
Is it better to get married sooner or later?

author:Xiao Xiang Ah Fei

  In discussing this issue, I would like to talk about the situation around me first! Most of the people in my family history who marry later, such as my cousin, are basically married around 30, of course, not including their fathers and daughters.

  The cousin was the earliest to get married, at that time it was more traditional, casually let people introduce it to a neighboring village, get married and have children to now two boys are as tall as a benchmark. Prepare for the college entrance examination.

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  Relative to his brothers and brothers are relatively late to marry, so when they see that I have not yet had a foothold, they will talk about me and say that this is family history, they are all married late, and it does not matter if they marry later.

  But is that really the case? In recent years, basic people younger than me have all married, and even about to get married, not to mention the same year, of course, there are some older than me who have not yet started a family, which is a very common phenomenon.

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  Recently, the eldest cousin of the aunt's son has been under pressure again, which means that he wants to get married this year, and he really can't wait at the woman's request. Reluctantly agreed, for the cousin to marry does not seem to be too much pressure, but more calm, of course, this is also related to his ability to work and nature!

  Two years after graduation, I sold the house in the company introduced by my sister, and it is estimated that I saved a lot of money. Because of this, he was able to buy a car and prepare to buy a suite on the new front line this year, and his parents were very pleased to see their achievements and efforts.

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  Seeing that all the younger ones were married or even married right away, I couldn't help but wonder if they were really ready? Or is it that the ignorant age is forced to marry in desperation?

  Getting married is a major life event, not a child's play. Since the precondition for deciding to get married is the material basis, and then you have to understand some human feelings and some planning for the future, rather than getting married and setting up a feast, marriage means that you have to mature, you have to start a family, you have to pass on the generations, and do your share of your responsibility.

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  There is no right or wrong person to marry early or late marriage, there is no relatively better, but, according to the actual situation of each person, my advice is that it is not too late to wait before fully grasping and ability, and it is not too late to be mentally prepared. After marriage, you will be destined to live with that person for the rest of your life, that is what you believe, you know best in your own heart what that person is like, whether it is suitable for you, whether you have expectations for her, whether you have worked together for your future!

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  There is no relative right or wrong in late marriage and early marriage, and sometimes it is very important to grasp the opportunities and time! Don't be too long and not too long, just do it, be able to get along naturally without getting tired, so it's good.

  Although I watched others get married and have children one by one, my heart did not have any waves, not that my heart was gone, but that I looked down on all this. Don't worry about comparison, as long as you work harder and more motivated than yesterday this year, this is also a kind of self-motivation, but it is still relatively slow.

Is it better to get married sooner or later?

  Happiness and happiness are all other people's, you don't have to be inferior, you don't have to give up on yourself, but with a mindful heart to bless them and pray!

  Early marriage has the preferential treatment of early marriage, late marriage naturally also has the law of late marriage, everything do not worry, take it slowly, it will always come, the happiness that belongs to you will eventually be reflected in everyone, but the pattern and way are not the same, very married relationship is really not very big!


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