
Rich details reproduce everyone's image

Rich details reproduce everyone's image

"Ren Ren Qi Gong": by Xu Ke; published by Huangshan Book Society.

Life is limited, if you want to experience a colorful life in a limited life, enrich your life experience, reading biographies is a feasible path. The deeds of those characters who temper their qualities in life and create good achievements in career tests can often cultivate their character and enlighten their hearts, and Xu Ke's "Ren Ren Qi Gong" is such a work.

Qi Gong has made great achievements in the fields of culture, art and education, however, his life experience is more bumpy: he lost his father at the age of one, lost his mother in middle age, and experienced many hardships in life; he did not graduate from middle school but studied diligently and eventually became a cultural master. In the face of the ups and downs of the master's life, "Ren Ren Qi Gong" informatively records the life deeds of Qi Gong, so that readers can truly feel Qi Gong's actions and personalities in a small matter.

It is a difficult problem to choose an appropriate perspective and summarize the life of the master in concise words. "Benevolent people love people", "Benevolent Qigong" uses the word "benevolent", providing readers with "keywords" for understanding Qigong, outlining a humble, humorous and benevolent character image. The establishment of this image is inseparable from the real, concrete and vivid portrayal.

As a calligrapher, Qi Gong generally wrote simplified characters when inscribing publicly published books or plaques in public places. Some people suggested that it is better to write traditional characters with a brush, and Qi Gong Zhengse replied: "This is not a question of whether I love to write or not, whether it looks good or not, the standardization of Chinese characters is stipulated by the national law, and I have to implement the law." In 1990, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of historian and QiGong's teacher Chen Yuan, Qi Gong held a charity sale of his calligraphy and painting works, and won more than one million yuan in scholarships named after the teachers, all of which were used to fund students who worked hard and had good moral character to thank the teacher. For students, Qi Gong adheres to the principle of "teaching without class", and treats students from the department, departments and even schools with the same warm reception and patient guidance. In 2003, a master's student from another university asked Qi Gong about the Chinese Painting Research Association in order to complete a thesis on modern Chinese painting, and he gladly agreed. Qi Gong, who is more than ninety years old, talked with this classmate for three hours, providing a large number of fresh and emotional first-hand materials. In "Ren Ren Qi Gong", there are many such stories, and the author portrays a character who loves life and has feelings and righteousness for the reader through rich details.

From the perspective of calligraphers, people cherish the works of Qi Gong, not only because of his artistic achievements, but also because of his humble and benevolent, indifferent to fame and fortune. "Ren Ren Qi Gong" records the life of a cultural person in the form of a biography, showing the good qualities of the master through a true and specific story, and interpreting what is like a person. When many such short stories are fully unfolded in the book, the path of Qi Gong's growth into talent naturally emerges in the reader's mind, giving the reader a beneficial life enlightenment in the spring wind and rain.

Different types of biographies have different characteristics. The book is a collection of essays and is not a well-structured regular biography, depending on the reader's preferences and choices.

People's Daily ( 2022-01-25 20th edition)

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