
Who should the Chinese Women's Golden Globe Awards be awarded to? What a dilemma! Among the 6 candidates for the 2021 China Women's Golden Globe Awards announced last month, Wang Shuang, Tang Jiali, Shen Mengyu, Wu Chengshu and Yao Wei


Who should the Chinese Women's Golden Globe Awards be awarded to? What a dilemma!

Among the 6 candidates for the 2021 Chinese Women's Ballon d'Or Awards announced last month, Wang Shuang, Tang Jiali, Shen Mengyu, Wu Chengshu, Yao Wei, and Zhao Yujie were listed, and the top three finalists were all strong:

Wang Shuang: Champion of the Chinese Women's Super League, the absolute core of the Chinese Women's Football Olympic Games and the Women's Asian Cup;

Tang Jiali: Stayed in the Premier League Tottenham Hotspur team, the Chinese women's women's olympic qualifiers, women's football Asian Cup performance is excellent;

Shen Mengyu: Liuyang Su Chao Celtic team, Su Super Cup champion, the main back of the team;

Why is there no Wang Shanshan Zhang Linyan Xiao Yuyi? This is a selection for all-year 2021 performance!

The three women's soccer girls have their own advantages, who will you choose? Welcome to vote!

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