
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》

Zhao Mengfu's book "Entering the City", on paper, where twenty-three lines, the number of words on each line is different, counting 269 words. Collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

The letter mentions that the matter of inviting Zhongfeng to Dongheng Pudu's deceased wife was signed on the date of "April 12", so it should be written by Yanyou for seven years.

"Qianjiang", the abbot of Wuxing Benshan Illusion Temple. In the letter, Zhao expressed his support for the monk Zhongfeng's entry into the mountain, and sincerely expressed his sympathy, which can be clearly seen that Zhao's state of mind at this time has been significantly different from that of the beijing mentality. In addition, you can also feel Zhao Mengfu's boredom with calligraphy and painting in his later years, perhaps because of Mrs. Guan's death, coupled with her old age and physical decline, so that her state of mind has changed greatly, and her thinking seems to have seen through life, and she yearns for the pure and inactive life of the Shi family, and is unwilling to worry about the world anymore.

Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》
Zhao Mengfu 'Entering the City Post》

Commentary: Zhongfeng and Shang teacher waiters. Disciples Zhao Mengfu and Nan Baishang were sealed.

Meng Fu and Nan Baifu Zhongfeng and Shang Teacher Waiter:

Meng Fu Qianjiang entered the city, got the teachings, knew that the staff tin entered the mountain with a basket of public opinion, smelled it, and was very amazed, and it was seen from time to time in French, and every person who did not know likes and dislikes was no different from those who asked for books from Meng Fu, yes or no, it was necessary to fill the volume, ask why, do not know the benefits are there, the disciples make people socialize all day long, the body is tired and dark, there is no glory to be avoided, although my teacher's words are wonderful, can not be compared with this, but it is tired of receiving, it is not the same. He Shang had already entered the mountain, and in the period when Meng Fu's generation was not expected to see the peak phase, he was afraid, and when his wife was unharmed, he had the wish of Pudu, and he intended to go to Dongheng with the previous one, for this reason, now it is not, he had to ask Qianjiang to take charge of his affairs, if other people, Meng Fu did not trust, wanted to be with the upper was already Ranye, smelled of convenience, grass and grass covered, the paper was overwhelmed, the mountain was deep and dense, the ground was overcast, only cherished and cherished, not announced. Disciples Zhao Mengfu and Nan Baifu. April 12.

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