
Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Expert reminder

Vision checks are necessary,

Vision should be checked regularly

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

In recent years, with the popularity of electronic products, the rate of myopia in adolescents has increased year by year, and many children have lost their eyesight and deepened their myopia due to unscientific eye habits.

In the Department of Ophthalmology of Jinshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, near the beginning of the school year, there are not a few parents with their children to check the eyes, optometry and dispense glasses, and even the door of the expert consultation room is lined up.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?
Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

"Can you see this line clearly?" Can you name the direction of the first one? Liu Yuanbo, an ophthalmologist at Jinshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, is operating a comprehensive refractometer to interrogate myopic patients.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Mr. Zhou, who brought his child to check it out, said, "I want to give my child an eye examination before the school starts to understand the latest vision status of my child." He told reporters that he felt that since the implementation of the "double reduction", the reduction of the schoolwork burden has also protected the child's vision to a certain extent, but it is still necessary to check regularly.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

The reporter learned that the ophthalmology clinics of various medical institutions in Jinshan have different degrees of "mirror tide" before the start of school. Li Tao, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of Jinshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that the number of students who went to the hospital for optometry and glasses in the few days before the start of the school year increased exponentially compared with usual, and most of the children were refractive errors after examination.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

"During the winter vacation, I obviously felt that things were blurrier than before. Today, I came here to re-check my vision and wear new glasses to prevent further deepening of the degree and not to affect my future studies. Cao Yan, who had just entered the first year of high school, said.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

How to scientifically prevent and control myopia in children?

Experts said that the first step is to establish a refractive development file, which is the first step in preventing and controlling children's myopia, which can detect refractive abnormalities in children early. For children at risk of myopia, parents will receive relevant referral recommendations for early diagnosis and scientific correction to control the development of myopia.

It is worth mentioning that in 2021, Jinshan District has achieved full coverage of refractive development files for children and adolescents.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Not only that, parents should also assume the important responsibility of supervising the prevention and control of myopia in adolescents in the family environment, and regularly take their children to the hospital for examination, timely understand the child's visual development, and early detection of children's vision problems.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Li Tao, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Jinshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University

High myopia can easily cause a series of lesions such as retinal hemorrhage and retinal atrophy, and even cause retinal detachment, causing blindness.

Therefore, when the child has myopia, parents must pay attention, especially like frequent blinking or rubbing eyes, squinting frown or crooked vision, watching TV or reading books are always very close, should take the child to the hospital in time to check, to prevent the development of myopia.

In addition, adolescents and children should do a routine eye examination every six months, and students wearing glasses need to review in time before resuming classes to avoid degree discomfort.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

In addition, experts said that adolescents and children should develop the correct habit of using their eyes, daily reading and writing should follow "1 foot away from the book, chest 1 fist from the table, hand 1 inch away from the tip of the pen", and should carry out no less than 1-2 hours of outdoor activities every day.

Effectively preventing myopia in adolescents and reducing the incidence of myopia are of positive significance to the prevention and control of myopia and the healthy development of children's physical and mental health.

Near the beginning of the school, why is there a queue at the entrance of this clinic of Jinshan Hospital?

Reporter | Fan Guoqing Yang Huicong

Correspondent 丨 Zhang Huisheng Luo Yingchun

Edit | Yu Lanting (Trainee)

Editor-in-charge | Dry Yu Qiong

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