
May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

Every day's original poems and dreams, don't rub shoulders with me anymore

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎In all corners that many people are familiar with or unfamiliar with

There are countless hard-working figures

They shoulder the responsibility with both shoulders

Pay tribute to duty with sweat

Give back to the society with conscience

They work in a position with different strengths

It is a doctor, a nurse, a policeman, a teacher, a construction worker

Dedication and dedication

◎ Every effort deserves to be respected and affirmed The laborers have woven this colorful world and created human civilization with their industrious hands and wisdom. Let us pay tribute to the workers of the world on this special day!

▍"Looking up at Labor Day"


A column of roses

Ten miles of fragrance

The rain did not fall

The wind did not rise

There is only room in the flowers

The chant of the bees

April came to an end

The green was erased

All the sorrows that come

Look up to May

Labor Day trumpet

It's going through the cracks of thought

Bury the desolation in people's hearts

Let the fruits of the tired

Like poetry and far away

Full of temptation and hope

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ Shallow time, the years are quiet. The time is about to pass through April unconsciously. In the blink of an eye, we will usher in an extraordinary May.

May you capture the beautiful moments of May and get as you wish.

◎ On May Day, in the festival belonging to the working people, let us pay tribute to everyone who works hard for life and pays tribute to every hard worker!


Text/Cao Yongjun

Flowers in May bloom in the heartland of labor

The rhythm of labor creates a sonorous song

Hands full of cocoons

Polish the years wonderfully

Beads of sweat flicker

Shine with heaven and earth


We come from ancient times

Father Quao's daily pursuit

The footprints of hard work are carved in the strong

Jingwei reclamation is as determined as ever

Persistent qualities are infused into the veins

Nuwa is as fearless as heaven

The soul of hard work is implanted in the soul of the nation


When tall buildings rise from the ground

It was a greedy and early pour

Highways and railways criss-cross each other

It was a wind-blown and sun-blown paving

The fields of Kyushu are full of birds and flowers

It was a sweaty masterpiece

The feminine sunshine of May belongs to all laborers

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎Tribute to everyone who loves life

Tribute to you who love life~

Little by little, the achievement of thousands of bricks

▍"A Grain of Wheat"

Text/Pan Pan Yang Zhou

Give you dawn and dusk

Give you rain and sunshine

Give you the soil of love and warmth

Give you ethereal dreams


(In my dream, I saw a distant mountain chirping bird.)

The river flew into the sky and poured

The clouds pressed against the backs of the laborers—

Years are as heavy as the land

The brass bell rang in the village not far away

I sat in the carriage and went home in the evening)


Eat and sleep well

- From tomorrow onwards

Carry their pain and happiness

Throw away all tears and memories

Fields filled with wheat

Young hearts should also ripen in the fall

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ Knowledge is obtained from labor,

Any achievement is the result of hard work.

--Song Qingling

◎ From now on, I no longer look up at the blue sky,

No longer look down at the white water,

Only cautious in my footsteps,

Step by step on the dirt, I want to make deep footprints!

--Zhu Ziqing

◎ Spring Birth, Summer Long Autumn Harvest Winter Tibet Time will give labor harvest

▍"Labor Day" text / Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Su Lirong

Leave the night to the dream

Give the day to labor

Fall asleep soundly

Wake up naturally

Relax the nerves

No anger, no argument

Put the weightlessness mentality back to peace

Completely empty out unprovoked annoyances


Life is nothing but a journey

There are all kinds of scenery on the road

Sometimes surrounded by flowers

Sometimes there are thorns

Please do your own track

You have your excitement

I have my calm and composure

The heart is tired and resting

The foot hurt and stopped

Ultimately we who are not passers-by rush

Where there is no leisure to disturb each other


Don't let attachment shackle the soul

Do not be afraid that Heaven will be unjust to you

Please believe that the energy of life must be conserved

Please expect that there will be a rainbow after the storm

Integrate ordinary days into down-to-earth labor

Even the most difficult long nights will be spoiled

Flattened should be flattened

Emptying can be emptied

Then the mind is like stopping water

Enter a sweet dream

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ Today, it is May Day Labor Day, the most grand festival for this group of the most adorable people! With a grateful heart, let us sincerely say to this group of great laborers: Happy Labor Day!

Because of your weight forward, our years are quiet; because of your hard work, we have achieved our warm time.

A "thank you" and a heartfelt touch. A "well" and I wish all the workers all the best!

