the team also made a product similar to the ether cat, called genesis dog. It is said that on the first day of the launch, it was fried to 300,000 yuan a piece, and on the first day it sold more than a thousand eths, and the price was as high as more than 9 million. At present, the Genesis Dog has also heard little.

Judging from Xu Ke's experience of continuous entrepreneurship, it was not successful until he met Li Xiaolai.

Xu Ke's latest identity is the founder and CEO of ONO. Official information shows that ono is a decentralized pan-social platform for the post-90s and even post-95s. This ono project, Li Xiaolai's "aura" has always been accompanied by left and right.

In 2018, after a series of unsuccessful ventures, Xu turned to found ono and in January declared that ono had received millions of dollars in investment from Li Xiaolai's coin capital (inblockchain).

At that time, Li Xiaolai commented that Xu Ke was "a rare young man in the blockchain field who has potential, is willing to do practical things, and will be fruitful in words and deeds", and believes that Xu Ke can achieve great success in this field.

In April this year, Xu Ke issued an "ono statement on recent rumors related to Li Xiaolai" on Zhihu, praising Li Xiaolai to the fullest.

Li Xiaolai may not be the most "excellent" investor, he is not very calculating, and he offends people everywhere. But he is definitely the most affectionate investor I have ever met. Li Xiaolai's love for blockchain, his feelings, and the extraordinary significance of his efforts to the blockchain industry, will never be erased. ”

Between the words, it is not difficult to see that Xu Ke is also a loyal fan of Li Xiaolai. On various occasions, the two sides hold each other in a fancy way, with back and forth.

On June 8, Lee Xiao-lai participated in the management of the Xiong'an Fund and the South Korean venture capital agency Kip invested in ono's Round A, amounting to tens of millions of DOLLARs.

Take nude photos "by" sleeping with the coin circle after 95 female CEO Xu Ke who is?

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why Xu Ke jumped out to give Li Xiao a righteous speech. From Li Xiaolai's reaction after "sleeping with", it can also be seen that he has a deep affection for Xu Ke.'s "protecting calves".

In the words of Li Xiaolai in the recording, in the currency circle is to rely on internet celebrity traffic and speculation to deceive retail investors of money, Li Xiaolai is well versed in this way, Xu Ke is also quite true.

Coin Circle "Bad Girl"

He dropped out of school at the age of 19 to start a business, and is only 23 years old now, but Xu Ke has been "famous for a long time". Before entering the coin circle, he was already an out-and-out Internet celebrity.

The first news release dates back to 2012. That year, Xu Ke was only 17 years old. At that time, a news of a "bursting milk overturning woman" caused a great response on the Internet, and Xu Ke was the heroine of the news.

After the driver's Buick rolled over, she climbed out of the car dressed in revealing clothes, put on 17cm high heels, and calmly accepted police inquiries and TV interviews.

Take nude photos "by" sleeping with the coin circle after 95 female CEO Xu Ke who is?

In the eyes of many people, he is still not involved in the age of the world, but Xu Ke did not have the panic of the accident at all, smoking a cigarette in one hand, and lightly described his many overturning experiences: once to 260 yards, once to 240 yards, and once because he was asleep.

The overturning incident allowed Xu Ke to enjoy the taste of being an "internet celebrity" for the first time, interviewed by tv stations, and a large number of netizens watched. It is said that in the days after the accident, Xu Ke's Weibo followers rose from more than 400 to more than 14,000. Even "rollover girl" has become a Baidu entry.

Take nude photos "by" sleeping with the coin circle after 95 female CEO Xu Ke who is?

That is, shortly after that incident, He returned to China, xu Ke began the road of entrepreneurship, and since then, the image of "post-95 beauty CEO" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people under the packaging of the media.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning that at the beginning of the business, Xu Ke also had a more concerned identity, the girlfriend of the former lol professional player "Elixir". This also had an impact on her later entrepreneurial social and game projects.

Nowadays, it seems that Xu Ke's projects that he has poured his heart and soul into are not satisfactory, and whether the ono blessed by Li Xiaolai can succeed also needs time to test. But online articles about his past experiences are still available. On his Weibo, photos of revealing clothes, exaggerated expressions and attractive postures are not uncommon, and there are also naked photos of him on the Internet that are widely circulated.

While avant-garde, bold, trendy, and becoming the label on Xu Ke's body, the image of a "bad girl" in traditional thinking has also been vividly expressed in her: from the teenage years old, drag racing, nightclubs, plastic surgery, dropouts, nude photos, rebellion, smoke does not leave the hand, clothes are exposed...

Some people say that in Xu Ke, we can see a lot of advantages after 90, have ideas, creativity, and true temperament. But there are also people who evaluate her, self, ideas are greater than reality, a passionate entrepreneur on a whim, halfway abandoned.

Xu Ke, who likes Texas Hold'em poker, said, "Entrepreneurship is like Poker, the most important thing is fast, accurate and fierce", but this "fast and accurate" has been repeated many times. She also said: "Until I met the blockchain, it was like meeting true love."

For the latest project, Ono, she has ambitious goals and "wants to disrupt WeChat and Facebook." This time, will she "roll over"?

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