
How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

Every time the topic of children is mentioned, the most talked about is how to educate children better.

Because the child is the continuation of a family and the hope of the parents, whether the child can be excellent in the future has become one of the things that a family cares about most.

Sadly, from ancient times to the present, people have a fixed idea that taking children is a woman's business, and men can only make good money to support their families outside, which has also caused a very common phenomenon in the current society - widowhood parenting.

I don't know if you have seen "Galaxy Tuition Class", which is a very educational movie released in 2019, which is worth every parent's careful taste.

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

Deng Chao played the role of a father in the movie, and he was also a very responsible engineer, but later for various reasons, he helped others carry the pot and went to jail for several years, so he missed his son's childhood.

During his imprisonment, his wife remarried, and his son's mind was not focused on studying, and by the time he was released from prison, his son had completely become a little who did not learn and did not learn any techniques, and once reached the point of being persuaded by the teacher to resign.

After knowing this news, Deng Chao did not give up his son, but when everyone gave up their son and did not believe that his son could enter the top 10, he patted his chest and swore that his son would be able to do it.

When he was only one or two months away from the exam, he did not take his son to make up for it, but instead took his son around to play, and told his son some life philosophies, so that his son knew that he could not easily accept defeat.

The test results came out, the results were unexpected, and the children who had poor grades in the past actually entered the top 10 of the grade, which can be called a miracle?

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

It can be seen that the role of the father is indispensable to the child, and can make up for the lack of only the mother's company, the most important of which is manifested in the following 4 aspects:

1. It is easier for dads to enter the spiritual world of their children

It is unrealistic for many people to have a baby with a father, because the carelessness of male compatriots can always make the child injured when it is safe, which also derives the classic quote that "when it is safe, the father is the most dangerous, and the father is the safest when it is dangerous".

But one thing is undeniable, the mother's inner world is often emotional, and the father is rational, can look at the problem more objectively, solve the problem, and can easily enter the child's spiritual world and communicate with the child's heart at a deeper level.

Just like the son in the movie, before his father is in prison, he does not have much time to accompany him, but he still admires his father, for the simple reason that his father gives him spiritual support and examples in words and deeds, so that the children can't help but imitate their father.

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

2. Dad can cultivate the child's independence

Generally speaking, after men get married, they are more lazy, many things are not willing to do, women become very conscious and responsible after marriage, which is the biggest difference between men and women after marriage.

It is precisely because of this difference that mothers often take full responsibility for the child's big and small affairs, but the father is always because of his laziness, even if the child is small, he will let the child do it, and over time he has cultivated the child's independence and sense of responsibility.

Not only that, but dad also likes to take the child to try some new things, especially those things that are very dangerous in the eyes of the mother, and the father's grinning personality will not hesitate to take the child to do it, and the child's hands-on ability is also enhanced.

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

3. Dad can make children more resilient in terms of personality

The mother is very gentle, and the child is also very careful, which cannot be denied by anyone, but it is precisely because the mother is too careful and gentle, and most of the children cultivated are also very soft-hearted, and there is not much of their own opinion.

But if the father often accompanies the child, then the innate masculinity in the father will indirectly affect the child, which will help the child's personality shaping greatly, and will also appear very brave in the face of difficulties.

Not only that, because the father has an attitude of not accepting defeat on many things, under the influence of a long time, the child will also form a tenacious character, such a character will not easily suffer losses even if it is out of society in the future, and it will be more open.

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

4. Dad knows how to respect his children better than mom

Many times it is not that mothers do not love their children, but some mothers have excessive control over their children because they love their children too much, always worrying that their children will be hurt, and hoping that their children can take every step according to their own regulations.

Dad is different, compared to mom, dad knows how to respect children, what is respect? For example, if a child obviously wants to do something, the mother will not let it go if she feels that it is not suitable or dangerous, but the father will be assured and bold to let the child do it, and naturally let the child feel respected.

And the father's respect will not only cultivate the child's independence, but also let the child have the ability to think independently, but also feel that he is loved by his parents, his opinions and ideas are useful, and the child will not only promise and have no self-confidence.

How much influence does dad have on his child? Mainly manifested in these four aspects, don't be a handshaker anymore

Write at the end:

In fact, for children, whether it is a father or a mother, the role they play in their lives is very important, which one is indispensable.

What the mother cultivates is the gentleness and kindness of the child, and the father cultivates the enthusiasm and bravery of the child, which is indispensable, and any less has an impact on the child's sound personality.

Therefore, do not always take busyness as an excuse, ignore the companionship of children in daily life, and be a treasurer, but to participate in the growth process of children, so that children can feel the love of father and mother in an all-round way and grow up more healthily.

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