
The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"


Not long ago, a piece of money saving news on the hot search, a husband and wife in Shanghai spent 5 years, saving the first 1 million in their lives.

In the program, his wife Zhang Chen recounted the saving process of the two of them:

For example, in terms of food, they only choose to stock up on temporary food at home.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

She also calculated with everyone that if you buy at the right price, it costs about 50,000 yuan a year, and since choosing to buy big discount goods, the cost is only 20,000, which saves 30,000 yuan.

For example, the husband will personally do small maintenance and change the oil for the car, which saves a lot of money compared to going to the store;

She herself hadn't been to a barbershop in two years, bought 5 white T-shirts and wore them almost every day.

Life is like this, spending what should be spent, saving what should be saved, and the careful calculation of life makes them know how to use money on the blade of the knife.

But some netizens will appear "sour words":

Isn't this a normal household expense;

Spending time and energy on self-improvement is not more rewarding...

However, I saw in them an ability, that is, "shielding power".

Don't care about the character of others, just live a life that suits you, because life is for yourself.

Haruki Murakami says in Norwegian Woods:

"No matter what everyone in the world says, your own feelings are the right ones. No matter what everyone in the world thinks, you shouldn't disrupt your own rhythm. ”

Only by shielding the outside world from invalid information can we live in our own world and listen to the voices of the soul.

If you want to make your life simpler and more abundant, start by improving your three shielding powers.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Blocking ineffective social circles can get your life back

Zhou Guoping once said:

"I never care what other people think of me, because I know how I am, and if a person is not sure about himself, it is easy to care about what other people think." 」

When I savored the meaning, I thought it made a lot of sense.

This is the case with the famous Chinese comic author Cai Zhizhong.

Many people are afraid of loneliness, but Cai Zhizhong enjoys it:

"A person should enjoy loneliness and concentrate on doing what he wants to do, if a person is afraid of being different from others and wants to join in the fun, how can he be outstanding?" 」

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Cai Zhizhong has always lived a life of seclusion, revealing in an interview:

"I didn't open the door for 42 days and did a job inside the house; I sat in a chair for 58 hours to finish a TV title; I only stepped out of the house five times last year."

Now he still insists on working 365 days a year, getting up at about one o'clock in the morning every day, thinking about it for about 1 hour, and then starting to work, working about 16 to 18 hours a day.

Every time immersed in the world of painting, he only heard the sound of pencils falling on the paper "rustling".

It's like the universe has only itself, but it's like having the whole world.

In the adult world, some people are burdened by material things, while others are burdened by relationships.

If you want to change this situation, you can only simplify the material and simplify the relationship, so that you will slowly find the best state of life.

In the show business circle, Li Yuchun is a well-known otaku.

In the variety show "Please! In "The Refrigerator", He Jiong once said that she never attended after various ceremonies.

Li Yuchun said that because he is not good at socializing, many times, he is even a lonely person.

And in the "lonely" time, she often creates, thinks and learns.

As Cai Kangyong said: "After the age of 25, your time is getting less and less, don't give it to people who don't deserve it." ”

Life is like this, everyone's time and energy are limited, streamlining their social circle, not only can sink their hearts to enrich themselves, but also allow time to filter out the most important people in life.

Uncomfortable relationships, when separated, are separated; low-quality circles, should be broken.

If you want to have a good life, then constantly simplify interpersonal relationships, throw away unnecessary distractions in life, and find the most comfortable and suitable circle.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Image source: Panorama Vision

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Shield other people's lives from living in comparison

Cartoonist Jimmy once said:

"A person always looks up to and envies the happiness of others, and when he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and envied."

Heard a story:

There is a couple who have always been very happy in life, but since joining the classmate association, the relationship has plummeted.

At the party, the wife saw several classmates who had poor grades in the past, and now they were better than themselves: some drove Mercedes-Benz and BMW; some had bought multiple apartments; and some of their children were enrolled in key schools, while their children were only in ordinary schools.

