
There are always university teachers waiting for the flowers to bloom

Some people will say that it is good to be a college teacher, have two vacations a year, and can rest for two months. Rest for two months, compared to some departments and enterprises, it is really drunk. In these two months, you can do whatever you want, for example, you can visit relatives and friends, you can walk through the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland, enjoy the scenery along the way, appreciate various customs and customs, and feel different cultures. Teachers who have a little money, teachers who can't see the world and are unwilling to die, can go around the world and experience whether the scenery is unique.

There are thousands of ways to play during the holidays, and there are also thousands of different natures. It may also be a carnival of the flesh, it may be a spiritual feast, it may be a banishment of the soul, it may be a rest in the Garden of Eden, it may be an escape from real life, it may be a temporary retreat, or it may be a place where there is no applause to lick the wound of the shot. There are many ways to play, and the taste is superior. After the carnival of the flesh, it is the prostration of the spirit, the lack of the spirit. Life without spirit, that is, the life of animals. Man is an animal that thinks and believes, and only with thought and faith can man become a man. Imagine what would happen to the world if pigs had thoughts and beliefs.

Although everyone is playing, the nature of play is so different. Some people sublimate their minds while playing, and some people sink their bodies while playing. The way university teachers play has both commonalities and particularities with secular life. Particularity in academic taste, academic value can be adhered to. Without scholarship and its beliefs, university teachers will be soulless and out of the soul. Of course, academics are not the preserve of university teachers, and anyone can be an academic enthusiast and pursuer, which must be pointed out.

The holidays can best show the original ecology of the life of university teachers. The original ecology of the university consists of three parts, one part is to live an academic life, and the other part is to live an academic life. The middle part is either more academic or more life-oriented. There are too few people living an academic life, and too many people living a life without an academic life. This part of the middle of the people, always two concerns, when playing, always want to point out academics, when engaged in academics, always want to play, pedal two boats, heart of academic and life two lovers, regrettably, the middle of this part of the people will often fall into a group without academic life.

For people who have lived without an academic life, they are either competitors or occasional college jobs. For the losers of competition, they fall in a competition, they never stand up in the competition again, they fall down once, they think they fall forever. They blended into the mundane life, settling in with the circumstances and drifting with the tide. The holidays are all about playing, having fun, playing like crazy, and playing with the world is going crazy with them. After playing, it is to show off, to tell people where they have gone, where they are fun, where they look good, where they are delicious. They talk and burp, and the smell is all about the offal of animals. This kind of life is beyond reproach, it is the freedom of others. It's just that this freedom that makes academic pursuits lose their place. For teachers who occasionally meet universities in life, they can find opportunities to evacuate at any time, academic things, they can't play, they can't play, they don't want to play, as for the pursuit of academics, it is absolutely nothing, and they feel very tired when they put academics in the corner.

For others who have lived without academic life, scholarship is the means of life, not even the means of life. If it can become a means of life, then play academia, if academia does not become a means of life, then let the academic side stay. In the process of playing academia, they have played their own lives, and they have played with themselves, so that they have no dignity in academia, and they have lost their minimum dignity. They are amphibians, in life they play academically and appear elegant, in academia they live, they dance with the world. They pursue topics like lovers, pursue projects, pursue natural and social science foundations, pursue the interests behind these things. Once the pursuit is in hand, the work is done by others, enjoy the lover-like life by yourself, and run around the world to play. They were holding special state allowances and carrying the signs of famous scholars, famous professors, and famous experts, but in fact, they had no goods in their stomachs and were empty. So people see that there are them in plagiarism papers, let others be gunmen for them, let others work for their own benefit. In a word, where there is scholarship, there is no figure of them, and where there is interest, they will quickly jump out under the ground.

There are always some people in the university, they are doing academics, they are engaged in academics, they do not have holidays, they just use vacations as an academic adjustment and meditation. Their bodies seem to be on holiday, but their minds and hearts are never on vacation. Their life is the life of academia, and their life is the life of academia. They regard scholarship as life, life as academia, life outside of academia, is only the means of scholarship, and scholarship is the purpose of life. They do scholarship for academics' sake, they see scholarship as their first life, and they dedicate their lives to academia. They are not bearing the weight of life at all, they are bearing the weight of scholarship. They are enjoying the bitterness and joy of scholarship and the loneliness of scholarship. They did not learn and excelled in the creed, and they regarded reading as an insult or a disgrace to scholarship.

They build ideas, come up with paradigms, shape values. They give value care and humanistic care to life, to the world, to the system and system. They built a new world, a new ideal, a new utopia with their own ideas and ideas. Through their own values, they have influenced the course of human historical development and changed the direction of human historical development. If the history of mankind is a history of ideas, then the history of mankind is also a history of scholarship. Academic influence on human beings is long-term, subtle, and silent.

They feel the academic world in reading books, looking up materials, thinking, and they may even feel the temperature of academic life through a ray of sunlight outside the window. Of course, they are also known as fame and profit, but this name is the name of scholarship, and this kind of profit is the benefit of scholarship, and they pursue academic reputation and status, and they know that this may not be sought. When fame comes and goes, that is luck, not even contemporary luck, but the luck of history. History is ruthless, but it is also fair, and those flashy fame and fortune will eventually be ruthlessly eliminated by history. Waiting for the flowers to blossom is the fate of people in learning, and it is also a reward for the selflessness of people in academia.

In the eyes of academic teachers, any content of the world is transformed into academic or academic specimens, they see the world from an academic perspective, and the world enters their eyes and transforms into academics. The journey of the tour becomes an academic journey. The scenery of tourism constitutes the landscape of academia, so that academia is full of a sense of the times and a sense of movement. The different experiences of travel become academic experiences, making the tree of academic life full of green life. The different terroirs and cultures of tourism are deconstructed and reorganized academically. They see that the mountain is academic, the water is academic, the person is academic, the history is academic, and the world is academic. It is a small cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, a drink, a brick rubble, a stone that no one notices, all of which will arouse their endless academic reverie. Through tourism, they have made the world academic and internationalized. Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles has always been the ideal pursuit of academic people. In the eyes of outsiders, they are academic nerds, but what outsiders do not see is that it is academic nerds who unconsciously and invisibly change history.

It is also possible that university teachers engaged in academics have achieved nothing on the academic road, but they have also lived out the quality of life and have not wasted their lives. Only those who are engaged in academics can be qualified to wait for the flowers to bloom. Only those who are engaged in academics can become the landscape of the university. Only those who are engaged in academics can let students feel the infinite charm of scholarship. College students are on vacation, teachers are engaged in academics, so that college students can see the academic flowers blossom and fall, how spectacular, but also how tragic, because in secular society, academia is almost no applause territory.

Source: Studies in Foreign Literature and Art

Higher Education Id: cncollege

Focus on the development of higher education / Care about the growth of university teachers / Care for university talents

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