
Why are some pregnant mothers reluctant to do Down's screening?

With the improvement of our living standards, more and more pregnant mothers attach great importance to pregnancy and obstetric examination, but there are also a small number of pregnant mothers who are not very willing to do pregnancy examination. So, why are some pregnant mothers reluctant to do Down's screening? Let's take a look.

1. Multiple tires

Why are some pregnant mothers reluctant to do Down's screening?

Pregnant mothers pregnant with twins or multiple fetuses are reluctant to do Tang screening, because Down screening is aimed at singletons, if it is multiple fetuses, then there is no accuracy rate, so doctors do not recommend pregnant mothers to do Down screening.

2. The accuracy of Down's screening is low

The accuracy rate of Down's screening is only 60% to 70%, many pregnant mothers are directly choosing non-invasive DNA, and there are many influencing factors of Down's screening, such as the gestational week of pregnant mothers, which has a great impact, if menstruation is disordered, ovulation is delayed, and the implantation time of fertilized eggs is relatively late, then the gestational period is not accurate.

Why are some pregnant mothers reluctant to do Down's screening?

3. Fees

Some local hospitals do Down screening and non-invasive DNA are free, but some places charge relatively high, so some pregnant mothers do not want to do Down screening, directly do non-invasive DNA, if you do Down screening, there is a high risk, but also to do non-invasive DNA or amniocentesis, so some pregnant mothers in order to save money, they directly choose to do non-invasive DNA.

4. Do not pay attention to obstetric examination

Some pregnant mothers do not pay much attention to the lack of knowledge of obstetric examination, plus they believe that they are healthy, have no family genetics, and have no possibility of having a Tang child, so they do not attach importance to pregnancy obstetric examination, especially Down screening.

5. There are many influencing factors

Tang Si's analysis method is to do hCG, AFP, estradiol and other 3 serological indicators, and then comprehensively analyze the risk level according to factors such as age, weight, and expected date, these other indicators will affect the judgment of the results, will bring some false positive results, and increase the panic of pregnant women.

6. Advanced age

Why are some pregnant mothers reluctant to do Down's screening?

With the opening of the two-child policy and the three-child policy, more and more elderly women are preparing to conceive and have children, and for pregnant mothers over 35 years old, there is no need to do Tang screening, because the age is there, which will definitely affect the test results, so the elderly women will directly do non-invasive or sheep wear.

7, afraid of trouble

Now in the hospital to do a check-up to register, to queue, wait for a long time, and Tang Siyi is through the blood test, in a week before you can get the test results. Some pregnant women do not have much time to go back and forth to the hospital because of work or one reason or another, so they miss the time to do Tang screening.

8. Other reasons

Some people ignore the past because they do not attach importance to pregnancy tests, and some people cannot afford the cost of obstetric examinations because of family problems, and they do not do Tang screening.

Iberian Baomei warm tips: pregnancy obstetric examination is very important, not only to understand the development of the fetus, but also to provide protection for eugenic eugenics, therefore, pregnant mothers must follow the doctor's advice to pay attention to each item of pregnancy obstetric examination.

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