
Babies don't like to say hello, so don't do it!

Once it comes to the Spring Festival

People always bring their children to their relatives to pay respects to the New Year

But when you take your children to visit relatives and friends

Do you often ask your children to say hello to people?

Kids don't say hello

Words of reproach blurted out?

Babies don't like to say hello, so don't do it!

But did you know?

Children do not take the initiative to say hello, must not force

Otherwise the child may change like this

Children may become increasingly "socially fearful" and socially resentful

If parents always force their children to greet people, and reprimand their children because their children do not say hello, it is easy for children to have shadows on crowded occasions, which will make children more and more dislike contact with people, thus increasingly rejecting social interaction.

Children may become more rebellious

Parents do not consider the child's feelings, blindly forcing the child to say hello, will only make the child's heart feel ignored and depressed. In the long run, children will use the "anti-tone" method to attract the attention of parents and express their needs.

Children may become more and more inferior

Many parents often scold their children for not saying hello in front of their friends and family, regardless of their children's self-esteem. In the face of parental persecution and scolding, children will have doubts about their own behavior and feel that they are very bad, which will make children fall into inferiority, produce false self-perception, and affect growth.

Children's awareness of safety precautions against strangers is affected

Children have an instinct for self-preservation and are wary of strangers. Like many familiar friends and relatives of adults, for children, they may be strangers who meet for the first time. Frequently forcing children to greet them close to them is easy to shake the safety cordon in children's hearts, so that their definition standards for strangers are lowered, reducing their awareness of strangers, and thus laying down security risks.

But do not force ≠ to let it go

Identify why your child is reluctant to speak

Find scientific ways to guide your child to say hello

is the right solution

Why can't children "open their mouths?"

The child's own personality is slow and hot or introverted, and he has not found a suitable way to communicate with people.

The child is in a "stranger anxiety period", and the child at this stage may be less willing to take the initiative to say hello to others.

Babies don't like to say hello, so don't do it!

In order to avoid calling the elders wrong, they will also choose silence.

Children do not understand the connection between greeting and courtesy.

Some parents do not give their children a good demonstration, and the children will also hear about it and do not take the initiative to greet relatives.

Therefore, I want my child to learn to take the initiative to say hello

Parents must master these scientific methods!

Encourage your child more and give your child confidence

Children with more introverted personalities often need a lot of courage to take the initiative to greet others, so parents should usually encourage their children and give their children the confidence to take the initiative to greet them. When children actively try to greet friends and classmates, parents should praise and encourage children in time, so that children can gain a sense of accomplishment and gradually break through themselves.

Respect the child's growth rules, and avoid "labeling" the child at will.

When the child is in a stage similar to "stranger anxiety", parents should patiently guide the child to say hello with an inclusive attitude and under the premise of respecting the child's wishes. And do not use negative language such as "I have not seen the world, shy" to label children and protect children's self-esteem.

Adults lead by example and take the initiative to alleviate children's embarrassment

When there are many relatives, in order to avoid the child's unfamiliarity, shouting the wrong elder's name or not knowing how to call people, parents should lead by example to greet each other first, and remember to remind the child with language, the relationship between the other party and their own family, and tell the child how to call each other, which can reduce the child's nervousness.

Tell your child why they say hello

Parents should let their children understand that greeting is mutual respect between interpersonal communication, and when children understand the meaning behind greeting, they will be more willing to take the initiative to say hello.

With the help of other methods such as picture books, it is a good habit to say hello

Greeting is a habit that can be formed, we can show children more picture books on the formation of communication habits, so that children can develop good habits of understanding politeness in a subtle way.

Although there is no necessary correlation between not greeting and no courtesy and no tutor, but polite children must know how to say hello, if parents through observation, found that their children do not say hello, and there is no sense of politeness, then parents must understand, with a gentle and firm attitude to let children understand, to relatives and elders hello is the basic etiquette.

Source: PARKnSHOP Pregnancy Baby ~

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