
Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Recently, the US testing suit has begun to update the 12.8 version, and the fist designers also shared the balance change plan of the 12.8 version today, in which a total of about 20 heroes have been adjusted.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Hero Enhancements:

Maude Caesar, Attox, Vladimir, Bobby, Cersonne, Federico, Zoe, Casadin, Vickerz, Zelas, Silas, Izeriel, Tristana, Ember, Bud, Salfanie;

Heroes Weakened:

Pike, Soraca, Kinks, Xia;

Hero Tweaks:

AP Kasha, Svein;

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

In addition, today's beauty test suit also updated the eclipse / lunar eclipse series of new skin backstory, let's take a sneak peek:

Eclipse Knight Xena:

Xena is an ancient knight who is believed to have long been killed. As Kyle begins to awoke from her ancient slumber, Xena is emerging from the catacombs of the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon Cathedral. Xena now assists her knights in fighting the new threat of the Witches, doing her best to save people from the revived ancient gods... She remains vigilant because the return of the Sun-Eating Angel is inevitable.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Ultimate Eclipse Knight Xena:

Xena lit the runway in a way that inspired an ancient magical knight, bringing a cold but firm energy to the celebration. Evil things should beware - this way can destroy the monster once... And then it will be destroyed again.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Eclipse Knight Attox:

Attox was one of the few people who inherited the mantle of the Knights of the Eclipse. Desperately longing for Kyle's love.... But she could only fall in love with the blazing sun forever. When she devoured it, the corona of that entity devoured him. He now exists as a large, terrifying, once sublime shadow of Kyle, forever with her side.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Day Eater Angel Kyle:

Kyle is the hateful Day-Eating Angel. She wanted to be one with the God she loved, so she tried in vain to devour the primordial sun and immerse the earth in an eternal eclipse. Driven mad by the light and unable to contain her power, she passed the fragments to an army of witch knights who had exterminated many other gods in an unforgivable act of blasphemy.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Eclipse Knight Shivel:

Xavier was an eclipse knight who took money and was known for her excellent fighting skills and lack of chivalry. She would collect money to destroy the witches and monsters that threatened the countryside and ignore the unprofitable threats. Although many of the knights' stated goals were noble, Xavier cared only about coins, and while promising to aid the Knights, only when their final moments came.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Eclipse Knight Cersei:

Cersei is an Eclipse Knight who rides a giant beast through the borders of the Forest of Eternity. Cold and wild at heart, she lives to fight against the ancient gods and never cares about what she fights for.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Blade of Betrayal Planck:

Planck is energized by a mysterious amulet of Foyego, who seals Camavia, and wields the Broken King's Sword. As he angrily searched for the long-lost Isolde, his ego personality exploded. Although he was eventually disarmed by a group of heroes, he carried the experience of being with him... Perhaps, to remind yourself of what true power is.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

Blade of the Broken Wave Yasso:

While fighting Foyego in Camavia, Yaso received divine powers from Baru. He became an out-of-place defender of Naga kapolos's children—his obsession with past events was contrary to everything they believed in. However, even the most decadent fur seal has its head, and Yaso rises up against the dark forces and returns victorious.

Eclipse/Eclipse New Skin Backstory Update: The Sword Demon desperately craves Kyle's love

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