
More than 40 pieces of art show off the "Heart Of Youth"

Recently, Guan Shanyue Art Museum selected more than 40 fine brush strokes from the collection of "Youth Heart Seal" series of collections, and through careful planning, held the "Colorful Spring - Collection of Youth Heart Seal Series Work Stroke Special Exhibition", which is divided into two themes: "Natural Style" and "Urban Story". The exhibition runs until 27 February.

The "Youth Heart Seal - Guan Shanyue Art Museum Youth Brush Painting Exhibition" held by Guan Shanyue Art Museum has lasted for eight years, and more than 300 excellent works of the "Youth Heart Seal" series of exhibitions have initially formed a collection system of contemporary Chinese gongbi paintings of Guan Shanyue Art Museum with the cultural characteristics of Shenzhen City.

More than 40 pieces of art show off the "Heart Of Youth"

Exhibition site

This exhibition specially exhibits the new media work "Guan He" created by local Gongbi painters with the support of the Digital Development Department of Guan Shanyue Art Museum, which takes the artist's Gongbi work "Lotus Evening Sun" as the basic element, uses modern new media interaction technology to interact with the audience, combines traditional Chinese Gongbi painting with modern space aesthetics, and explores the possibility of creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Gongbi painting in the new era through digital technology empowerment.

The whole exhibition presents the creation and exploration of contemporary Chinese Gongbi painters in different spiritual dimensions, and shows the era style of Chinese Gongbi painting art in the new era.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City reporter Li Qiaorong

Photo: Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporter Li Qiaorong

Video/ Guangzhou Daily New Flower City reporter Li Qiaorong

Some of the image sources: organizers

Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng editor Dai Yujing

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