
Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

Everyone will have a hometown. The hometown is the place where a person's life begins to grow, and it is also the eternal matrix for writers to review their lives. On December 14th, Mao Dun Literature Award winner and writer Ah Lai, Executive Vice President of Lu Xun Literature Academy and essayist Xu Ke, Lu Xun Literature Award winner and novelist from Shanxi Ge Ping, gathered in Kuanzhai Alley, See Mountain Academy, in the name of "Stitch of Hometown", based on their respective hometown experiences, to share their deep thoughts on the relationship between their hometown and long-distance travel, writer Jiang Lan and Tong Xin, editor of "Chinese Writers", also participated in this sharing and exchange meeting.

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

(From left to right) Xu Ke, Ge Ping, Ah Lai

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

"Loving your hometown is the common sentiment of people. But we must also be vigilant and avoid using romantic sentiments to deliberately beautify our hometown. "In Our language system, there are some words that seem more flooded and hollow: nostalgia. Nostalgia for home. I would like to say that whether it is in literature or life, we should try to avoid clichés and treat the concept of hometown as much as possible, and our attitude should be true. Don't be hypocritical. Alai has mentioned many times that many people often have a understanding of things, only staying at the level of big concepts and slogans, but they lack enough curiosity about a specific street and the land under their feet. "I started writing in my 20s, and I've always wanted to figure out what my hometown's relationship with the world really is. How exactly is it different from other places. I wanted to make sense of the connection between many things, rather than deliberately rendering it mysterious. In my opinion, literature should establish a personal connection with the world, and I will look for this connection. ”

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"


Readers familiar with Alai are not difficult to find that whether it is early poetry or novels or non-fiction creations, the hometown of Malcom is not only the hometown of Alai's body, but also the spiritual hometown of his literary creation. In 1989, with full of passion, Alai walked out of the house, over the snowy mountains, and roamed the Ruoerge steppe. In May 1994, in my hometown of Malkang, spring had just begun on the plateau, and just outside the window was a forest of birch trees, which suddenly began to sprout. Ah Lai turned on the computer and wrote a line: "It was a snowy morning,...... "Began the creative journey of "Dust Settled". Before writing "The Dust Settles", Ah Lai examined the history of many Toast families in his hometown. So much so that up to now, many descendants of many families in my hometown will still ask Ah Lai some things. In addition to "The Dust Settles", he wrote "The Epic of Jicun", "King Gesar", "Three Cordyceps", and in recent years has written a work about the expedition of foreign explorer Joseph Locke in Sichuan, and the newly published novel "Memoirs in the Clouds" is set in a major earthquake that occurred in his hometown. Ah said, "My writing has always revolved around my hometown. I have always expressed my hometown in every way. To this day, many of my works revolve around a set of words centered on my hometown. So you say, do I love my hometown? ”

"Love is complex, and there may be indisputable emotions in love. The concept of hometown is also from the smallest home, from small to large, gradually growing up, becoming a more meaningful hometown. Alai frankly said that his concept of hometown is constantly expanding, "If in the past my hometown was a village, now my hometown is much larger than the village and township where I was born." In my heart, my hometown is so vast that it covers almost the entire eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. What I have written about is my hometown. ”

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

Xu Ke

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

Xu Ke, executive vice president of Lu Xun Academy of Literature, is a writer who has achieved great success in prose creation. Many of his essays have been selected for selection in anthologies and primary and secondary school language textbooks. He has won the China Journalism Award, the Feng Zikai Chinese and Foreign Prose Award, etc. This time in Chengdu, Xu Ke brought his latest collection of essays, "Carrying His Hometown to the Far Journey". In this collection of essays, he wrote "Ten Memories of Hometown", "Ten Memories of the Earth", "Mountains and Rivers, Grass and Trees", and so on. For the concept of hometown, Xu Keren agrees with Alai's point of view, "I have always believed that looking back at my hometown is not deliberately beautifying my hometown. This philosophy has also been throughout my writing. When I wrote the book", "Carrying My Hometown to The Long Journey", my focus was on "traveling far" rather than "hometown". The goal of carrying your hometown is to go on a long journey. Xu Ke also mentioned, "I also often think: Why is my hometown often a village rather than a city?" Perhaps because cities are more likely to be the same, while villages are different. ”

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

Kudzu level

Ge is from Shanxi and grew up in the countryside. Her works are mostly rural themes, inheriting the writing style of "yam egg pie", full of strong local customs, reflecting the poetic beauty of rural idylls. In the contemporary rural theme novels he created, such as the short story collection "Flowers Bloom and Rich", the feelings of rural people's heartache, heart-wrenching, wanting to change and powerless, wanting to get ahead but having to be careful everywhere are portrayed vividly. Regarding his hometown, Ge Level is full of memories of the past and has no lack of helplessness about the disappearance of his hometown, "My childhood in my hometown was materially poor. But the breeze is bright, people's hearts are simple and simple, and life is very happy. ”

Homeland is difficult to return Only through literature looking back Ah Lai, Xu Ke, Ge level together in the wide alley to count the "stitches of the hometown"

Today, Ge has become a writer, who has long left his hometown and lived in the city. She misses her hometown, and when she returns to her hometown, she feels out of place. Now that I see my hometown, many beautiful things have disappeared. I grew up on a clay kang. I love Tu Kang. I also make a kang in the city house, but I know that it is only a form. However, leaving my hometown is an inevitable fate for many people, including me. Because the hometown is the hometown that can never go back, the nutrients are not enough for him to grow. To sum up, the goal that many rural people have struggled for all their lives is to leave their hometowns in the background. Finally, Ge's tone is difficult to say, "I have turned my back on my hometown, and I have lost my hometown." I gained my life in the present moment at the cost of turning my back on my homeland. Even if I miss my hometown and want to return to my hometown, I can't go back, I can only go back to my hometown through my own words and literary works. ”

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