
#如果给你的人生重来一次机会, what would you do # See this title, and in an instant there are countless fantasies floating by. There are too many ideas [teeth] like not doing the job now

author:Sharpshooter 66

#如果给你的人生重来一次机会, what would you do#

Seeing this title, countless fantasies floated by in an instant.

There are too many ideas [teeth]

For example, don't do the current job, don't live like now, don't get angry with anyone, if you don't like to listen, listen to the wind, don't like people stay away, don't care about anything.

When you are young, you will struggle more and accumulate more capital.

Then find a city you like and find a job you like. Usually, you can read books, make food, take a vacation when you are unhappy, and take a trip when you talk about it.

Not so much stress, not so much fuss.

All kinds of beauty! How nice!

#Which era do you prefer to live in##Effort and choice which is more important##心态 determines a person's success or failure, what do you think#What your ideal state of life looks like##What people want in life##人这一辈子, what is the most valuable #

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