
China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

After the mobile phone as a mobile network terminal existed in people's lives, various technologies began to develop vigorously.

For example, communication technology, before Huawei was blocked by the United States, 5G has always been ahead of the world. Even if it is now maliciously regulated by the United States, China's Internet level is still at the forefront of the world.

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

In addition to the level of scientific research that rides the dust, China's data on mobile phones also ranks first in the world, according to the latest mobile phone addiction research report on the Internet, China's addiction situation ranks first in the list, and is advertised as the world's most addictive country to smartphones.

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

The study, initiated by McGill University in Canada, looked at nearly 34,000 people in 24 countries around the world from 2014 to 2020 to study mobile phone usage during this time. The user base of this survey is obviously absolutely rigorous compared to the global population and the number of countries, but as soon as we see That China is first, we netizens not only do not resent it, but most of them express their approval.

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

Graphs are derived from the network

France and Germany, as developed countries, are at the end of this list, and many people will ask, why can the developed countries that are proud of technological manufacturing rely on mobile phones so low?

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

Huawei advertising in Germany

In fact, for example, Germany's telecommunications industry, the popularity and technical level are really not very good, which is the main reason why Huawei's 5G base stations can be deployed in Europe before. This is also why everyone in the subway in European countries chooses to read books, and we all look at mobile phones, people have no signal at all.

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

Compared with developed countries in Europe, we need to spend more time on mobile phones, first, because the mainland's telecommunications technology is stronger and more popular. Second, it is also because the social environment has become accustomed to such a state, and it is basically inseparable from mobile phones to eat, drink, live and travel.

The way of life in the developed countries of Europe is still the same as it was fifty or sixty years ago, except for the Internet, they have plenty of time to dominate and enrich their time outside of work. Credit cards and cash are still the dominant payment methods.

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

We are in a stage of rapid development, 996, and income to form a cliff ratio of housing prices, high education and medical costs, etc., such an environment, no one can stop. Everyone's fragmented free time can only be through short videos, games, gossip to entertain, and this may be the best choice at present?

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

Haqi H1 projection screen

China has become the world's most addicted country to smartphones, while France and Germany are last

After the popularity of smart phones, we rarely even have the energy to focus on watching a movie, devote ourselves to an outdoor life... Sometimes, we even forget that in addition to mobile phones, there can be other leisure ways, bicycle riding, outdoor projector to watch movies, reading books before going to bed, and a ticket to walk away.

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