
Nanjing Disease Control reminds: When the school starts, families and schools should do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemic infectious diseases

School has started, and for some low-grade children with weak resistance, densely populated campuses should pay more attention to disease prevention and control. At home and at school, how can you take precautions? Come and hear from experts.

Nanjing Disease Control reminds: When the school starts, families and schools should do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemic infectious diseases

【Prevention of respiratory diseases And regular monitoring by disease control departments】

At the beginning of the new semester, the temperature is changeable, cold and warm, and the children must re-adapt to the learning environment and the rhythm of life in the school. Therefore, 1 to 2 weeks after the start of school, the children are in a period of physical and mental adjustment. At this time, it is also a high-risk period for some epidemic infectious diseases on campus. To this end, experts from the Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention will regularly monitor the incidence of various infectious diseases among students in school and remind schools to make plans.

Liu Hui, chief physician of the school health department of Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said: "Spring infectious diseases are mainly respiratory diseases, including influenza, chickenpox and mumps. Our CDC has a monitoring system for students who miss classes due to illness, requiring morning check-ups, noon-time check-ups, and some late-night check-ups. In the event of a student falling ill and missing class, the school is required to report it in time. If there are clustering characteristics, the CDC will send people to the scene to deal with them in a timely manner. ”

Nanjing Disease Control reminds: When the school starts, families and schools should do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemic infectious diseases

【Frequent ventilation and frequent hand washing, vaccination of relevant vaccines according to regulations】

Students in low-risk areas may not wear masks at school, but they should always be prepared. For respiratory infectious diseases, the preventive measure is to maintain indoor ventilation, and children and parents should develop the habit of washing their hands frequently.

Nanjing Disease Control reminds: When the school starts, families and schools should do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemic infectious diseases

Liu Hui said: "Whether it is at home or school, ventilation is ventilated every day for 30 minutes each time. Go to the vaccine as much as possible, vaccination is very effective for infectious diseases. As a reminder, influenza and chickenpox vaccines belong to the second type of vaccine and need to be vaccinated at their own expense. ”

It is important to note that currently, national vaccination guidelines recommend that COVID-19 vaccinations be separated from other vaccinations by at least 14 days. Therefore, if your child has recently been vaccinated against chickenpox, flu, brain flu or other vaccines, it is recommended to be vaccinated again after 14 days. Similarly, children who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 are advised to get other vaccines at intervals of 14 days.

(Reporting by Tang Anyi and Wei Shaohua)

(The copyright of this article belongs to Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Station, please indicate the source when reprinting)

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