
NBA reporter Dave: "The Lakers admit that the existing lineup is not good, eager to make a deal! "In your opinion, the Lakers can still make ____

author:Basketball three-point line

NBA reporter Dave: "The Lakers admit that the existing lineup is not good, eager to make a deal! "In your opinion, the Lakers can still make __________ ❓

1. Westbrook + Tucker + 2027 First Round - Pacers (Turner, Hield, Warren)

Feasibility: ⭐⭐

2. Westbrook – Bill

Feasibility: ⭐⭐⭐

3, Westbrook - Harden

Feasibility: ⭐

4. Westbrook - Simmons

#NBA# #NBA吐槽大会 #

NBA reporter Dave: "The Lakers admit that the existing lineup is not good, eager to make a deal! "In your opinion, the Lakers can still make ____
NBA reporter Dave: "The Lakers admit that the existing lineup is not good, eager to make a deal! "In your opinion, the Lakers can still make ____
NBA reporter Dave: "The Lakers admit that the existing lineup is not good, eager to make a deal! "In your opinion, the Lakers can still make ____

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