
Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!


When you first meet someone, what are the traits you pay most attention to? Why we find this person attractive is mostly from his personality rather than his appearance, and showing an attractive personality is the key to making friends and building lasting relationships. Attractive and confident personality, cultivates the ability to communicate naturally, and cultivates a sense of humor, these traits naturally attract others.

First, listen well to what others say

Listening is an often forgotten trait in today's society. Teach your child to pay attention to what the other person is saying and show them that you are listening and interested by commenting on a story or asking a question.

Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!

Second, speak from the heart

No one likes to be cheated on, teach kids to tell friends the truth, and if you can't commit to something, it's better to be honest with each other than to tell them at the last minute that you can't do it, and you should be honest when your friends ask for your opinion. There is a difference between honest opinion and rude opinion, for example: if you don't like your friend's red shirt and they ask you, you can answer "I really like you wearing blue" instead of "I hate it, it's ugly".

Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!

Third, the way of speaking

Teaching children how to say things is more important than saying anything, and if you try to give someone a sincere compliment, but they think you say it in a sarcastic tone, your compliment is meaningless. Teach your child to pay attention to the way you speak, and if others often misunderstand what your child is saying, it may be that the child's way of speaking says something wrong.

Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!

Fourth, encourage children to show enthusiasm for everything

Even if something makes a child a little uncomfortable, try to face it with a smile, an open mind, and a sense of humor. Tell your child that not every day is perfect, but enthusiasm can help you with anything, and if your child does, classmates will enjoy playing with him.

Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!

Know the difference between self-confidence and arrogance

While confidence is cute, arrogance is annoying, and if the child only pays attention to himself, friends will stay away from you. When it comes to self-confidence, it is important to teach children to be brave enough to ask questions, and the more children know, the more comfortable they will feel when talking about things, guide children to ask more questions, avoid comparing children with others, and avoid self-doubt.

Children with 5 qualities will be especially popular in school!

To sum up, good looks and a good sense of humor may be widely considered attractive, but psychologists say that three golden traits set you apart: a positive attitude, balanced extroversion, and self-confidence have been revealed as the most attractive traits, and these three personality qualities not only make a person more attractive to the opposite sex, but also prove that they can get along with anyone.

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