
Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

Having a cute little baby is a common wish of the family. As soon as the baby is born, it becomes the "main heart" of the whole family, and everyone likes to circle around the baby. Once the baby has a different place, it will immediately cause heated discussions and even worries.

The baby has bruises on his body, and the father suspects that his wife is "sick"

Bao Mom with baby, if you don't look at the child well, not only the mother-in-law will be angry, but even bao Dad will be mad. However, some mothers are only novices and have no parenting experience, and it is difficult to be perfect with their children.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

Wang Li gave birth to a baby for six days, the first time she learned to take the baby, she was clumsy, always because of the bad baby sulk. The night before, Wang Li got up three times in the evening, and the next day she felt particularly tired, so she begged her husband for a favor and was responsible for taking the baby for a day. Wang Li explained to her husband that she should change the baby's diaper and feed the bottle in time, and then completely let go of the "vacation".

On that day, the mother-in-law was not there, went home to rest, Bao Dad was not idle in the morning of kung fu, he would walk around with the baby in his arms, and coax the baby to laugh. After a while, the baby cried again, and the baby father coaxed the baby to feed and drink. Busy until ten o'clock in the morning, the baby suddenly pulled, and Bao Dad had to change the baby's diapers. But this change does not matter, Bao Dad actually found that the baby's buttocks actually had bruises.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

Is that weird too? Could it be that the baby was beaten by his wife? It must be that the wife is tired of taking the baby, the baby is crying, and the wife is angry and beats the baby. The more Bao Dad thought about it, the more upset he became, and he actually suspected that his wife was sick and had postpartum depression!

Wang Li saw that her husband was unreasonable and made trouble, suspected that she hurt the baby, but also did not fight a place, and had a big fight with her husband, crying even more fiercely. This also makes Bao Dad feel that his wife is indeed "sick".

After calming down, Wang Li was curious, how could there be bruises on the baby's buttocks? This can't be the mother-in-law's beating, nor the husband's beating, let alone his own, so what is going on? With doubts, Wang Li asked the nurse, and only then did she learn that the baby had bruises on her buttocks.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

What's wrong with a "bruise" on your baby's butt?

Inexperienced new parents may mistakenly think that there are bruises on the baby's buttocks, which is to let people beat them. Found early, parents may suspect that the baby was squeezed by the birth canal when he was born, and the midwife slapped the baby's ass hard, too hard. If the baby is born for several days to find out, most people suspect that the mother is in a bad mood, too tired with the baby, take the baby angry, and beat the baby.

More parents will even think that the bruises on the baby's buttocks are skin diseases, and they are anxious to take the baby to the hospital for treatment. However, in fact, it may be that parents think too much.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

The "bruises" on your baby's butt are likely to be birthmarks

Carefully observe the "bruises" on the baby's buttocks, and a more accurate description should be "dark blue". If parents find that it is not the same as the bruises produced by the rupture of capillaries after the adult skin bumps, the "bruises" on the baby's buttocks do not have too strong color changes, unlike the skin after the adults bump first appear red, then turn dark purple, and finally become normal skin color. Then, the "bruise" on the baby's buttocks is probably one of the baby's birthmarks, also known as "Mongolian spots".

"Mongol spots" are genetic disorders that occur on the skin and are commonly formed by melanocytes that accumulate and settle on the dermis. The color of this "bruise" will not change in general, it will only become lighter and lighter, slowly disappearing, and few people will not fade away by adulthood.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

Most importantly, this "bruise" is not painful or itchy, which is equivalent to no sensation for the baby. As long as it does not grow to a particularly obvious place, it will hardly affect the baby's image.

In general, most of the "Mongolian spots" grow on the baby's waist, hips, sacral tail, and do not change viciously, and basically do not need treatment. Unless it is said that the baby's "Mongolian spots" grow to the face, arms and other obvious places, at the age of three or four, the baby feels that its existence is different, which will bring the baby an inferiority complex. Then, in this case, parents can consider helping the baby to carry out scientific methods such as laser and freezing.

Although the "Mongolian spot" is not harmful to the baby, it will still affect a certain degree of beauty. Therefore, parents should help the baby avoid "Mongolian spots" in advance and actively prevent the baby from having a birthmark.

Why does the baby have a "bruise" on the buttocks after birth, is it an injury? Here comes the scientific explanation

For example, when pregnant mothers are pregnant, they should take the initiative to supplement trace elements such as calcium, iron and zinc according to the doctor's instructions to prevent abnormal pigment secretion of baby pigment cells and prevent the formation of birthmarks. At the same time, pregnant mothers should also maintain a good mood, do not stay up late, do not sleep late, eat and rest regularly, so that the endocrine system of pregnant mothers can be more regular and not too disordered.

In short, there are birthmarks on the baby's buttocks, which are inseparable from genetic and gestational factors, the former cannot be avoided, and only the latter pregnant mother can do her best. This matter should still go with the flow, prevent it beforehand, and don't be afraid to panic when you encounter it afterwards.

Interactive topic: Is there a "bruise" on your butt after your baby is born? How long does it take to return?

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