
Which of the most difficult items in pregnancy is to meet the standard? These three items are the most difficult to close, pregnant women know early to prepare


During the pregnancy of the pregnant apple, she still ate three meals a day as usual, without adding additional nutritional supplements. Now she is 20 weeks pregnant, osteoporosis, and when she sleeps at night, she often has calf cramps, and the saddest thing is that her insomnia is getting worse and worse.

During the obstetric examination, she arranged relevant examinations, and found that she was seriously deficient in calcium, which surprised her particularly, and it turned out that some of her uncomfortable symptoms were due to calcium deficiency.

Not only that, calcium deficiency can also easily lead to poor fetal bone and tooth development, so calcium must be supplemented.

Which of the most difficult items in pregnancy is to meet the standard? These three items are the most difficult to close, pregnant women know early to prepare

During pregnancy, many pregnant women only know how to increase their diet, but neglect to increase the intake of trace elements, such as: calcium, iron, zinc, etc., resulting in obstetric examination is always not passed.

There are many obstetric examination items during pregnancy, but for pregnant women, these three tests are also relatively difficult to meet the standard: check the blood routine of iron deficiency anemia, detect the glucose tolerance of gestational diabetes, and detect whether the fetus is hypoxic fetal heartbeat monitoring.

Which of the most difficult obstetric tests during pregnancy is to meet the standard?

1. Iron deficiency anemia in the blood routine

Pregnancy 28-36 weeks is the fastest period of fetal development, pregnant women eat two people supplements, the fetus absorbs most of the nutrients, so pregnant women are prone to iron deficiency anemia, blood routine examination will indicate that pregnant women have iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia will not only reduce the resistance of pregnant women and increase the risk of pregnancy hypertension, but also lead to fetal hypoxia, developmental delay, low-weight babies and fetuses prone to premature birth and other adverse consequences.

A blood routine can identify whether a pregnant woman is mild or severe.

If a pregnant woman develops severe anemia, she needs to seek medical attention promptly.

Although pregnant women can also obtain iron from food, if the intake of pregnant women is not enough to meet the iron content needs of pregnant women and fetuses, then the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are difficult to alleviate.

I was pregnant twice, and when I checked my blood routine, I showed a slight anemia.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, I took iron supplements, I ate until the third trimester, and then the blood routine was directly passed, there was no anemia again, and the whole person's spirit was particularly good.

How to deal with it:

If the pregnant woman is only mild iron deficiency anemia, then the pregnant woman can increase the iron content in the body through food supplements during pregnancy, such as: pork, beef, animal offal, black fungus, mushrooms and so on.

The daily meat intake of pregnant women is 100 grams, and in the third trimester, pregnant women need to supplement with an additional 50 grams of meat.

Pregnant women need to eat animal offal twice a week to maintain the needs of the pregnant woman's body and fetal development

Which of the most difficult items in pregnancy is to meet the standard? These three items are the most difficult to close, pregnant women know early to prepare

2.Gestational glucose-resistant gestational diabetes mellitus

Pregnant women at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy to do gestational diabetes screening, glucose tolerance test a total of 3-4 times to draw blood, if the glucose tolerance results show that the blood glucose value is a little high, but does not belong to the scope of gestational diabetes, then pregnant women need to do another day to do another blood glucose test.

If there are two excesses of glucose tolerance, then pregnant women are gestational diabetes, and mothers with high blood sugar need to go to the hospital regularly to do fasting blood glucose.

If pregnant women like to eat sweets, usually lack exercise, or are too obese pregnant women, usually must pay attention to diet, pregnant women do not careless.

Which of the most difficult items in pregnancy is to meet the standard? These three items are the most difficult to close, pregnant women know early to prepare

Pregnant women with high blood sugar need to be checked every two weeks in the third trimester.

If a pregnant woman is hospitalized, she needs to get her blood glucose test three times a day.

Pregnant women usually not only need appropriate moderation in their diet, but also need enough exercise.

Expectant mothers insist on exercising for an hour a day, and through exercise, they can break down the excess sugar in the pregnant woman's body.

3. Fetal hypoxia under fetal heart control

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women do fetal heart monitoring every two weeks.

Fetal heart rate monitoring is affected by the degree of fetal fit and the contractions of pregnant women, especially the number of fetal neck circles is relatively large, and fetal heart rate monitoring will be more difficult to meet the standard.

Especially in twin pregnant women, the baby sometimes does not cooperate, and it is difficult to pass the fetal heart rate monitoring, and it needs to be done again.

Which of the most difficult items in pregnancy is to meet the standard? These three items are the most difficult to close, pregnant women know early to prepare

When doing fetal heart rate monitoring, pregnant women need to eat breakfast in advance, so that the fetus will be more active and cooperative.

Fetal heart rate monitoring is not up to standard, pregnant women should re-do fetal supervision after inhaling oxygen, if it passes smoothly, then it proves that fetal hypoxia has improved.

If the pregnant woman re-does fetal heart rate monitoring, the fetus is still hypoxic, the pregnant woman needs to be hospitalized for observation, and if the fetus is severely hypoxic, the doctor will give the pregnant woman an emergency caesarean section.


The three items that are more difficult to meet the standards during pregnancy obstetric examination, blood routine, glucose tolerance, fetal heart rate monitoring, pregnant women understand early and prepare early, so smoothly passing the customs, in fact, is not a difficult thing.

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