After the party, the wife's comparison heart began to be troubled, feeling that other people's lives were flourishing and full of hope, while her own life was as plain as boiling water.

So she began to nag her husband that he was not motivated, could not make a lot of money, could not afford to change a big house, and could not afford to drive a good car.

One night, she even scolded while holding a pillow and throwing it at her husband, and the relationship between the two finally fell to a freezing point.

One night, on the way from work, my wife saw her classmates who drove a BMW at a party, and she wanted to say hello, but she saw her dragging her child with her hands, and the child had a face with Down syndrome.

Classmates said to her, I really envy you, husband is considerate, children are smart. If given the chance, I would be willing to exchange all my money for the normal health of my child.

At the moment, she understood that when she envied others, she was actually the object of envy.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "People always like to compare with others to see who is better than themselves and who is not as good as themselves." ”

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

It's like those Kingfisher birds who are tired of climbing.

Although they are beautiful, they are busy building nests every day, appearing listless and extremely tired.

The body length of the kingfisher is only five or six centimeters, but the nest is several times larger than its own body, or even more than ten times.

It turned out that when there was only one species of Kingfisher, the nest it built was only enough to accommodate itself and stopped. But if another bird builds a nest, they will compete with each other and frantically expand their nest.

Until the strength is exhausted and one after another dies.

Proper comparison is a driving force; but blind comparison is a disaster.

As long as we know how to jump out of the comparison thinking, our lives will suddenly be enlightened.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Shield yourself from negative energy distractions and make it easy for yourself to move forward

At the Academy Awards, a documentary about unarmed rock climbing, "Unarmed Rock Climbing," won the Award for Best Documentary Feature.

The film truly depicts the experience of freehand rock climber Alex Hornord.

Without ropes, harnesses, or other protective equipment, relying solely on a pair of shoes, a powder bag around the waist, and relying entirely on his own body, or even a few fingers, he climbed to the top of the 3,000-foot-high "Climbing Universe Center" in one go.

Climbing on bare and steep rock walls not only tests physical strength, but also tests psychology.

Because every climber is facing death, either going up or falling, either succeeding or dying.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

It took Alex less than 4 hours to climb the rock wall more than 900 meters high.

Someone did a brainwave test for him, constantly frightening him, but found that his brainwaves did not change.

Although his companions died one by one due to accidents, he could still go forward and say, "I have no fear on the rock wall." ”

He blocked out all the extraneous information, including fear, and didn't want the weather, whether it would succeed or not, or what would happen next.

He has only one goal in mind, and that is to complete.

One may not be able to change the outside world, but one can change oneself.

As a journalist visited the president of the world's largest tourist hotel chain:

"You dropped out of school at the age of 14, washed dishes and collected dishes in the hotel, and got to where you are today. And the people who used to work with you may still do the same job in small restaurants. Would you have thought that there was such a big gap with them? ”

The president smiled and said, "I didn't see anyone else on my way. ”


Only by shielding the disturbing information of negative energy from the outside world can we concentrate on more important planning in life.

And letting your brain soak in turbid water for a long time will only get emptiness and exhaustion, and you will be farther and farther away from your goal.

Knowing how to selectively filter complex information and leave the brain with time for sober thinking will truly have a free and clean life.

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"
The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Filter the complicated information to be yourself

A study in the United States showed that a person receives 34G of information every day, which is 1/6 of the information that can be processed in a lifetime.

That is to say, we are exposed to so much information every day, and it is useless, even harmful.

Brain capacity is limited, access to memory information is also limited, when we feel headaches, because there is not enough shielding power to filter invalid information, and there is not enough energy and brain capacity to process effective information.

So the shield of the shield, the forget of the forget.

Learn to block ineffective social interactions, not pay attention to other people's lives, and know how to filter negative information, so that you can have more time to improve yourself.

Where you spend your time, the flowers of life will blossom.

From now on, mask invalid information, wake yourself up, and be yourself.

Thumbs up, thumbs up!

The couple worked for 5 years to save 1 million: powerful people, early to adjust their lives to "shield mode"

Author: Zhan Ya.

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