
A second letter to the children

Children, this is Daddy's second letter to you. I am very pleased to see you grow up well-behaved, healthy and happy. In fact, all the decisions made in Dad's daily life follow only the following three aspects:

1, it is to let you have a happy childhood. Parents are your life mentors, and in the enlightenment stage of life when you need your parents' company the most, your parents will not leave you. In the absence of a better settlement of you, there will be no reason to leave you and go away to earn a living. In the future, life will be very poor or difficult, and I will not be able to give you a wedding dress in the future. These material abandonments only hope that you will not waste too much of your childhood time in adversity, and your quality and ability will not lag behind your peers. In addition to not being able to fight with people, he has a certain personal ability and is full of confidence in life.

There is a famous saying that some people use childhood to heal a lifetime, but some people use a lifetime to heal childhood. Dad is working hard to re-establish the concept of family culture with weak abilities, and hopes that you can grow up happily and be erudite under the care of love. Many years later, when you encounter adversity in your life, you can remember the happy times you once had and help each other overcome difficulties.

A second letter to the children

2, Dad only does the right thing for people, so it will look stereotypical and will not be flexible, so he often touches a nose of ash when interacting with people, and he is at a loss among relatives, and there is a period of time when he is young.

I think that the logic of any complex thing in this world has its most basic principles or truths, and these most basic principles and truths are fixed and correct. What is the most basic principle? It is from the stage of children's enlightenment and understanding that it begins to be understood, and there is no difficulty in understanding, the simplest and most basic truth. When you encounter problems that need to be discussed in the future, no matter how you argue, the content of the ideas you talk about can only revolve around these foundations. Only in this way, no matter how many setbacks you encounter in the future, you will eventually work together to face it.

A second letter to the children

3, it was your dear mother who followed me across hundreds of kilometers to a strange place with no relatives. Dad knew that he had no ability to let our family live a comfortable living environment. In order to let your mother live a solid life in our house and live with peace of mind. You can only try to be a good husband, a good father, and a normal person. Hopefully, when your parents get old, your mom won't become a resentful woman who nags me or the family all day. It should be husband and wife harmony, family happiness, you all start a family, life is happy.

A second letter to the children

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