▍ "May 1" Our Festival- To every laborer

Text/The Covenant of Near Beauty (Wang Huaijun)

It's Labor Day again

Sow the seeds

It has sprouted with dreams

Sow hope

On the land of hard work




The sun was shining exceptionally brightly

Beads of sweat in wheat fields, rice grasses


Ploughing cattle run in the fields

Life is harvested in the midst of busyness

Cuckoo sound

Tell us that we are not negative for spring light


On the land of China

Thousands of workers

Take a healthy step

seize every moment

Play the laborers

Dare to be the first in the world



Intoxicating spring

Workers work together

The great cause of revitalizing national rejuvenation

In the midst of hard work

Cut through the thorns and rise high


May, a laborer's day

On the land of China

The song of selfless dedication flows

In May, we sang

Sing about every laborer

Be in good health and forge ahead

Harvest dreams

In May, we sang

Bless our great motherland

Do not change the original intention, forge ahead

Create brilliance again

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ May all hard work be rewarded. May all hard work be rewarded.

◎Every point paid is a stored value for the future. The pace of the dream is slow but still firm.

▍ The Seven Laws. Tribute to the Laborers

Text/Wang Limin

The true color should be applied to makeup, and labor is always the most glorious.

When the family is only allowed to prosper, the country will eventually be rich and strong.

A pair of books in the hand is beautiful, and the soul is countless chapters

The mountain flowers are red in May, and they feel that the happiness of the world is long.

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ I think the way to have fun in life,

There is no better way than to respect labor.

All happiness can be obtained by labor,

All suffering can be liberated by labor.

- Li Dazhao

◎ Turn the bumps into a smooth road

◎ Labor is close to dreams,

The only way.

◎ Every labor is full of heart, and it is worthy of recognition.

▍"In the Name of Labor, Pay Tribute to Laborers"

Written on the occasion of the 132nd International Labor Day

Text/Single Sword

I used to stubbornly think

Labor is only one of the means by which workers earn a living

Just as animals have to fend for themselves to survive

There is no more explanation than that


But once labor is associated with festivals

Labor is given a sacred meaning

Yes, International Labour Day

An international festival

Workers all over the world have a common name


From then on, labor was no longer just a narrow betrayal of strength

Labor creates wealth, and labor embodies value

The laborer is the most glorious, and the laborer is the most beautiful

Life is multiplied in labor

Workers show meaning in their labor


I am proud that I am a self-reliant laborer

I dedicate myself to society with my labor

Every year may day, now May day

May Day is a special holiday named after labor

In these beautiful times of spring and summer

I want to be an ordinary worker

A festive tribute to the world's laborers


Hello, International Labour Day

Hello, every sister and brother in the festival

Let us hold high the banner of labor

In the name of labor

Join hands to spend our common holidays together

Greetings to workers with a world eye

Use our labor to create value

Let life be sublimated in labor

Let people blossom beautifully in the struggle

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ I only believe one:

Inspiration arises during labor.


◎ Those who chase the light will also be covered with a thousand rays of light.


Text/ Wan Muqing

Doors open in May

There is Labor Day


No applause was heard

But I saw the blossoms

Mountains full of it





Non-celestial visitors

It's passion

Burning fire

It's labor

Songs sung

Yeah yes

The joy of victory

The joy of life




The youth of the laborer


Labor creates change




May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

◎ A day of labor can get a night's sleep;

A lifetime of hard work can get a happy long sleep.

- Leonardo da Vinci

▍ "Ta Sha Xing: Labor Day" (Shangsheng Thirteen Nguyen)

Text/Li Wenge

Cultivate the fields in the wilderness, and open the mountains.

The harvest was busy cutting everyone's bundles, and the farmers were busy getting up early.

In late autumn, I hope for a thousand tons of grain,

Maple leaves flutter red. The river is tumbling,

The south of the world is the foundation of the north. Peace and prosperity Ben Kangzhuang,

The century-old foundation is stable.


Only by sweating can we hope to see the harvest season and work hard to get a happy harvest; May Day Labor Day, labor has gained, the heart has a direction! Thank you for your company, may you put aside your work fatigue and get rid of the hard work of your career: give the pursuit a refreshing little holiday, give the struggle a happy holiday, give the struggle a warm long holiday, give the body a pleasant holiday, give the soul a peaceful and beautiful holiday; I wish you a relaxing and happy holiday on May Day!

At last

Let us in this special festival,

To all great laborers

- Tribute!

You've worked hard!

There is a very cute person in the world, this person is looking at this article, really envious of these words, thousands of mountains and rivers, see you on my behalf. Forward it with sugar to eat

Contributors | original poems | People-oriented / Cao Yongjun / Pan Pan Yang Zhou / Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Su Lirong / Near the American Covenant (Wang Huaijun) / Wang Limin / Shan Baojian / Wan Muqing / Li Wenge (in addition to poetry ◎ Quotation sentences Some sentences are derived from the signature and unnamed source of the invasion and deletion Thanks to the American masterpiece)

Figure | Figure source network invasion deletion thanksgiving meitu

This article is original, please do not copy without permission, plagiarism must be investigated ╭~ Thank you for reading, love you. Every time you click a thumbs up, one more flower blooms on my heart

May Day Labor Day | to pay tribute to every great laborer!

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