
Does the enterprise say that it is a corporate rule and regulation? Is it natural to punish employees according to the rules and regulations? Don't be so willful. What you think may not be what you think it is. It involves the major interests of workers

author:Yellow law drip statement

Does the enterprise say that it is a corporate rule and regulation? Is it natural to punish employees according to the rules and regulations?

Don't be so willful. What you think may not be what you think it is.

Provisions involving the vital interests of workers must be legal and reasonable.

First, the formulation of procedures is legal and must be negotiated through the staff congress or the employee congress.

Second, the content cannot conflict with laws, administrative regulations, and policies.

Third, it must be announced to workers.

Fourth, the content is reasonable and clear and specific.

Enterprises that do not comply with labor laws and regulations stipulate that employees are punished, wages are deducted, labor relations terminated, etc. they bear the risk of illegal termination of economic compensation and compensation.

#Law Popularization Action ##扣工资 #

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