
"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the world game club.

League of Legends this game has a strong playability, players can develop different hero play in different versions to achieve the purpose of winning the game or scoring points, but in this process, there are many anchors in order to achieve special game purposes, often use some extreme means to break the game itself competitiveness and fairness.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

The former anchor bounty is such a person, because in a ranking with the strength of 9 people killed the sword saint more than 100 times, was punished by the platform, and directly banned the live broadcast room.

1000 kills broke the world record

Bounty because of a wrong game behavior, with the water friends to cooperate with the match successfully played a tacit game (he admitted to playing a 9-to-1 match), the only normal player Sword Brother carried out a cruel spring water strike, 3 hours to kill more than 100 times, Sword Saint has been trying to get out of the spring water to keep the house during this period, his behavior has also been praised by the audience.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

A few days ago, the bounty released the latest record played by a water friend in the process of live broadcasting, and the flexible group platooned a single game of 1000 kills to break the world record, and the game time was more than 6 hours.

This flexible platoon successfully attracted the attention of the melon-eating masses, and players who later used Xena released a video of the match.

Xena players said that the game was not 10 rows, but a normal flexible group platoon that hit the opposite five rows, and then they used a specific hero lineup and game behavior to achieve the 1000 kill achievement.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

To put it simply, it is to use a lineup with a very strong ability to guard the family (Ammu Angel Barrel Xiaofa), when the game reaches the right time period (close to 80 minutes), Xena goes to the opposite spring to guard the corpse, crazy stacking passive, his side does not push the tower at all, just keep the home, and create a super long game condition for Xena.

The 1000 kills were questioned, and it was suspected to be a 10-row match

In the process, the other party hangs up, Xena used a special skill, that is, let Amumu and the barrel cooperate, Amumu into the spring water to resist, the barrel blows up the hang-up hero, and then has been E has been E (the highest skill is rapid), the hang-up hero all the way to his own home spring water death, so that you can break the invincible mechanism of the hang-up, the opposite side in addition to the Japanese girl are hung up.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

What follows is a very boring kill session, constantly stacking passive, directly killing the opposite resurrection, and finally completing a 1000 kill streak.

In this regard, Xena players said that the five of them flexibly arranged in order to achieve this goal, and have been trying for many months, saying that the theoretical maximum game is 415 minutes, and the maximum kill may be about 1300.

In this regard, most netizens do not agree with the statement of Xena players, thinking that this game, that is, 10 rows, the key point is that a game that lasts 6 hours, the opposite player can not surrender, and Xena players say that it took several months to encounter such a game where no one surrendered.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

Then there is the problem of group scheduling time, the audience found that the five people participating in the group row opposite, and the five rows on the Xena player's side, the time period for participating in the ranking is the same, and it lasts for a long time, most likely to complete the 10 row crash achievement.

Personal opinions and analysis of Xena 1000 kills

This Xena player is indeed a bounty warlock's water friend, so his claim has to be doubted.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

Regarding this matter, I personally think that there are two key points, the first key point is whether this game is ten rows in the end, normally speaking, in the time period with the smallest number of players, it is a greater probability to enter the ranking queue at the same time with two five black teams, and it is even possible to let multiple five black teams of their own people come to the same time flexible group, as long as there are two teams crashing, you can achieve the goal of 1000 kills.

If it is ten rows, then this Xena player is equivalent to deceiving the audience, the so-called 1000 kill world record, is nothing more than a joke, a humiliating act that violates the competitive spirit of League of Legends.

You can customize 10 people to play randomly, play with flowers, but it is not right to deceive the audience with flexible arrangements.

"LOL New World Record, 1000 Kills per Game", which lasted for six hours and was later questioned by players

Of course, it is not ruled out that this is not a flexible platoon, it is indeed possible to encounter two people on the other side who are dead or alive and do not surrender, and it is better to hang up and waste time, but the probability of this situation is indeed too low.

The second key point is that this so-called 1000 kill, even if it is not 10 rows, I personally think it does not make much sense, purely a special way to maliciously win traffic and heat, but this kind of crazy output against the spring water hang-up players, even if there is heat, it is useless, this behavior is worth advocating? The answer is obviously not worth it, and this is not what League of Legends should be.

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