
Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

New Year's Day relatives and others tease your child like this, parents do not be embarrassed to scare him!

These 4 questions are definitely not malicious!

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Children are not tools for teasing people, and they are not the object of other people's jokes

Parents must learn to protect their children

Don't let your love lose to "face"

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"Teasing" children is a must-have item for many relatives and friends to gather

Many adults like to set off the lively atmosphere by joking with children, however

Some people tease their children in ways that are often uncomfortable

They are completely out of proportion, and can even be said to have bad intentions

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

However, for many parents, especially those with thin skin and weak personalities

They can easily become embarrassed and know that they are uncomfortable

The child also looked hurt and unhappy

But these people just can't erase the "face" to stop each other. Reject the other person

Deeply afraid that others will say that they can't make jokes, they are stingy, and they are even more afraid of overshadowing their relationship because of this

In fact, the relationship between people is mutual

If you respect me, then of course I have to respect you

But if you're always ill-intentioned, what's the need to keep in touch?

I would say that it is time to be afraid, especially when it comes to children

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Don't be weak, and don't lose face to yourself

Here are 4 ways to tease children, if you encounter it, please resolutely refuse!


"You weren't born to your parents, you picked it up from the trash can/garbage heap"

This is a phrase we often encounter in life

In particular, some elderly people like to scare children in this way for fun

And once the child is "teased" and anxious, he begins to cry

At this time, these elderly relatives and friends will laugh triumphantly

What's even more frightening is that many parents often follow up in the face of such a situation

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

The more frightened and nervous the child, the louder the adults will laugh

It seems to be particularly fun to do this, but it leaves a deep shadow on the child

I remember one year I took my daughter back to my hometown for the Spring Festival

Chinese New Year's Eve, a few relatives from nearby came to join in the fun, and a group of people sat in my house and nagged

As a result, the time was very late, and everyone was still noisy and refused to disperse

My daughter was upset and started crying

Then a relative said

"Don't cry anymore, cry your mother won't want you, you're not her own, you were picked up from the trash can"

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Then he recalled that it was the child he had followed our couple to the trash can

So my daughter was so frightened that she cried

When I came from the kitchen, a group of them laughed and giggled

No one cared that my daughter was already scared and helpless there

Finally, when I asked the reason, I said to them angrily

"Apologize to your child and say she wasn't picked up from outside at all."

As I spoke, I took the child in my arms and comforted her

"You were born by your mother, not picked up by the trash can, they are all bad people, they are lying to you"

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

The relative saw that I was not happy, so he quickly apologized to the child, saying that he was talking nonsense

I also asked my mother to help him testify, and finally my daughter finally smiled happily again in our explanation and comfort

Still, my daughter, who was usually very independent, put her arms around me tightly when she went to bed that night

As if afraid of being thrown into the "trash can"

For small children, adult jokes are likely to leave a serious psychological shadow on them

And not every time you laugh and you will forget

According to a survey by a child psychological research institute in the United States

More than half of the children will leave a shadow in their hearts because of anger and sadness after being "joked" by adults

So that when you grow up, you will be injured repeatedly

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

As parents, if someone asks your child this question, we must learn to say no decisively

Clarify the child in a timely manner and give the child the greatest protection and full of security


"Give the child a lick, take a sip, it's all right!"

When gathering, people often have to push the cup to change the cup, and the chips are staggered

At this time, some people will let the child lick the "wine chopsticks", or directly let the child sip the wine

If adults refuse, these people will persuade them

"Oh, don't be afraid, just a little"

"In this way, you can exercise your child's alcohol intake, and you will have a future appearance."

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

As a result, the child suddenly cried out because it was too hot, or made a very painful expression

These people will laugh and get away with it

"Not spicy"

As a parent, in the face of such relatives, I suggest that everyone should not put up with it and directly tell him that he cannot

Because alcohol not only stimulates the child's brain nervous system, but also is medically a carcinogen

Adults drinking is not good for health, let alone delicate and fragile babies

Generally speaking, the harm of alcohol to children is reflected in these 3 aspects, and parents must be vigilant

Causes mouth ulcers

The reason for this is because the baby's oral mucosa is very young

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Once the spicy and stimulating liquor enters the child's mouth, it will cause damage to it and eventually turn into an ulcer

Harmful to body organs

The organs of the child's body are in a stage of growth and development, and their endurance is very low at this time

If the child is forced to absorb liquor, it is easy to develop alcohol poisoning, which eventually leads to damage to the organs

It can even threaten the lives of children

Damage to brain health

The alcohol content in liquor is very high, and once the child absorbs it, it will inevitably damage the brain

A crisis that leads to a decline in attention, memory, and even intelligence

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Finally, it seriously affects the growth and development of children

All in all, when someone gives a child a drink, parents have to resolutely refuse

Once your child is forced to drink, the best way to brush your child's teeth, feed them more water, or drink a little dairy product is to relieve the irritation of alcohol


"Baby is so cute, aunt/uncle incense"

Many relatives and elders, a look at innocent and cute children

I like to get started with it, not only to hug, but also to kiss

As a result, adult diseases are easily passed on to children

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

On the other hand, when children are used to being kissed and hugged, then once they encounter the strange aunt in the future, it is easy to let down their vigilance and finally be poisoned

Therefore, parents must resolutely put an end to this way of expressing love

I have seen such a news

A one-and-a-half-year-old child, because he was kissed by his mother, ended up with a lot of red rashes

Eventually, the whole arm swelled up and there was a high fever

The reason is that the mother carries the "aphthous ulcer virus"

So when you meet someone who wants to kiss your child, you must learn to refuse

At the same time, you must also tell your child that you can't let others kiss him or touch him casually

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back


"Let me see if you are good, show me your talent"

I believe that many people have had such childhood experiences

During the New Year's Festival, there are always elders who are forced to urge you to give them a performance and shine their talents

This way of "teasing" the child seems to be nothing, and even seems to be exercising the child

But in fact, it is very disrespectful to the child, and even leaves a shadow on the child's heart

I remember that in a variety show, Wei Daxun's father asked him to perform the show in public

As a result, Wei Daxun, who had become an adult, had a confused face and a very painful and dazed expression

The off-site observers also said

This kind of link is really a childhood nightmare for children

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Yes, many adults always feel that children are still young, so they always ignore children's feelings

Sacrifice their privacy and dignity to suggest their own happiness above their children's suffering

To be honest, every time I meet such relatives and friends, I ask my daughter to show her talent

I would stand up and help my daughter back

"She won't, or shall I play one for you?"

Fu Seoul also said in "Strange Story"

"Every time someone asks my son to perform, such as memorizing a poem or something, I will take the initiative to stand up and recite the poem."

She also said that this way of forcing children to perform in public will undoubtedly leave children with psychological shadows, and even many children will fall into inferiority and self-doubt

Relatives tease your child like this, parents must not be polite, they should be bluntly scared back

Here's a little trick for parents to deal with

That is when someone asks your child to perform, you can say the other way around

"Uncle and aunt are in such a good mood, we let him perform a good one"

At this time, it will be very clever to divert everyone's attention, help the child to break the siege, and will not offend people

Well, today's content ends here, as a parent, how do you think about these behaviors

Please leave an interactive message in the comments section below, see you in the next issue

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