
Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

Text/Di Lin Audit/Zi Yang Correction/Zhi Qiu

After Huawei was blocked by layers of bans in 2020, the domestic and even global smartphone market pattern began to change, and today, Samsung's position as the world's first place is difficult to shake, and Apple is back to second.

Apple won the first place in China

It is worth mentioning that Apple not only regained the second position in the world, but also became the quarterly sales champion in the Chinese market.

According to the well-known market research agency Counterpoint, the fourth quarter of 2021 China's smartphone market share ranking shows that Apple surpassed Xiaomi OV with a market share of 23% and firmly ranked first.

Not only that, Apple also opened a 4% gap with vivo, which ranked second in the country.

Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

As we all know, Apple's share of China's smartphone market in the past has been hovering around the fourth and fifth places.

Even if it is extraordinary in a certain quarter, it can only surpass Xiaomi, and it has not been able to beat the three major domestic giants of Huawei and OV.

But in the fourth quarter of 2021, Apple jumped up, and as for the reasons, I think there are two aspects.

On the one hand, Huawei is restricted by the ban and forced to give up part of the market, apple companies enjoy the dividend of "Huawei falls", and the market share is naturally further increased.

On the other hand, it is thanks to the company's flagship iPhone 13 series released in the third quarter of 2021.

Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

The price of the iPhone 13 has dropped again and again

After the listing and the end of the fourth quarter of 2021, the iPhone 13 series can be said to have made a contribution to Apple's product sales.

In particular, the iPhone 13 accounts for half of the total sales of the iPhone 13 series in the opening of sales. The reason why the iPhone 13 series can be so hot in the Chinese market, the author believes that the first thing is due to the improvement of the comprehensive strength of the flagship of the series.

Whether it is in terms of core processor, battery capacity, imaging system or screen ratio, Apple has upgraded and optimized the iPhone 13 series by different magnitudes.

Moreover, as the second generation of 5G mobile phones owned by Apple, the iPhone 13 series is also more mature in 5G functions.

Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

Therefore, from the perspective of product strength, the iPhone 13 series is beyond doubt.

Secondly, the hot sales of the iPhone 13 series are also due to its falling price. In the case of unchanged product strength and continuous decline in price, the cost-effective advantage of the iPhone 13 series has been highlighted.

As we all know, Apple has always been arrogant and stubborn in product pricing, and has been unwilling to reduce its own value. But since the rise of domestic mobile phones, major domestic brands began to fight a price war, Apple has lost the bottom of pricing, Cook began to move the real.

From the iPhone XR to the iPhone 13, Apple has been trying to use product differentiation to participate in the price war between domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

Among them, the hot sales of the iPhone 11 series have enhanced Apple's confidence, so there are iPhone 12 and 13 that are not inferior to the iPhone 11.

Cook moved the real thing, the price of the iPhone 13 fell again and again, and Apple won the first place in China

Of course, the simple price reduction will not arouse the high attention of consumers, iPhone 13 series or Apple's success in price strategy adjustment, in fact, thanks to Apple's strong brand influence.

Based on Apple's brand value, Cook's concessions on the price of the iPhone have made fruit fans feel relieved, and also made non-fruit fans begin to waver, and the idea of switching from Android to iOS camp has emerged.

Write at the end

I have to say that as soon as the price of the iPhone is reduced, the domestic mobile phones must be retreated, which can also be seen that there is still a large gap between the domestic high-end machine and the high-end iPhone, which is the direction that domestic mobile phone manufacturers need to work for.

Today, Xiaomi has officially put forward a plan to benchmark Apple, OPPO and vivo are also moving towards the high-end, in your opinion, who will be the next Huawei?

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