
Fractures, burns, foreign body suffocation, holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job of safety logistics

Many children have not yet started school, and when they play at home, it is a very headache. Usually there are people in the school to discipline, the elders at home coaxing, pain, inevitably some arrogance. But this is not the most headache for parents, the most worrying thing is some security emergencies during the holidays.

During the Spring Festival, some children set off firecrackers at home, and if they are not careful, they may blow themselves up. In some places, in rain and snow, children can't grasp the balance, walking and wrestling, twisting to the foot fracture. When eating at home, foreign bodies may also get stuck in the throat and suffocate. If you are faced with such an emergency, do you know how to deal with it?

Fractures, burns, foreign body suffocation, holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job of safety logistics

There are many holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job in safety logistics

【Facing fractures, sprains, dislocations】

When playing at the child's door, if you accidentally twist it, you may have sprains, dislocations, and even fractures. In this case, some parents will rush to the hospital with their children in their arms. stop! It's not too late to do these 2 things first.

First of all, parents should not panic, first see if the child is really fractured. Ask your child if the pain is intense, whether the movement of the limb is restricted, and whether there is a deformity in the injured area. If it is just a sprain, it will be relieved after a period of rest, and then go to the hospital for examination.

If a fracture has occurred, do not casually hold the child, or move the child, it is best to choose a wooden board, books, etc. for simple fixation, do not press, pull, cause secondary damage, and then send to the hospital in time.

Fractures, burns, foreign body suffocation, holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job of safety logistics

【Facing burns】

Accidentally being scalded by boiling boiling water is not the same as being scalded by a meal and being scalded by rice porridge. Being scalded by porridge is more serious, because the texture is thicker, more difficult to clean, and it is easy to cause more serious burns.

When dealing with burns, it is not enough to flush with water, in the first time of scalding, open things, and use flowing water to rinse clean, but should not be less than 5 ° C, such as winter tap water is not suitable for use, the temperature is too low, but easy to frostbite. Rinse continuously for about 10 minutes, if blisters appear, you can use a sterile syringe to aspirate the tissue fluid, and the better ones can also be treated in the hospital.

Assuming that there is clothing wrapped when scalding, it is recommended to cut it with scissors, or take off clothes in time, avoid pulling, causing damage to the injured part and destroying the skin. If you wear stockings, you should take them off in time. In case of high temperatures, skin damage is more likely to occur.

Fractures, burns, foreign body suffocation, holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job of safety logistics

【Facing foreign body jamming and suffocation】

When children eat, they may be distracted and chew insufficiently, and foreign objects are stuck. The best solution to this is the "Heimlich Law". Through the scientific force to produce an impact force, the trachea, throat in the foreign body discharged, can play a role in a short period of time to play a role in first aid.

For babies less than 3 years old, you should let the baby turn his back to himself, and the tiger's mouth supports the jaw, the baby's body tilts slightly downward, with the palm of the hand to pat the middle of the back shoulder blade, rapid and continuous tapping, often able to discharge foreign bodies.

Children older than 3 years old are relatively fully developed, you can choose the child's back to the adult, one hand to hold the child's abdomen, the other hand to hold the fist to the ribs and navel between the position to apply pressure, continuous force, often able to spit out foreign bodies faster. People who are suffocated by a foreign body should keep their head slightly low and keep their mouth open, which is more conducive to the discharge of foreign bodies.

Fractures, burns, foreign body suffocation, holiday emergencies, teach you 3 ways to do a good job of safety logistics

At the time of family reunion, children who are naughty by nature are the most worrying. In order to ensure the safety of their children, parents should also learn these 3 tricks and do a good job in safety logistics. In the event of an emergency, you can also avoid being busy and respond in a timely manner.


1, summer children accidental injuries more correct emergency treatment to do so · Guangming Network · 2021-8-23

2. Suspected fracture after falling? The fracture should be treated as an emergency and sent to the hospital

3. What should I do if Meng Bao is stuck by a foreign object? Teach you the Heimlich First Aid Method, Emergency Moments Can Save Lives · Guangming Network · 2019-4-15

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