
Abortions are not only for innocent children, but also for precious fertility

author:Qilu one point

Many young people are forced to choose artificial abortion due to young and ignorant accidental pregnancy, abortion after abortion, not only innocent children, but also the feng shui of the "house" - fertilized eggs are difficult to 'land' in the womb, and the embryos that are lucky to 'settle down' are also prone to deformity, and what is lost is the precious fertility of young women, which is more likely to destroy the foundation of their marriage and happy families.

Abortions are not only for innocent children, but also for precious fertility
People flow operations

The number of abortions in the mainland is huge every year, among them, the proportion of young and infertile women undergoing abortion surgery is large, the proportion of repeated abortions is high, and high-efficiency contraceptive methods are not used, which is one of the important reasons for contraceptive failure.

"Many women do not use contraception during sex, resulting in multiple miscarriages after pregnancy." Sun Junling, director of Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital, said regretfully, "There is a patient who has just been seen from me, less than 28 years old, married for more than three years without children, the husband's family is very anxious, the menstrual volume is very small but very regular." She asked me if I needed to supplement with estrogen to increase my menstrual flow, and as soon as I asked about my medical history, I learned that she had shaved the uterus three times, and the lining was already very thin, and I was both angry and sorry for her." In her more than 20 years of clinical outpatient clinics, she has met several women with a history of more than five abortions every year, and they do not take abortion surgery seriously, which makes doctors very sad.

Abortions are not only for innocent children, but also for precious fertility
Director Sun analyzes the patient's condition

Director Sun said that abortion is a remedy after contraceptive failure, although the technology is very mature and has a high safety, it is essentially a traumatic operation, there will be inevitable side effects and complications after the operation, and the damage to women's fertility is devastating. This is not sensationalism, but has real scientific support: relevant studies have proved that the probability of tubal blockage after doing 4 abortions is 50%, and after more than 4 abortions, the incidence of infertility will reach 92.13%.

Why does abortion cause so much harm to a woman's fertility? Abortion will lead to thinning of the endometrium, smaller adhesion of the egg, making it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant, and it is very likely that the endometrium will become more and more barren, resulting in the inability of the intrauterine fetus to absorb enough nutrients during pregnancy, causing early miscarriage or fetal malformations and fetal cessation of pregnancy. In addition, the expansion of the uterus by human flow can easily cause the muscles and fibers of the cervix to break, and when the next pregnancy is re-conceived, the cervical canal becomes loose due to scarring, and the germ will often come out of the uterine cavity, resulting in habitual miscarriage. Irregular surgical procedures may also cause infection, trigger ectopic pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, psychological problems, etc. should not be underestimated.

Abortions are not only for innocent children, but also for precious fertility

Director Sun Junling suggested that in order to prevent the occurrence of unexpected pregnancies and thus leave lifelong regrets, the majority of female friends must do a good job of contraception before they are prepared for childbirth.

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